DIRECTIONS FOR FLAPS v1.2 Copyright 1996 Soleau Software, Inc. OBJECTIVE The objective of Flaps is to guide the different colored marbles into their respective colored slots at the bottom of the game board. GAME PLAY To begin a new game, click on the Play button at the bottom left hand side of the game board. There are eight empty slots at the bottom of the board. These slots will be colored blue, red, yellow or green. This color must match the marble that you guide into it. The starting marbles will alternate from the left and right springs located at the top of the game board. As they roll onto the board, you can click on the silver flaps to direct the marble into the proper slot at the bottom. If you trap a marble between two flaps so that it cannot move any further, then both the marble and the two flaps will be removed from the board. The level will be over when all the slots at the bottom of the board have been correctly filled with the matching colored marbles. On the first few levels, you have a total of 25 marbles to complete each level. As the levels get higher, you are given less marbles to complete each level. If you guide a different colored marble into a slot that is already filled with the correctly colored marble, then the slot will be emptied and points will be deducted from your score. The game will be over if you do not fill the eight slots with the marbles allotted for each level. (see chart below) Levels 1-4: 25 marbles Levels 5-19: 20 marbles Levels 20-25: 15 marbles LEVEL COMPLETED When you complete a level, the marbles you did not use will give you extra bonus points. Each unused marble adds 35 points to your score. A special 250 point bonus is given for completing the level using only eight marbles. The Shareware version of Flaps has seven levels of play. The Registered version of Flaps comes with 25 levels. SCORING 60 Points: Marble in proper colored slot -15 Points: Marble off game board -200 Points: Marble in wrong colored slot 35 Points: For each unused marble at end of level 250 Points: Bonus Points for completing level in 8 marbles BUTTONS AND OPTIONS HELP: Directions for Flaps SOLEAU: Information on Soleau Software and other games Information on the Registered version of Flaps SCORES: Flaps Top Ten Scoreboard OPTIONS: SOUND: Turn sound On / Off SPEED: Set marble speed SAVE GAME: Save the game at the start of the present level. (Reg. Version Only) LOAD GAME: Load previously saved game (Reg. Version Only) CONCLUSION The Registered Version of Flaps is only $18 (U.S.) and features 25 levels of play, a save and load game option and faster loading and exiting. Please click on the Soleau button within the game for details or use the flapsreg.txt file provided with this game. You are encouraged to pass this Shareware version of Flaps along to your friends or local BBS. Soleau Software depends upon your registrations to continue producing non-violent strategy logic game software for the computer market. Please support our work by registering your copy today! ORDER TODAY -- IT'S EASY !!! We accept MasterCard & Visa U.S. and Canadian Checks and P.O. Money orders Call, Send or Fax your Order Form Voice: 212.721.2361 Fax: 212.873.4994 You can use the Flapsreg.txt file or click on the Soleau Button within the game for options to send the order form to your printer. Soleau Software 163 Amsterdam Ave Suite 213 NYC NY 10023 Website: