$Unique_ID{bob01168} $Pretitle{} $Title{Pioneer Chapter 6: Part 4 - Results At The New Frontier} $Subtitle{} $Author{Fimmel, Richard O.;Allen, James Van;Burgess, Eric} $Affiliation{Ames Research Center;University Of Iowa;Science Writer} $Subject{saturn ring pioneer rings particles saturn's field jupiter magnetosphere km see pictures see figures see tables } $Date{1980} $Log{See Saturn w/Rings*0116801.scf See Ring Table*0116801.tab } Title: Pioneer Book: Pioneer: First To Jupiter, Saturn, And Beyond Author: Fimmel, Richard O.;Allen, James Van;Burgess, Eric Affiliation: Ames Research Center;University Of Iowa;Science Writer Date: 1980 Chapter 6: Part 4 - Results At The New Frontier Encounter with Saturn The Pioneer 11 spacecraft, after traveling more than 3.2 billion kilometers (2 billion miles) on a journey of nearly 6.5 yr, spent 10 days gathering a wealth of new information about Saturn and its ring system. Pioneer hurtled through the plane of the rings twice, on inbound and outbound passages, at a distance of about 38,000 km (23,600 miles) from the outside edge of the visible ring system. The outbound crossing was slightly nearer the planet than the inbound crossing. The trajectory carried encounter, Pioneer made important discoveries about the planet's magnetosphere, magnetic field, and trapped radiation, as well as Saturn's satellites, rings, and the planet itself. Saturn's Magnetosphere The most fundamental discovery by Pioneer was that Saturn has a magnetic field and a magnetosphere. Although scientists thought it likely that Saturn has a strong magnetic field - because of the planet's similarity to Jupiter, which has a strong field - there had previously been no conclusive evidence of a magnetic field. As the Pioneer spacecraft approached Saturn, a bow shock, where the solar wind is deflected by the planet's magnetic field, was detected on August 31, 1979, at a distance of 1,446,000 km (898,540 miles). Pioneer approached Saturn almost along the noon meridian and encountered the bow shock three times at 24.1, 23.1, and 20.0 Saturn radii; it then crossed the magnetopause at 17.3 planetary radii. Saturn was shown to have a detached bow shock and magnetopause similar to those of Earth and Jupiter. High resolution data from some of the instruments showed that the shock was very turbulent; its precise position was difficult to determine. Across the shock, the solar wind speed was observed to change from 470 km/sec (292 miles/sec) to less than 140 km/sec (87 miles/sec). Its temperature increased from 30,000 K to nearly 470,000 K. As Pioneer passed inward through the magnetic field of Saturn, another important discovery was made Saturn's magnetic field was unique in that its orientation corresponded almost exactly with the axis of rotation of the planet, the magnetic axis being tilted less than 1 degree. This contrasts markedly with the magnetic fields of Earth, Jupiter, and Mercury, which are tilted 10 to 20 degrees with respect to their axes of rotation. The surprising lack of any appreciable tilt to Saturn's magnetic axis causes difficulties in explaining the field by some dynamo theories of the generation of planetary fields. It also prevents the accurate measurement of the period of rotation of Saturn's interior by use of magnetic field observations. The magnetic moment of Saturn is 540 times stronger than Earth's, and 35 times weaker than Jupiter's. The strength of the field at the equatorial cloudtops of Saturn is about 0.20 gauss - Earth's field at the surface is 0.31 gauss. Polar fields of Saturn are 0.63 gauss (north) and 0.48 gauss (south). The center of Saturn's field is displaced northward some 2400 km (1490 miles) along the axis of the planet. Like the field of Jupiter, the polarity of Saturn's field is opposite to that of Earth. Because there is only a relatively small quadrupole component in Saturn's magnetic field, scientists believe this means that the field must originate far below the visible surface and that Saturn must have a core of metallic hydrogen smaller than Jupiter's metallic hydrogen core. Like Earth and Jupiter, Saturn has a detached, strong bow shock and a magnetopause. The magnetosphere of Saturn is very responsive to changes in the solar wind, but on a smaller scale than that of Jupiter. The observed dimensions of the magnetosphere of Saturn were, however, perhaps half the average because of the markedly enhanced solar wind pressure when Pioneer encountered the planet. The blunt sunward side of the magnetosphere, where the bow shock is located, moves in and out as the pressure of the solar wind varies. The outbound leg of the trajectory, along the dawn meridian, carried Pioneer across the magnetopause five times between 30 and 40 Saturn radii, and nine times across the bow shock between 49 and 102 Saturn radii. The magnetosphere has four distinct regions. An outer magnetosphere had, at Pioneer