DIAGGLE DIRECTIONS by Soleau Software Version 1.1 Copyright 1996 OBJECTIVE Diaggle is similar to the classic game of Tetris. However, in Diaggle the multi-colored triangles you place are falling down on diagonals; bouncing off the side walls and other placed triangles. You must try to control the placement of the falling triangles into a yellow pyramid grid at the bottom of the game board. This is easier said than done, because you must correctly place the triangles by color and shape order to achieve a "DIAGGLE". Diaggles are what you need to keep playing for the Top Ten High Scores. Just fill any of the eight diagonals starting from the bottom row with the same color of triangles and you will have achieved a diaggle. The diaggle will be eliminated along with any other triangles above it. Now just keep scoring points by creating as many diaggles as you can before the pyramid grid fills up. GAME PLAY The triangles will start to fall from the top of the game board. Using your arrow keys, maneuver the triangles into the empty slots at the bottom of the screen. Points are given for every triangle placed. Points are subtracted for every triangle that does not get placed onto the grid. Every diaggle made will earn extra bonus points. Sometimes a "Wild" blue triangle will appear on the game board. This triangle can be used as either red or green in order to make a diaggle. The game will be over when there is no chance of creating a diaggle in any of the eight diagonals. If your score is in the Top Ten High Scores then you will be asked to enter your initials onto the Diaggle Scoreboard. POINTS +12 Points for every triangle placed -15 Points for triangles not placed +100 to 400 Points for Diagonals (Diaggles) made ( +5 Points for every triangle removed when a diaggle is made ) Every 25 triangles you will receive bonus points equal to the total of the number of triangles played. KEYS AND BUTTONS ew Game : Begins new game elp : Diaggle Directions op Scores : Diaggle Top Ten Scoreboard ound : Toggles Sound On/Off ames : Soleau Software Information : Other Games by Soleau Software : Diaggle Order Form uit : Exit Diaggle CONCLUSION You are encouraged to pass the Shareware version of Diaggle along to your friends or local BBS. Soleau Software depends upon your registrations to continue producing non-violent strategy logic game software for the computer market. Please support our work by registering your copy today! The Registered Version of Diaggle is only $18 (U.S.) and features unlimited game lengths. Please click on the ames button within the game for details or see the Diagreg.txt file provided with this game. ORDER TODAY -- IT'S EASY !!! We accept MasterCard & Visa U.S. and Canadian Checks and P.O. Money orders Call, Send or Fax your Order Form Voice: 212.721.2361 Fax: 212.873.4994 You can send the registration form to the printer from the ames screen within the program or use the Diagreg.txt file. Soleau Software 163 Amsterdam Ave Suite 213 New York City NY 10023 Web Site: http://www.soleau.com 70407.1730@compuserve.com