$Unique_ID{bob00828} $Pretitle{} $Title{History Of Religions Literature: Part I} $Subtitle{} $Author{Foot Moore, George} $Affiliation{} $Subject{religion de vols history japan literature religions texts translation china} $Date{1913} $Log{} Title: History Of Religions Book: Literature Of Religions Author: Foot Moore, George Date: 1913 Literature: Part I The aim of the following list is not to give a general bibliography of the subject, but to direct the reader who may desire to inform himself more fully about a particular religion or some aspect of it to the books which he may most profitably consult for that purpose. Books that belong strictly to the specialist are not included, nor, on the other hand, purely popular works, except a few by scholars of high authority. So far as possible, reference is made to books accessible in English; but in this peculiarly international field it is frequently the case that the best works are in other languages. References to foreign literature are confined, however, with one or two exceptions, to French and German. Through the books whose titles are given the student will be able to find his way as far as he chooses into the voluminous and often most important literature on special topics in periodicals and the transactions of learned societies. To enter such articles here, even in the narrowest selection, would not only swell this list to inordinate dimensions but defeat its purpose. General Works of Reference. - Encyclopoedia of Religion and Ethics. Edited by James Hastings. Vol. I. 1908. Planned on a large scale and with a wide scope. The articles are by scholars of acknowledged competence, many of them of eminence in their fields; full and well-chosen bibliographies are as a rule appended to the articles. Periodicals. - Revue de l'histoire des religions. Vol. I. 1880. Edited by Rene Dussaud and Paul Alphandery, with the co-operation of many distinguished French scholars. Archiv fur Religionswissenschaft. Vol. I. 1898. Edited by Richard Wunsch, with an able company of co-adjutors. Both are publications of high rank, containing, besides original articles, authoritative reviews of current literature, and comprehensive surveys of the progress of learning. History of Religions. - Lehrbuch der Religionsgeschichte. Herausgegeben unter Redaktion von P. D. Chantepie De La Saussaye. 2 vols. 3d ed. 1905. The chapters are written by scholars specially qualified in the respective religions. Of the preceding edition (1897) there is a French translation: Manuel d'histoire des religions ... Traduit ... sous la direction d'Henri Hubert et Isidore Levy. 1904. The volume, "Die Orientalischen Religionen, in Di Kultur der Gegenwart (1906. 2d ed. 1913), contains an introductory sketch of the religions of primitive peoples, and chapters on the religions of Egypt, Babylonia and Assyria, India, Persia, Islam, Lamaism, China, Japan (Shinto and Buddhism), by eminent German scholars. Translations: Collections. - The Sacred Books of the East. Translated by various scholars and edited by F. Max Muller. 49 vols. 1879 seqq. Vol. L. General Index to the Names and Subject Matter. By M. Winternitz. 1910. The most important of the scriptures of India (Vedic, Brahmanic, Jain, Buddhist); China (Confucian, Taoist); the Avesta and later Zoroastrian (Pahlavi) texts; the Koran. The excellent index adds greatly to the usefulness of the work. The volumes of the series will be referred to below in connection with the several religions, with the abbreviation "S. B. E." A volume of selections to illustrate the character and teachings of Chinese, Indian, Zoroastrian, and Mohammedan religions, translated by qualified scholars, is Religionsgeschichtliches Lesebuch. Herausgegeben von A. Bertholet. 1908. There is a similar work on a somewhat larger scale in Swedish, edited by N. Soderblom. 1908. Lehmann, E., Textbuch zur Religionsgeschichte. 1912. Smaller in compass, more comprehensive in scope, including texts illustrative of religions which have no canonical scriptures (Egypt, Babylonia, Greece, Rome, the Teutonic peoples). A series of little volumes in English, The Wisdom of the East, edited by L. Cramer-Byng and S. A. Kapadia, has the motive and character of an anthology rather than a scientific purpose. China History. - Williams, S. Wells, The Middle Kingdom. 2 vols. Revised edition, 1883. The historical chapters of this work separately, under the title: A History of China. Edited by F. W. Williams. 1897. Hirth, F., The Ancient History of China. To the end of the Chou Dynasty [249 B. C. ]. 1908. Chavannes, Edouard, Les memoires historiques de Se-Ma Ts'ien. Traduits et annotes. 1895 seqq. The great Chinese historian. Thus far five volumes. The introduction by the translator is of high value. Literature. - Grube, W., Geschichte der chinesischen Litteratur. 1902. Giles, H. A., A History of Chinese Literature. 1901. A popular work on a smaller scale. Religion: General Works. - Legge, James, The Religions of China. Confucianism and Taoism Described and Compared with Christianity. 