encounter, a corotating plasma in which the flux of charged particles varied considerably with time. From 15 to 6 Saturn radii, the observed direction of 1-MeV proton streaming is consistent with full corotation. On the outbound leg of its trajectory, Pioneer found that there may be a magnetotail or a magnetodisk generated in the outer magnetosphere. The magnetic field in this outer magnetosphere was compressed near noon and extended equatorially near dawn, probably because of the presence of a current sheet in or near the magnetic equator and possibly associated with formation of a magnetotail. There was, however, no evidence for a magnetodisk in the planet's dayside magnetosphere. But near dawn in Saturn's magnetosphere, the field lines became equatorial instead of north-south, thereby showing the presence of a current sheet. Inside about 6 Saturn radii, the inner boundary of the first region, the numbers of low-energy protons dropped markedly. This effect is believed to result from the sweeping effect of the satellites Dione, Tethys, and Enceladus and by a thin ring of dust (E ring). This second region has been called the "slot" because of its reduced level of radiation. Starting at 4 Saturn radii, the third region, the inner magnetosphere, has a complex spectrum of very energetic charged particles. Protons with energies greater than 80 MeV were measured to a maximum flux of 2.5 x 10^4/ cm^2/sec, and electrons with energies greater than 0.56 MeV, to a flux of 9 x 10^6/cm^2/sec. There was a distinct region associated with the satellite Mimas where particles were depleted. Analysis of particle fluxes, spectra, and distributions shows that: (a) The low-energy (1-MeV) protons in the outer magnetosphere come either from the solar wind or from solar energetic particle beams . (b) The electrons from 40 keV to several MeV throughout the magnetosphere come from the solar wind. (c) The very high-energy (80-MeV) protons in the inner magnetosphere come from the decay of neutrons produced in the atmosphere and rings of the planet by cosmic ray bombardment. In the fourth region of the magnetosphere, internal to the outer edge of ring A, the rings have swept up nearly all trapped radiation to create an environment almost free of radiation. Thus, Pioneer discovered that Saturn, like Jupiter and Earth, has belts of trapped energetic particles, mainly protons and electrons. The trapping boundary for energetic particles was observed to be accurately coincident with the magnetopause on both inbound and outbound legs of the trajectory. The particles are present around Saturn in quantities comparable to but greater than those in Earth's radiation belts, but they extend over a much greater region because Saturn's magnetosphere is so much larger than that of Earth. Saturn's radiation belts are some 10 times larger in linear dimensions than Earth's radiation belts. Even so, the total radiation dosage of electrons of energy greater than 0.56 MeV experienced by Pioneer during its flyby of Saturn was 7 x 10^10 electrons/cm^2, which is about the same as that encountered during only 5 min of the spacecraft's passage through the most intense region of Jupiter's inner radiation belt. The radiation environment of Saturn is made much less intense by the presence of the rings, which have a marked effect on the radiation belts of the planet. Particles in radiation belts oscillate up and down across the equatorial plane of the planet, first toward one pole and then, as though reflected by a mirror, back toward the other. As particles gradually diffuse inward toward the planet, they are absorbed by the rings. Any high-energy electrons and protons that collide with ring particles are wiped out completely. From these observations the outer edge of the A ring is found to be at a radial distance of 2.292 +/- 0.002 Saturn radii. Also, the general magnetic field of the planet reduces the level of high-energy cosmic radiation, thereby making the region inward of the outermost edge of the rings perhaps the most radiation-free space within the Solar System. However, a weak flux of high-energy electrons was discovered under the rings. It had an intensity 4 to 5 times the interplanetary flux of such electrons during quiet periods of solar activity. As Pioneer approached Saturn, the spacecraft's instruments measured a maximum intensity of very energetic protons at 2.67 Saturn radii. Anomalies in the rate of increase, and some decreases in the number of particles inward toward the planet, provided crucial information on the origin of these particles as summarized above. Generally, the trapped radiation in the inner magnetosphere was spaced symmetrically around the planet, thereby showing that Saturn's magnetosphere is much more stable than Jupiter's. The effects of satellites in sweeping energetic particles from the radiation belts was more clearly defined at Saturn than