Mount Sunflower Solitaire for Windows ------------------------------------- Description: This is an original solitaire card game, created by Randy Rasa. The name "Mount Sunflower" comes about because the initial layout looks something like a mountain, but it's a rather short and dumpy little thing. This brought to mind the highest point in the relatively flat state of Kansas, which is called Mt. Sunflower. Whoever named it must have had a sense of humor, because it's not much of a mountain. In fact, it's hardly even a hill. It's simply the highest point in the grasslands on the very western edge of the state, right on the Colorado line. Like the peak from which it's named, the game of Mount Sunflower is not a terribly difficult climb. Given sufficient patience and foresight, you'll conquer this mountain more often then not. This is one of those games where you feel, even after losing, that if you'd only played your cards right, the game could have been won. Mount Sunflower includes full game statistics, selectable card backs and background color, sound effects, MIDI music, and extensive online help. Requirements: Mount Sunflower requires Windows 3.1 or later and a mouse. The game will run from a floppy disk, but a hard drive is recommended. If you want to hear the sound effects and background music, you'll need a sound card. Mount Sunflower requires VBRUN200.DLL, which may or may not be distributed with the program. If not, it is available from most BBS's, CD-ROMs, and FTP sites, as well as from Microsoft, and from the author's web page at "". Installation: Extract the program files from the distribution archive and put them into a temporary directory on your hard disk. If you wish to use the automated installation utility (recommended), run SETUP.EXE, either from the Program Manager "File/Run" menu (in Windows 3.x), the Start button's "Run" command (in Windows 95), or from the Win95 command line. The setup program will prompt you to select a destination directory, then copy the files and add a Chinese Solitaire group to Program Manager or the Start button. If you wish to install the program manually, simply create a directory for the program (C:\MTSUN is suggested) and copy the programs into that directory. Add MTSUN.EXE into Program Manager or the Win95 Start button, or run it directly from File Manager or the Win95 Explorer. If you decide to delete Mount Sunflower, you may remove it from your computer by simply erasing the files from it's directory, and removing its group from the Program Manager or Start button. Getting Started: The help file (MTSUN.HLP) contains the primary documentation for the program, including rules of the game, background information, information on the various options and features, a revision history, and instructions for registering the game. Author Contact Information: Snail Mail: Randy Rasa 18215 Troost Olathe, KS 66062-9208 Internet E-Mail: or World-Wide Web Page: or Compuserve E-Mail: 105711,3266 Compuserve Forum: go WINGAMES, library #3 (Card/Boardgames) Packing List, Warranty, and License: Please refer to the VENDINFO.DIZ description file.