$Unique_ID{bob01039} $Pretitle{} $Title{Iran-Contra Affair: The Report Chapter 9C The Lessons of the First Arms Shipment} $Subtitle{} $Author{Various} $Affiliation{} $Subject{ } $Date{1987} $Log{} Title: Iran-Contra Affair: The Report Author: Various Date: 1987 Chapter 9C The Lessons of the First Arms Shipment The August-September 1985 TOW transaction set the pattern for the entire Iran initiative: - A promise by the Iranians to release the hostages in exchange for an agreed quantity of weapons. - The breach of that promise after delivery of the weapons. - The delivery of more weapons in response to new demands by the Iranians. - The release of a single hostage as an enticement to further arms transfers. The lesson to Iran was unmistakable: All U.S. positions and principles were negotiable, and breaches by Iran went unpunished. Whatever Iran did, the U.S. could be brought back to the arms bargaining table by the promise of another hostage.