$Unique_ID{bob00439} $Pretitle{} $Title{Romania Romania's Government} $Subtitle{} $Author{S.Ion, C. Gheorghe} $Affiliation{News Agency Rompres} $Subject{bucharest faculty minister government institute ed state international law economic} $Date{1990} $Log{} Title: Romania Book: Romania December 1989-December 1990 Author: S.Ion, C. Gheorghe Affiliation: News Agency Rompres Date: 1990 Romania's Government On 28 June 1990, the Assembly of Deputies and the Senate met in a joint session during which Mr. Petre Roman, charged by Romania's President on June 20 with the formation of the new government, read the government's Programme - Statement and the list of the Cabinet made up of 23 members. The cabinet announced by Premier Petre Roman was considered, after almost fifty years of dictatorship, the first Romanian government appointed on the basis of free elections. Of the 23 Cabinet members, 14 are doctors of science many of them are well-known abroad for their merits and competence and recommended by their scientific research works and papers. The government stands out through its youthfulness, the average age of its members being 48. Twelve members of the cabinet are under 50, another eight are 50-to-55 and only three - of whom two secretaries of state - are over 60. The Government's programme is the programme of radical changes, of historic transformations in our country's destiny as regards, first of all, the setting of the Romanian economy on sound bases, its adaptation to the requirements of the world community. It is a programme which comprises a social vocation, hence the will to protect the broad categories of the population in correlation with the compulsory objectives of the reform. And since the implementation of the programme will undoubtedly be difficult, we are prepared to place the economic agents and operators in a position of real independence vis-@a-vis the state, the state representing the public interest through judicial and financial instruments, as it should be in a democracy. "Assuming this responsibility - with competence, determination and honesty - we are aware that we also represent a certain form of confrontation with difficulties, but in our capacity as ministers of the nation, all of us that are members of the government have accepted this difficult mission." (from the address made on the presentation of the Cabinet - July 3, 1990) PETRE ROMAN PRIME MINISTER He was born on July 22, 1946 in Bucharest. He graduated top-of-the-class from lyceum and the Faculty of Power Engineering - the hydropower engineering department - of the Bucharest Polytechnic in 1968 and upon graduation, took up an academic career here. Over 1971-1974 he studied in Toulouse (France) for his doctor's degree and passed a professorship exam. In 1971 he got a Diplome d'Etudes Approfondies" and in March 1974 he passed the doctor's degree at the Toulouse Institute of Mechanics of Fluids of Paul Sabatier University his doctoral paper's theme was national aeration of open surface flows with reference to river and lake pollution. Back home he re-started academic his career at the Power Engineering Faculty of the Bucharest Polytechnic. Reader in 1976, assistant professor in 1982 and head of the Hydraulic and Hydraulic Equipment Chair in 1985. As of 1990, University Professor. He speaks five foreign languages: French, English, Spanish, Italian and Russian. Concomitantly he has carried on an intensive scientific activity materialized in a large number of published papers: academic textbooks, books, papers and studies. On December 26, 1989 Mr. Petre Roman was appointed Prime Minister of Romania's provisional government and on June 20, 1990 he was given the mission to form the new government of the country. He is married and has two children. ANTON VATASESCU Minister Secretary of State in Charge of Industrial and Trade Activities 51, b. Slatina, Olt county. Ed.: Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunications, Bucharest. Professor at the Faculty of Electronics for 15 years. A one-year researcher in France. Author of specialty books. Experience in the management of enterprises. ION AUREL STOICA Minister of State in Charge of the Quality of Life and Social Security 47, b. Saulia de Cimpie, Mures county. A 1966 top-of-the class graduate of the Faculty of Mechanics specialising in machine building technology at the Polytechnic Institute in Cluj. Doctor's degree in mechanisms and tribology, professor at the Mechanisms and Machine Parts Department of the Polytechnic Institute in Cluj, author and co-author of several books, as well as many essays on philosophical themes and the history of scientific knowledge and the uses of science for technology. Selected in 1986 by the Executive College of the American Biographical Institute for inclusion in the second edition of a book listing 5,000 world personalities. EUGEN DIJMARESCU Minister of State in Charge of Economic Guidance 42, b. Bucharest. Ed. : Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies (A.S.E.), Faculty of Foreign Trade. Doctor's degree in economics from A.S.E. in 1978. Specialisation terms Salzburg, Austria - 1973 Brookings Institution, Washington, 1981. Scientific researcher at Bucharest's Institute of World Economics (1971-1990) and its director since January 1990. An NSF member of the Assembly of Deputies. Author of studies and research works in world economics, international relations and foreign trade (about 200) published in Romania, U.S.A., Britain, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Italy. ADRIAN SEVERIN Minister, Assistant to the Prime Minister for Reform and Relations with Parliament 36, b. Bucharest, Ed.: Faculty of Law, University of Bucharest, LLD. Ex-legal adviser to the Romanian Institute of Consulting Romconsult. Ex-secretary of the Law Department of the Association of International Law and International Relations. Ex-general secretary of state for privatisation. Assistant professor of comparative civil and commercial law and of international trade law. ADRIAN NASTASE Foreign Affairs Minister 40, b. Bucharest, Ed.: Faculty of Law, University of Bucharest, graduated top of his class in 1973. Also the Sociology Department of the Bucharest Faculty of History and Philosophy in 1978. Doctor's degree in international law. More than 85 published works, courses and lectures in the country and abroad. Vicepresident of the Association of International Law and International Relations. Associate fellow of the International Human Rights Institute in Strasbourg, France, member of the French Society of International Law. VICTOR STANCULESCU Minister of National Defence 62, b. Tecuci, Galati county, Ed.: the Military Academy, international economic relations. Staff-officer Academy. Experience in army leadership and economic management. THEODOR DUMITRU STOLOJAN Minister of Finance 47, b. Tirgoviste, Ed.: Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, Faculty of Financing, Crediting and Accounting, class 1966. Doctor's degree in economics in 1980. Economist with various units under the Ministry of Food Industry over 1966-1972. Economist at the Ministry of Finance, state budget department. Assistant director and director of the state revenue division. Assistant professor of Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies. Teaching post-graduate courses. Member of the International Public Finance Institute in Saarbrucken, West Germany. DORU VIOREL URSU" Minister of the Interior 37, b. Drobeta-Turnu Severin, Mehedinti county. Ed.: Faculty of Law, University of Bucharest. Prosecutor in Bucharest over 1979-1980. Military judge, Bucharest 1980-1990. President of the Bucharest Military Tribunal after 22 December 1989. Minister of the Interior in the provisional government. VICTOR BABIUC Minister of Justice 52, b. Rachiti, Botosani county, Ed.: Bucharest Faculty of Law, Doctor's degree in civil law. Legal adviser, judge, senior scientific researcher, vice-president of the Court of Commercial Arbitration of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry. MIHAI ZISU Minister of Resources and Industry 53,b. Birlad, Ed.: Bucharest Polytechnic Institute, Faculty of Economic Engineering, Experience in industrial management from engineer to manager. Professor at the Bucharest Polytechnic Institute and Pitesti Faculty of Technological Engineering. CONSTANTIN FOTA Minister of Trade and Tourism 55, b. Isalnita, Dolj county. Ed.: Faculty of Foreign Trade, doctor's degree in economics, foreign trade specialist. Experience in market research at the Chamber of Commerce and the Institute of World Economics from researcher to department chief on trade policies and international organisations. Executive president of the Romanian Market Research Association. Professor at the Academy of Economic Studies, author and co-author of many specialty works. IOAN TIPU Minister of Agriculture and Food Industry 55, b. Beclean, Brasov county, Ed.: Iasi Institute of Agriculture, Faculty of Animal Farming. A one-year specialisation term in the U.S.A. Experience in producer cooperative farm management, state animal farms, ex-director-general at the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry, the meat industrial processing division. In the provisional government he held the office of deputy minister of agriculture and food industry. ANDREI CHIRICA Minister of Communications 51, b. Ploiesti, Ed.: Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunications. Experience in the management of telecommunications enterprises, development and operation of telecommunications units. He was deputy minister of posts and telecommunications in the provisional government. DORU PANA Minister of Public Works, Transport and Physical Planning 53, b. Cluj. Ed.: Bucharest Institute of Construction, Faculty of Equipment construction Experience in industrial equipment assembly. Ex-construction site chief, group unit and trust manager. STEFAN GHEORGHE Minister of Education and Science 42, b. Bucharest. Ed.: Bucharest Polytechnic Institute, Faculty of Electronics, class of 1971. Doctor's degree in electronics. Researcher at the Institute of Atomic Physics, professor at Bucharest Polytechnic Institute, Faculty of Electronics. VALERIU EUGEN POP Minister of the Environment 