$Unique_ID{bob01487} $Pretitle{} $Title{Sketches, Old And New A Couple Of Poems By Twain And Moore} $Subtitle{} $Author{Twain, Mark} $Affiliation{} $Subject{annual bells bills evening } $Date{1893} $Log{} Title: Sketches, Old And New Book: A Couple Of Poems By Twain And Moore Author: Twain, Mark Date: 1893 A Couple Of Poems By Twain And Moore Those Evening Bells By Thomas Moore. Those evening bells! those evening bells! How many a tale their music tells Of youth, and home, and that sweet time When last I heard their soothing chime. Those joyous hours are passed away; And many a heart that then was gay, Within the tomb now darkly dwells, And hears no more those evening bells. And so 'twill be when I am gone - That tuneful peal will still ring on; While other bards shall walk these dells, And sing your praise, sweet evening bells. Those Annual Bills By Mark Twain. These annual bills! these annual bills! How many a song their discord trills Of "truck" consumed, enjoyed, forgot, Since I was skinned by last years lot! Those joyous beans are passed away; Those onions blithe. O where are they! Once loved, lost, mourned - now vexing ills Your shades troop back in annual bills! And so 'twill be when I'm aground - These yearly duns will still go round, While other bards, with frantic quills, Shall damn and damn these annual bills!