If you enjoy playing BSR, get the FULL VERSION today! You will get: -a total of 7 bizzare ships! -the double 3x3 shot, for a total of 6 shots, shoot twice in 1 round! -more sensor array viruses, you wont be limited to 2 -nukes! Nuke a large area of board, including mines. -decoys. Deceive and confuse the enemy. Use them with.. -dynamic mines, to gain the advantage! You can place these boys during play. -the ability to load and save your game -board loading and saving. Reuse your favorite setups -several saved boards created by "BSR Master Hig" for use in your own games -Hard skill level. Try and beat it.. -Custom games. Give yourself 80 mines and 30 viruses, give the enemy 23 Rat ships, etc.. You will have full control over the player and enemy Fleet makeup. -FULL right click Intelligence and stats. -rendered 3d VICTORY & DEFEAT artwork, & sounds. plus end of game tallys and stats. -advanced user info: learn to modify ships, or make new ones! -yup.., and more! Ordering Information Beyond Sensor Range: $29.95 (includes shipping) Available on 3.5" (1.44MB) disk only. For your convenience we have contracted NorthStar Solutions to process orders (you may place an order by check, cash, money order, Visa, MasterCard, or Discover card). Please be sure to mention you would like to order Beyond Sensor Range Product ID #1333 when placing your order: Please note: Northstar takes orders ONLY. They will NOT answer tech support questions. Direct all technical inquires and related product questions to Forceway (see the help file for contact info). INTERNET ORDERS You can now order Beyond Sensor Range right from the web. Use the online order form--fast and easy! Head to: Http://www.forceway.com/ordering.htm PHONED ORDERS Calls are taken 10 am - 8 pm, EST, Monday thru Saturday. 1-800-699-6395 (From the U.S. only.) or 1-803-699-6395 FAXED ORDERS Available 24 hours. International & business orders are encouraged. 1-803-699-5465 E-MAILED ORDERS CompuServe: 71561,2751 America Online: starmail Internet: 71561.2751@compuserve.com MAILED ORDERS Cash, Check, or Money Order: Make checks and money orders payable to "NorthStar Solutions" and send them to: NorthStar Solutions PO Box 25262 Columbia, SC 29224 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please provide (or be prepared to provide) the following information: * The program you are registering. (Beyond Sensor Range ID #1333) * Your mailing address. * Your Visa, MasterCard, or Discover # and its expiration date (if using credit card). * Your E-Mail address if available (so your order can be confirmed and so we can contact you easily with any important follow-up information, upgrade announcements, etc.). ------------------------------------------------------------------------ For example (you can paste this into an email, or print and mail it): ------------------------------------------- I would like to order: Beyond Sensor Range ID #1333 Joe Bob 34 Jefferson St. Doren, CA 43281 Credit Card #: 1111 2222 3333 4444 Expires: 10/97 joebob@somenet.com -------------------------------------------