QBob Version 1.3 for Windows 3.1 Copyright 1996,1997 - MoonRock Software Inc. Contents: ========= 1. File Descriptions 2. Installation of QBob 3. Removal of Temporary Files 4. Uninstallation of QBob 5. MoonRock Contact Information 1. File Descriptions: ===================== QBob for Win3.1 --------------- QBOB16.EXE -- QBob executable game file with built-in data file QBOB16.HLP -- QBob help file ORDER.WRI -- Order information for QBob LEGAL.TXT -- Limited Use and Distribution License README.TXT -- This file. Installation/Uninstallation Procedures 2. Installation of QBob ======================= To install QBob on your system, One of the resulting files is named SETUP.EXE. Run this program to start the automated installation of QBob. Answer the questions asked during the Setup and QBob in the folder of your choosing. A "MoonRock Software" folder also be added to your Start Menu for your convenience. Simply double-click the mouse pointer on the QBob icon to start the game. 3. Removal of Temporary Files ============================= If you installed QBob into a folder OTHER than the temporary folder in which the self-extracting archive file exists, you may now delete the temporary files created during the install process. If the folder was empty when you began, you may delete all the files in this folder. (Although you may want to keep a version of QBOB1613.EXE in case you need to reinstall the game later.) If, however, you installed QBob into the SAME temporary folder, you may delete all the files in the temporary folder (assuming you began with an empty folder) EXCEPT the files listed in Section 1 of this document: File Descriptions. If you delete all the files, you will not be able to run the game unless you reinstall. 4. Uninstallation of QBob ========================= To uninstall the game, you simply need to delete the files listed in Section 1: File Descriptions. These files are in the folder (usually called 'c:\QBOB'). Then you may delete the QBob shortcut icons from your Start Menu, games folder, etc. (These shortcut icons will not harm your system if you do not delete them all, but they will no longer run the game when you click on them.) If you have not deleted the temporary files created during the installation of QBob on your system, you may now delete these as well. 5. MoonRock Contact Information =============================== for questions or comments, please contact MoonRock Software Inc. 1315 Madison St E. Suite 191 Seattle, WA 98104 fax (206) 726-1724 email moonrock@moonrock.com www http://www.moonrock.com/moonrock Thank you for trying QBob! MoonRock Software Inc. 3/1/97