1881. Edkins, Joseph, Religion in China. Containing a Brief Account of the Three Religions of the Chinese. 2d ed. 1878. Popular introductions. Groot, J. J. M. De, The Religious System of China. Its Ancient Forms, Evolution, History, and Present Aspect. Part I (vols. I-III), Disposal of the Dead; Part II (vols. IV-VI), On the Soul and Ancestral Worship. 1892-1910. (Other volumes to come.) An immense collection, including custom, folk-lore, demonology, etc. By the same author: Sectarianism and Religious Persecution in China. 2 vols. 1903-4. The attitude of the state and of the Confucian literati toward Buddhism, Taoism, and the sects. Also: The Religion of the Chinese. 1910. Religion in China. 1912. l Two short courses of lectures given in America. Parker, E. H., China and Religion. 1905. Studies in Chinese Religion. 1910. The "Studies" are chiefly reprints of articles previously published; a translation of the Tao-teh-king is included. Grube, W., Religion und Kultus der Chinesen. 1910. Religion Of The State Texts. - Legge, James, The Chinese Classics. With a Translation, Critical and Exegetical Notes, Prolegomena, and Copious Indexes. 5 vols. (in 8). 1861 seqq. The introductions and commentary with the translation make this incomparably the most useful work in its field to the student. By the same author: The Texts of Confucianism. 4 vols. 1879-85. (S. B. E., vols. III, XVI, XXVII, XXVIII.) Comprising the Shu-king, parts of the Shi-king, the Yih-king, and Li-ki; translation only, without commentary. Harlez, Charles de, I-li. Ceremonial de la Chine antique. Traduit, etc. 1890. Religion. - Legge, in the Prolegomena to his edition of the Classics. Ross, John, The Original Religion of China. 1909. A good description of the religion of the canonical books, with numerous translations. Like Legge, the author is convinced that the primitive Chinese were monotheists. On the imperial rites, Harlez, Charles De, La religion et les ceremonies imperiales de la Chine moderne. 1893. (In Memoirs of the Belgian Academy of Sciences, vol. LII.) Moral And Political Philosophy Texts. - Confucian Analects, Great Learning, Doctrine of the Mean, Mencius. See Legge, Classics, and reprints from them. Confucius. - Legge, James, Life and Teaching of confucius. 1867. Faber, Ernest, Systematical Digest of the Doctrines of Confucius According to the Analects. Translated by P. G. Moellendorff. 1875. Douglas, R. K., Confucianism and Taouism. 1879. Popular. Dvorak, R., Chinas Religionen. Teil I, Confucius und seine Lehre. 1895. An excellent account and analysis. Yang Chu and Moh Tih. - Legge, Classics. II, 95-102, 103-125. Faber, E., Grundgedanken des alten chinesischen Socialismus; oder die Lehre des Philosophen Micius. 1877. Mencius. - Legge, James, Life and Works of Mencius. 1875. Faber, E., The Mind of Mencius. Systematic Digest, etc. Translated by A. B. Hutchinson. 1882. Wang Chung. - Forke, A., Lun Hen. Philosophical Essays of Wang Chung. I, 1907; II, 1911. Chu Hi and Sing-li School. - Harlez, Charles de, L'ecole philosophique moderne de la Chine, ou systeme de la nature (Sing-li). 1890. (In Memoirs of the Belgian Academy of Sciences, vol. XLIX.) For other literature, see Grube, Literatur, pp. 333 ff. Taoism Texts. - Legge, James, The Texts of Taoism. 2 vols. 1891. (S. B. E., vols. XXXIX, XL.) Contains the Tao-teh-king, Writings of chuang-tzse, "Actions and their Retributions." The difficulty of the Tao-teh-king has tempted many translators. Strauss, Victor Von, Tao te king. 1870. With introduction and notes; highly praise by some of the best sinologues. E. H. Parker, in Studies, etc. 1910 (see above), pp. 99-131. A chronological bibliography of the literature, ibid., pp. 92 ff. Dr. Paul Carus has published the Chinese text, with translation, etc. 1898. There is a recent German translation by Wilhelm. Lieh-tzse. - Faber, E., Der Naturalismus bei den alten Chinesen ... oder die sammtlichen Werke des Philosophen Licius ubersetzt und erklart. 1877. Chuang-tzse. - Legge, S. B. E., vols. XXXIX, XL; Giles, H. A., Chuang-tsa, Mystic, Moralist, and Social Reformer. 1899. A very readable translation, with an important introduction. Taoism as Philosophy and Religion. - Dvorak, R., Chinas Religionen. Teil II, Lao-tsi und seine Lehre. 1903. Perhaps the best exposition of the philosophy; instructive comparison with Confucius. Parker, E. H., Studies, etc., see above. Douglas, R. K., Confucianism and Taoism. 1879. On the attitude of the government toward Taoism, see De Groot, Sectarianism. The Taoist popular literature is represented by the "Tractate of Actions and their Retributions" (S. B. E., vol. XL); see also Douglas, op. cit., pp. 256 ff. Religion Of The Masses De Groot, Religious System, etc., Sectarianism, etc. (both above). Grube, W., Religion und Kultus. Many modern works on Chinese life and custom. Buddhism Texts. - Beal, Samuel, Catena of Buddhist Scriptures from the Chinese. 1871. For other Mahayana texts, see below, under India; also Japan, Buddhism. History and Doctrine. - Edkins, Joseph, Chinese Buddhism. A Volume of Sketches, Historical, Descriptive, and Critical. 