$Unique_ID{bob01202} $Pretitle{} $Title{Nixon Tapes, The April 15, 1973. (3:48pm - 3:49pm)} $Subtitle{} $Author{Various} $Affiliation{} $Subject{kleindienst nixon } $Date{1974} $Log{} Title: Nixon Tapes, The Author: Various Date: 1974 April 15, 1973. (3:48pm - 3:49pm) Telephone conversation: President Nixon and Richard Kleindienst Operator: Yes, please Pres. Nixon: Attorney General Kleindienst, please. Operator: Yes. Pres. Nixon: hello. R. Kleindienst: Mr. President? Pres. Nixon: Hi, Dick. R. Kleindienst: May I bring Henry Petersen with me? Pres. Nixon: Yeah. I want to ask him to do something. R. Kleindienst: I'll be over there in a couple of minutes. Alright sir.