at Jupiter because of the regular nature of Saturn's magnetosphere. A speculative possibility is the effect of Jupiter on Saturn's magnetosphere. About every 20 yr, Jupiter may shield Saturn from the solar wind when Saturn becomes immersed transiently in an extended magnetotail of Jupiter. Then Saturn's magnetosphere might expand dramatically. Such a condition may be observed when Voyager 2 encounters Saturn in 1981. Saturn's Satellites Just after Pioneer passed through the plane of the rings on its inward passage, the number of energetic particles decreased abruptly - to about 2% of the prevailing value for 10 sec. The experimenters attributed the absorption of particles to a previously unknown satellite-sized body. The satellite, designated 1979 S2, had to be at least 170 km (106 miles) in diameter to account for the effects observed. It is the first satellite to be discovered from an analsis of energetic charged particles, apart from the Pioneer 11 evidence for a ring or inner satellite of Jupiter noted earlier. Its orbit was within that of Mimas, about 14,500 km (9,010 miles) from the outer edge of the visible rings at 2.53 Saturn radii from the center of the planet. On the previous day, the imaging photopolarimeter discovered a new satellite. It showed up on two of the computer-generated pictures of Saturn as a small dot of light, consisting of three pixels only, near the outer edge of the rings. The small satellite was designated 1979) - 1979 S1 and 1979 S2 could be the same object detected independently by two quite same object detected independently by two quite different techniques. Moreover, the satellite may be one of those detected by ground-based observations during the edge-on presentation of the ring system in 1966. Pioneer also found that there was absorption of high-energy electrons and protons by the satellites Enceladus and Tethys. As a result of this absorption, low-energy charged particles are sputtered from the satellites' surfaces and create an oxygen-ion rich plasma torus at the orbit of each satellite. Strong ultraviolet radiation from these oxygen ions was detected by Pioneer's ultraviolet photometer. There was no evidence of absorption of energetic particles by the suspected satellite Janus at or near a distance of 2.66 Saturn radii, although there were clear absorptions that might be associated with previously unknown satellites at 2.34 and 2.82 Saturn radii. The Pioneer observations indicate that the F ring and the G ring contain small satellites and that there may be small satellites associated with the A and B rings. Formation of Saturn's rings by tidal breakup of a single satellite now seems unlikely. It is postulated that although near Jupiter the satellites Io and Europa formed, the lesser mass density of the solar nebula at the distance of Saturn's orbit resulted in the formation of a system of rings and small satellites. The previously known large satellites did perturb Pioneer's path through the system. From these effects, the masses of Iapetus, Rhea, and Titan were determined more accurately; their mean densities were calculated as 1.8, 1.0, and 1.32 gm/cm^3, respectively. These satellites were confirmed as being low-density icy worlds. The particle absorption signature of Mimas appeared unexpected because it suggests that Mimas has a diameter less than 180 km (112 miles) compared with the generally accepted value of about 360 km (220 miles). If the smaller diameter is correct, the mean density of the satellite would be 5 gm/cm^3 - a surprisingly high value. The photopolarimeter obtained polarization measurements of Titan's atmosphere over a wide range of phase angles. Light from Titan was found to be strongly polarized, and the data revealed the types of aerosols present in the Titan atmosphere. The data appear to be consistent with a haze of methane particles extending high into the atmosphere. Infrared radiation at 45 mu_m from the clouds revealed a cloudtop temperature of only -198 C (-324 F), about as expected for a body in equilibrium with solar radiation and one that generates no internal heat. There may be warmer regions below that are obscured by aerosols, but nevertheless it appears that Titan does not have a significant internal heat source. A greenhouse effect, which would trap solar radiation, was not ruled out; however, the results from Pioneer do not support the possibility that life or precursors of life exist on Titan. The images of Titan obtained by the Pioneer spacecraft do not show any revealing detail. Data sets at red and blue wavelengths recorded by the imaging photopolarimeter provided information to determine the radius of Titan more precisely. These radii are 2845 +/- 25 km and 2880 +/- 22 km for red and blue wavelengths, respectively. The difference may result from there being a thin haze of submicrometer particles above the nominal haze layer. The linear