2d ed. 1893. Groot, J. J. M. De, Le code du Mahayana en Chine. Son influence sur la vie monacale et sur le monde laique. 1893. Describes modern Buddhism from the author's own observations; contains a translation of the "Sutra of Brahma's Net," the rule for Bodhisattvas. On the relations of the government to Buddhism, see De Groot, Sectarianism. Lamaism. - Grunwedel, A., "Der Lamaismus," in Die Kultur der Gegenwart, I, 3, 1, where additional literature will be found. Of much interest is further, Grunweddel, A., Mythologie des Buddhismus in Tibet und der Mongolei. 1901. Finely illustrated. For literature on Chinese Buddhist sects, see below, under Japan. Japan History. - Murdoch, James, A History of Japan. Vol. I. From the Origins to the Arrival of the Portuguese in 1542 A. D. 1910. Murdoch, James, and Yamagata, Isoh, A History of Japan during the Century of Early Foreign Intercourse (1542-1651). 1903. Literature. - Florenz, Karl, Geschichte der japanischen Litteratur, 1905-6. Aston, W. G., A History of Japanese Literature. 1899. A popular work by a very competent hand. Religion: General Works. - Griffis, William E., The Religions of Japan. 1895. Did service in its time by making accessible the results of investigation; now in considerable part superseded by the progress of learning. Knox, George W., The Development of Religion in Japan. 1907. Six lectures, of which the two on Confucianism deal with a subject in which the author was especially interested. Shinto Texts. - Chamberlain, B. H., Kojiki, or Records of Ancient Matters. 1883. Aston, W. G., Nihongi. Chronicles of Japan, from the Earliest Times to A. D. 697. 2 vols. 1896. Florenz, Karl, Japanische Annalen (Nihongi). 2d ed. 1903. Florenz, Karl, Japanische Mythologie. 1901. Satow, E., "Ancient Japanese Rituals," in Transactions of the Asiatic Society of japan, vols. VII (1879) and IX (1881); continued by Florenz, ibid., vol. XXVI (1899). Religion. - Aston, W. G., Shinto (The Way of the Gods). 1905. The best exposition of the subject, with copious translations and native illustrations. Not to be confounded with a meagre compend under a similar title (Shinto, the Ancient Religion of Japan. 1907). Buddhism The History of Buddhism in Japan, both external and internal, is best read in Murdoch. Texts. - See below, under India, Buddhism; also Beal, Catena, under China. The Sukhavati Sutras, which are the foundation of the Pure Land Sects, are translated in S. B. E., vol. XLIX. Sects and Doctrines. - Nanjio, Bunyiu, A Short History of the Twelve Buddhist Sects. 1887. Substantially a translation of statements by leading priests of various sects. Fujishima, Ryauon, Le Bouddhisme Japonais. Doctrines et histoire des douze grandes sectes Bouddhiques du Japon. 1889. French translation of Nanjio. A book written by a learned priest, Gyonen, in 1289, a kind of catechism on the doctrines of the eight older sects is translated in the Revue de l'histoire des religions, vols. XXV and XXVI. Haas, Hans, Die Sekten des japanischen Buddhismus. 1905. Lloyed, Arthur, "Developments of Japanese Buddhism," in Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan, vol. XXII, pp. 337-506. On the Jodo and shin Shin sects particularly, Lloyd, The Wheat Among the Tares. 1908. Shinran and his Work. 1910. The Creed of Half Japan. 1911. The author tries to prove that the Pure Land doctrine of salvation by faith is in some way derived from Christianity. Haas, Hans. "Amida Buddha unsere Zuflucht." Urkunden zum Verstandnis der japanischer Sukhavati Budhismus. 1910. Translations of texts, with historical and biographical introductions and notes; material of high value and interest. Egypt History. - Breasted, James H., History of Egypt from the Earliest Times to the Persian Conquest. 1905. 2d ed. 1909. Meyer, Eduard, Geschichte des Altertums, 2d ed. I, 2. 1909. From the beginnings to the sixteenth century B. C. The treatment of the religion is one of the conspicuous merits of the work. A French translation is in course of publication. Maspero, G., Histoire ancienne des peuples de l'Orient classique. 3 vols. 1895-9. Especially good on Egypt, the author's own province; admirably illustrated. English translation, under volume titles: Dawn of Civilization, Struggle of the Nations, Passing of the Empires, 1894 to 1900. Religion. - Erman, Adolf, Handbook of Egyptian Religion. Translated by A. S. Griffith. 1907. Prepared as one of a series of museum handbooks; illustrated. There is a second German edition, 1909. The same author's Life in Ancient Egypt, 1894, may also profitably be consulted. Wiedemann, Alfred, Religion of the Ancient Egyptians. 1897. Steindorff, G., The Religion of the Ancient Egyptians. 1905. Breasted, James H., Development of Religion land Thought in Ancient Egypt. 1912. The large use made for the first time of the pyramid texts gives this book a peculiar value for the early period. Texts. - Renouf, P. Le Page, Book of the Dead. Translation and Commentary Continued and Completed by E. Naville. 1907.