$Unique_ID{bob00546} $Pretitle{} $Title{About The Complete Dickens} $Subtitle{} $Author{Bureau Development, Inc.} $Affiliation{} $Subject{order bureau cd-rom complete dickens } $Date{1992} $Log{} Title: About The Complete Dickens Author: Bureau Development, Inc. Date: 1992 About The Complete Dickens While BOB (Best of the Bureau) contains the full text, illustrations, and spoken word for selected works of Dickens, the complete Dickens on CD-ROM contains every work of the famous author, including hard-to-find short stories. It's a multimedia CD-ROM unmatched by any book or anthology. Order Info If you decide you would like the complete Dickens CD-ROM title, just press [F7] to print an order form. Enclose your warranty card and take $10 off your order! Order Form [ ] YES! I wish to order one or more of the following CD-ROM titles from the Bureau (all titles work with both the PC and Macintosh): Qty Title Unit Price Total ============================================================= ___ History of the World $795.00 ________ ___ Countries Encyclopedia $395.00 ________ ___ Biographies $199.95 ________ ___ Illustrated American History $149.95 ________ ___ Monarch Notes on CD-ROM $99.95 ________ ___ Complete Dickens $49.95 ________ ___ Complete Twain $49.95 ________ ___ Great Literature $99.95 ________ *** ___ Multimedia World Factbook $49.95 ________ *** Shipping & Handling ($5.00 per disc) _________ NJ residents add 6% sales tax _________ Here's my warranty card. Please take $10 off: -($10.00) Total _________ *** NOT ON BEST OF THE BUREAU: Great Literature $99.95 (BUT AVAILABLE FROM THE BUREAU) Multimedia World Factbook $49.95 Ship to: Name_________________________________________________ Company/School_______________________________________ Street Address_______________________________________ City, State Zip______________________________________ Phone________________________________________________ Payment: [ ] Check enclosed [ ] Purchase Order attached (Schools, Universities and Libraries only) [ ] MasterCard [ ] VISA [ ] Discover [ ] American Express Card Number_____________________________________ Exp Date_________ Signature______________________________________________ Unconditional 30-day Money Back Guarantee Bureau of Electronic Publishing, Inc. 141 New Road Parsippany, NJ 07054 800-828-4766 order line 201-808-2700 tech support 201-808-2676 fax "...to enrich and empower through information access..."