polarization of the integrated disk of Titan in red and blue light at phase angles between 15 and 97 provided information about the sizes of particles in the atmosphere of this large satellite. A polarization of 54% measured in blue light at 90 phase angle implies that the particles near the top of Titan's atmosphere must have radii smaller than about 0.09 mu_m if they have a refractive index of 2.0. A smaller polarization in red light (41%) implies that the optical thickness of the layers of small aerosols is about 0.6 above an effective depolarizing surface. The shape of the polarization/ phase curve in blue light suggests increasing particle size with increasing depth in the atmosphere. Pioneer's ultraviolet instrument discovered a cloud of hydrogen atoms around Titan, extending at least 300,000 km (186,400 miles) along the orbit and about 180,000 km (112,000 miles) thick. This discovery suggests that the methane in Titan's atmosphere is being broken down into hydrogen and carbon by solar radiation. Hydrogen atoms would possess sufficient energy to escape into space - hence the observed hydrogen cloud. Since the heavier carbon atoms do not travel fast enough to escape, they would be expected to remain in the atmosphere and possibly to produce aerosol clouds, the particles of which ultimately fall to Titan's surface. The Rings of Saturn The Pioneer missions provided valuable information on the magnificent ring system of Saturn. Discovered by Galileo in 1610, the true nature of this ring system - swarms of small orbiting bodies - was not understood until the speculations of Huygens in 1659. This ring system has divisions and gaps where the orbiting particles are fewer in number than in the visible rings. The most prominent of these is Cassini's division. Before the Pioneer encounter, the division was believed to be about 6400 km (4000 miles) wide, but Pioneer refined the dimension to 4200 km (2600 miles). The division separates the two main bright rings, A and B. Some of the most spectacular pictures from any of the space missions were taken by Pioneer when it obtained images of Saturn's ring system illuminated from behind. These pictures provided valuable new information that could never be obtained from Earth. Those rings, which normally appear bright when viewed from Earth, appear dark in the Pioneer pictures, and the dark gaps in the rings as seen from Earth appear as bright rings in the Pioneer picture. The gaps appear bright because they are not entirely free of material and the particles within the gaps scatter the sunlight. However, the particles within the bright rings are sufficient to intercept most of the sunlight and permit only a small amount of it to pass through. These new viewpoints based on light transmitted through the rings allow scientists to assess much more accurately the thickness of the ring material. [See Saturn w/Rings: A general view of Saturn and its magnificent ring system during the approach of Pioneer. The rings are illuminated from behind.] Several surprises came from Pioneer's observations of the ring system. No visual trace was found of an outermost E ring (sometimes refered to as the D1 ring), first referred to by Fournier when the rings were viewed edge-on in 1907. He wrote of a faint, transparent, and luminous ring outside the principal rings of Saturn. Other astronomers claimed they had seen the E ring when the rings were again edged in 1952 through 1954; it was photographed by W. A. Feibelman and G. P. Kuiper in the 1966 period. Some radar data appeared to support the presence of the E ring but in the imaging data from Pioneer there was no trace of the ring. Nonetheless, the energetic particle measurements suggest confirmatory evidence for a thin tenuous E ring. Also, the dust detector provided evidence for the E ring and suggested a thickness of 1800 km with an optical depth (opacity) greater than 10^-8. The A ring, the bright outer ring seen from Earth, was found by Pioneer to transmit in part appreciable amounts of sunlight; it appeared bright in the Pioneer pictures. Considerable structural details could be seen in the ring; the outer 25% was substantially darker than the rest of the ring, thereby showing that it contains more material. The inner parts showed several regions that have a low particle density, but the innermost edge contains much material and is almost as opaque as the B ring. This B ring, the brightest ring seen from Earth, is almost completely opaque to sunlight striking it on the side away from the observer. The composition and sizes of the particles comprising the rings have for many years been a matter of debate and speculation. The celestial mechanics experiment showed that the total mass of the rings is less than 3 millionths that of Saturn itself. Where the rings were illuminated by sunlight, Pioneer measured a temperature of -208 C (-342 F). Where the planet's