Together with MicroEye TC, MicroScale TC turns your PC into a complete system for scientific image analysis under Windows 3.x. Image analysis is a solution with many advantages whenever visual processes and judgments are required. With its comprehensive image processing functions, MicroScale TC can prepare video images for for quantitative analysis at pixel level (pixel for pixel), so that as much image information can be used with reliable, consistent results. A multitude of parameters for colors and forms can then be calculated by the com- puter in a previously defined color area (ROI); e.g., sizes of individual areas, number of particles and objects, areas, dimensions, greatest and smallest diameter, deviations from circular form, centers, volumes, colors and brightnesses. For clearer visualization of colors or gray tones that are close, pictures can also be displayed in false colors. The image data can be transferred to other software packages under Windows 3.x together with the quantitative analyses and statistical evaluations, e.g., for publications (DTP), statistical evaluations (Spread Sheets), graphical preparation (Business graphic packages) or ImagePrep Scientific users contributed to the development of the software. It provides extensive analytical and statistical functions for scientific research and doesn't require any special computer knowledge. It helps save time, since the computer can "learn" repetetive processes as macros. This software solution is priced reasonable at under DM 25,000 DM.