Multimedia applications result from combining existing media such as text, graphics, tables and databases with sound, color pictures, film sequences and live desktop video. The process of combining computer graphics and video technology is divided into: => Scanning (grabbing) and editing video and television information (images, image sequences, video text) into the computer. => And transferring monitor images and animations from a PC to a video recorder or television. The MicroEye 1C-Board digitizes still images from a video camera, allowing users to process the images in a DTP program, for example. The MicroEye Video-Output board transfers computer images or animations, for example, a video recorder. The MicroEye MovieBoard and MicroEye PictureBook board are real time color digitizers that display animations from a video source as overlay under Windows 3.x. The MicroEye MovieBoard is compatible with PAL and S-VHS and digitizes with 21-Bit color depth. The MicroEye PictureBook board is transputer controlled, digitizes in 16-Bit color depth and supports RGB and PAL. The MicroEye TV-Board makes it possbile to watch television on the PC and extract video text. MicroEye TC/TM is a transputer controlled real time color digitizer for scientific image analysis and real time false color display. The MicroEye Compression board enables fast JPEG data compression of memory intensive image files.