shadow fell on the rings, the temperature was -210 C (-346 F). This small difference in temperature indicates that the rings receive energy from the dark hemisphere of Saturn. The temperature of the unilluminated face of the rings was about -218 C (-360 F). This temperature indicates that considerable infrared radiation is transmitted through the rings, but the rings are thick enough to insulate the dark side from the warmer sunlit side. The rings cannot be more than 4 km (2.5 miles) thick. The size of the ring particles appeared to be in the centimeter range. However, Pioneer observations of the unilluminated side of the rings indicate a distribution of much smaller particles also - approximately 100 mu_m in diameter. These may result from collisions between larger particles. The dark Cassini division between the A and B rings appeared quite bright when seen from Pioneer because it contains particles, and these scatter light through the division. A less bright region near the middle of the division indicated a gap there. The C ring or Crepe ring, discovered by Bond in 1850, is a very faint dusky ring inside the B ring. The C ring was clearly identified on the Pioneer pictures as a bright ring since it also scatters light. Particles in this ring were apparently as diffuse as in Cassini's division. Pioneer confirmed the existence of another ring division that had been suggested by several French astronomers. Pioneer pictures of the shadows of the rings on the clouds of Saturn clearly revealed a division between the B and C rings. The division, about 3600 km (2200 miles) wide, was called the French or Dollfus division. Although no optical trace was found of the E ring (apparently it is too faint to be detected by the imaging photopolarimeter), a narrow ring appeared outside the A ring on the Pioneer pictures. The Pioneer experimenters called the new ring the F ring. It is quite narrow, less than 800 km (500 miles) wide, and it is separated from the outer edge of the A ring by a gap of about 3600 km (2240 miles) - named the Pioneer division by the spacecraft team. Details of the measurements of the ring system from Pioneer data are given in Table 6-2, "Ring Table." [See Ring Table: Table 6-2. Dimensions of Saturn's Ring System from Pioneer Data] Pioneer also discovered a substantial glow of atomic hydrogen around the ring system, which was enhanced at the B ring. The presence of hydrogen is attributed to the dissociation of water molecules sputtered off the rings by sunlight. The Planet Saturn Measurements of the trajectory of Pioneer past Saturn allowed the shape and gravity field of the planet to be determined more precisely than ever before. Because of the planet's rapid rotation, Saturn's polar diameter is about 10% less than its equatorial diameter. The polar flattening was determined more precisely from the spin-scan imaging data. By overlapping graphical predictions of geometric distortions of spin-scan images with raster scans of the raw data (both displayed on the same scale), the precise geometry of each data-seeking sequence was established. The predictions are quite sensitive to the dimensions assumed for Saturn and its rings. As a result, scientists concluded that the ratio of polar-to-equatorial radius is 0.912 +/- 0.006 and that the Encke gap in the rings is 133,500 km (82,960 miles) from Saturn's center. Analysis of the gravity field, coupled with a temperature profile based on the measurements of heat emitted from the clouds in excess of that absorbed from the Sun, allowed the experimenters to develop a new view of the interior of the planet. The planet's core of about 18 Earth masses appears to have two distinct regions. An inner core, about the size of Earth but with a mass about 3 times that of Earth, is a mixture of iron-rich rocky materials. An outer core, of about 9 Earth masses, is thought to consist of ammonia, methane, and water. It probably extends from the center of the planet to about 23% of the radius, that is, to about 13,800 km (8,575 miles). Above the core and extending to about 58% of Saturn's radius, there appears to be a region of liquid metallic hydrogen, a form of hydrogen at high temperature and under great pressure so that it readily conducts electricity. The presence of this material was also indicated by the characteristics of the planet's magnetic field. The nature of this field implied that the metallic hydrogen dynamo region of Saturn must be substantially smaller than that of Jupiter: 0.5 Saturn radii compared with 0.75 Jupiter radii, respectively. The effective temperature of Saturn measured by the infrared experiment was -177 C (-287 F), some 30 C less than that of Jupiter. Saturn was found to radiate 2.8 +/- 0.9 times more heat than it absorbs from the Sun. Photometric data lead, however, to a greater number. Analysis of photometric observations at large phase angles in red and blue