$Unique_ID{bob01203} $Pretitle{} $Title{Nixon Tapes, The April 15, 1973.} $Subtitle{} $Author{Various} $Affiliation{} $Subject{haldeman higby hr president } $Date{1974} $Log{} Title: Nixon Tapes, The Author: Various Date: 1974 April 15, 1973. Telephone conversation: L. Higby and HR Haldeman Pres. Nixon: For Mr. Haldeman? Operator: Yes. Operator: Mr. Haldeman, Mr. Higby wants you. L. Higby: Hello, Bob. HR Haldeman: Yeah. L. Higby: John Dean just called me. He had a message he wanted to relay to the President through you. He would not speak directly to you. HR Haldeman: Alright. L. Higby: (1) I hope you understand my actions are motivated totally out of loyalty to you, the President. HR Haldeman: Wait a minute. L. Higby: totally out of loyalty to you and the President. HR Haldeman: Yep L. Higby: And if it's not clear now - HR Haldeman: Uh, huh. L. Higby: it will become clear. HR Haldeman: Wait a minute. L. Higby: (2) Ehrlichman requested to meet tonight - HR Haldeman: Yeah. L. Higby: but I feel inappropriate at this time. HR Haldeman: Just a minute. Ok. L. Higby: I am ready and willing to meet with you, meaning the President, at any time to discuss these matters. HR Haldeman: Just a minute. L. Higby: (3) I think you, meaning the President, should take your counsel from Henry Peterson who I assure you does not want the Presidency hurt. HR Haldeman: Hmph. L. Higby: That was the end of his message. He was calling you from his home, the operator said. HR Haldeman: From his home? L. Higby: That's what the operator said. HR Haldeman: How long ago was that? Just now? L. Higby: Yes, sir. HR Haldeman: Ok. Thank you very much. L. Higby: Yes sir.