Tasholiiwe v1.0s is a 256 color shareware version of an ancient Anasazi game. The name 'Tasholiiwe' is Zuni Indian for 'wooden dice', which is also the name of their version of this game, but this is far from an exclusively Zuni game. Take a map of the U.S. and divide it roughly in the middle -- right through the Great Plains -- forming a west and east half. This game, Tasholiiwe, under various names and forms, was played by many of the tribes inhabiting the western half of the division from very ancient times. Its most notable and prominent forms come from the Zuni, Hopi, Navajo, and Kiowa Apache, but many other tribes had versions -- the Laguna, the Commanche, the Cheyenne, the Keres, the Walapai, the Havasupai, the Tigua, the Shoshone, etc., etc. It is a very ancient, and venerable, game and may be older than even the Anasazi themselves who surely played it. Tasholiiwe was used in a religious and ritualistic sense for divination -- the throw of the sticks was thought to be able to tell the future -- forecast war or peace, prosperity or famine, joy or sorrow. It is said that even today, the game is used by many of the Pueblo tribes to bring rain. This game requires VBRUN300.DLL to play. TASHO.ZIP should yield the following program files when un-zipped: README TXT HORSE10 WAV BUMP10 WAV BUMP11 WAV BUMP1 WAV BUMP2 WAV BUMP3 WAV BUMP4 WAV BUMP5 WAV BUMP6 WAV BUMP7 WAV BUMP8 WAV BUMP9 WAV HORSE1 WAV WINIT WAV HORSE2 WAV HORSE3 WAV HORSE4 WAV HORSE5 WAV HORSE6 WAV HORSE7 WAV HORSE8 WAV HORSE9 WAV PROLOG WAV RAIN1 WAV RAIN2 WAV STICK1 WAV STICK2 WAV STICK3 WAV STICK4 WAV WATER1 WAV WATER2 WAV WATER3 WAV WATER4 WAV TASHO HLP TASHO EXE TASHO2 MID ANASAFAC TXT TASHO1 MID Tasholiiwe is written in Visual Basic 3.0. As such it requires that VBRUN300.DLL exists in your Windows System directory. If you have trouble installing the game on your system you can contact me by: E-Mail at: CompuServe: 74212,1123 or Internet: psneeley@compuserve.com or psneeley@bigfoot.com or psneeley@vii.com or by Mail: Steve Neeley 248 W. 3325 N. North Ogden, UT 84414 You can also come by my homepage at: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/PSNeeley To install Tasholiiwe, please do the following: 1. Check that VBRUN300.DLL is in your Windows System directory. If not, please download a copy (there should be a copy on the BBS from which you downloaded TASHO.ZIP or you can get it from my homepage above). 2. Create a directory TASHO. 3. Copy all the files 'unzipped' from TASHO.ZIP to this new TASHO directory. 4. Create a program manager icon for TASHO.EXE by adding it as a file in your GAMES program manager group. That's it. Thanks for trying Tasholiiwe. I hope it's challenging, fun, and educational at the same time. Steve