light led to an important conclusion. If Saturn scatters light similarly at other wavelengths, its bolometric geometric albedo together with the effective temperature of -177 C (reported by the infrared experimenters) imply that Saturn radiates three times as much energy as it receives from the Sun. It is suggested that only about half the planet's heat is generated by leftover heat of formation and by a continuing compression of the plane's core by the enormous weight of al layers of material above it. Additional heat is probably being evolved by a separation of the planet's two major constituents, hydrogen and helium. At Saturn's temperature, which is lower than Jupiter's, helium does not remain mixed with hydrogen as it might be within Jupiter. The denser helium, gradually sinking to Saturn's core, is generating heat. Infrared and radio occultation data show that the outer atmosphere of Saturn is about 90% hydrogen and 10% helium. Saturn's Atmosphere and Cloud Systems The pictures of Saturn's clouds showed surprisingly little contrast. The infrared data suggest that these clouds are thicker than the Jovian clouds. The images showed some scalloping on the edges of belts and zones, as on Jupiter. Such scalloping is caused by differences in velocities between adjacent air masses. There were subtle colors in the clouds away from the poles, but at the poles there was a clearly blue-green color. This was believed to result from Rayleigh scattering of light in the atmosphere. Saturn's cloudtops appeared lower at the poles than at the equator. Hence the planet's gaseous atmosphere could be seen above the clouds, ranging in color from dark blue to slightly green. Saturn's pastel colon changed to brownish belts at about 55 latitude in both hemispheres. Near the terminator, the colors darkened, indicating that light was being scattered by the molecules of the atmospheric gases. The polarization measurements of Saturn indicated an atmosphere of clear gas to a pressure of 2 atm, then a region of small absorbing particles, then an ammonia haze, with a topmost ammonia cloud deck. The cloudtops appeared to be at a pressure of about 750 mbar. The colored clouds may be deeper in the atmosphere of Saturn than they are in the Jovian atmosphere, thereby accounting for the lack of strong coloring on Saturn. Generally, Saturn appeared to have more and narrower belts and zones than Jupiter. There appeared to be features like jet streams, one at about 70 north latitude and another near the equator. A plume in the northern hemisphere, similar to that seen on Jupiter by Pioneer, was also discovered. The jet stream is much faster than that of Jupiter: 350 km/hr (217 mph) compared with 150 km/hr (93 mph). An ultraviolet glow, intensified at the polar regions, could be caused by aurorae or it might be a limb-brightening effect. Infrared measurements of the globe of Saturn showed that temperature dropped within 8 of the equator corresponding to the high clouds of the equatorial yellow band. Also, the temperature of the belts and zones differed by about 2.5 C (4.5 F). The temperature of the upper atmospheric layers was about 5 C (9 F) warmer than expected, thereby confirming suggestions that substantial heat moves from inside the planet outward, almost certainly by convective circulation. Saturn's ionosphere, as measured by the occultation experiment near the terminator, extends much higher than that of Jupiter, but the inferred temperature is about the same, of the order of 1000 C (1830 F). Two peaks of electrons were identified. The highest, at about 1800 km (1100 miles) above the cloudtops, has about 1.1 x 10^4 electrons/cm^3. The other, at 1200 km (745 miles) has a peak electron density of 9 x 10^3/cm^3. The S-band radio signal also penetrated the neutral atmosphere of Saturn to the level of about 150 mbar (19% of Earth's atmospheric pressure at sea level). The temperature structure derived from these data matches the temperatures derived from the infrared radiometer measurements for a composition of 90% hydrogen, 10% helium. The minimum temperature was about -185 C (-301 F) at a level of about 100 mbar. The mission of the two Pioneer spacecraft to explore the giant planets of our Solar System was remarkably successful. Many questions had been answered and many discoveries made. Nonetheless, these giant planets, with their intriguing satellites, ring systems, and complex magnetospheres, posed many new questions. Some of these are being answered by the Voyager spacecraft, but others will remain for future missions to place orbiters around these giants and to dispatch probes deep into their atmospheres. The Pioneer trailblazers opened the outer Solar System to mankind, but a full exploration of the many planetary worlds there will take decades of human effort. This exploration will undoubtedly reveal surprises equally as great as those of the Pioneers.