51, b. Ploiesti. Ed.: Bucharest Polytechnic Institute, Faculty of Mechanics, class of 1961, and the Faculty of Power Engineering, class of 1969. Automobile designing engineer, power engineer, site chief, manager of hydroelectric station, director of the Water Management Division since 1979. ANDREI GABRIEL PLESU Minister of Culture 42, b. Bucharest. Ed.: the "Nicolae Grigorescu" Faculty of Fine Arts, in Bucharest, department of Art History and Theory. Doctor's degree in history (1981). Researcher at the Institute of Art History, higher-school professor 1980-1982, author of books. Humboldt scholarship recipient 1975-1977, 1983-1984. BOGDAN MARINESCU Minister of Health 46, b. Bucharest. Ed.: Bucharest Institute of Medicine and Pharmacy, Faculty of General Medicine. Senior physician, head of the obstetrics-gynaecology department, professor at Bucharest Institute of Medicine and Pharmacy, director of the Giulesti clinic. CATALIN ZAMFIR Minister of Labour and Social Security 49, b. Bucharest, Ed.: Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Bucharest, class of 1962. Doctor's degree in sociology, a one-year specialisation term in labour psychology - Michigan, U.S.A. Head of an industrial sociology team at the Polytechnic Institute. Director of the Institute for research in the quality of life. BOGDAN NICOLAE NICULESCU DUVAZ Minister of Youth and Sports 42, b. Bucharest, Ed.: Bucharest "Ion Mincu" Institute of Architecture, class of 1977. Industrial design and interior architecture specialist. ROMULUS NEAGU Secretary of State at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs 60, b. Bucharest, Ed.: Faculty of International Relations, University of Kiev, class of 1954. Doctor's degree in international relations, The New York University, 1970. Career diplomat at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Deputy minister of foreign affairs in the provisional government. ANDREI TUGULEA Secretary of State at the Ministry of Education and Science 62, b. Untesti, S. R. Moldova. Ed.: Bucharest Polytechnic Institute, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, class of 1951. Doctor's degree in the fundamentals of electrical engineering, 1958. Profesorship since 1968. Consultant to the Academy's Institute of Power Engineering, author of numerous scientific works. From the Government's Programme-Statement The government's programme-statement expresses the fundamental ideas of the platform of the parliamentary majority set up through free elections and the wish for the better put in the service of the nation by those nominated members of the government, adopting as criteria competence, dignity and honesty. - In essence, the structure of the government is the first radical change on the way to reform, a much more simplified formula being suggested: the number of ministries and equivalent institutions is reduced to almost one third as to the previous situation. The state apparatus will comprise only decisionmakers for economic guidance and law implementation eliminating intermediale factors which dilute responsibility and pervert decisionmaking. The operation of the instruments of the state is ensured by law. - The new government sets from the fundamental premise that it has the foremost mission to ensure an historic transition of unprecedented scope, first of all in the economy, that is the transition from a supercentralized economy to a market economy. The government's programme-statement pursues the resorption of the deep economic crisis inherited from the former regime during the transition to the market economy - whose decisive stage are the next two years - and the protection of the most vulnerable categories. - The principles of the market economy are introduced, especially in a first and decisive stage in a society impregnated by the inertia of the old system. That is why, the liquidation of this system calls for an authentic managerial revolution, the creation of premises for the selection, assertion and promotion of new managerial generations with real professional competence, trained to work efficiently in the conditions of a market economy. In consideration of the fact that the transformation of the economy is a process with a marked cultural dimension, priority shall be given to using the competence of scientists, researchers, professors, of experts in general without which inertia and conservatism cannot be liquidated. - The government has not set itself to give individual solutions it has the obligation to set the goals to be attained and the legal framework, duration and success depending on the efficiency and training of the administration boards. In consideration of the huge responsibility incumbent on administration boards, the government will grant them big powers, eliminating a fundamental vice of the past - the disbalance between responsibility and power, but will not subsidize losses caused by incompetence. - A vital question on the working agenda of the government is to put an end to the decrease of production and productivity on the one hand, and the increase of salaries on the other hand, since such a phenomenon could lead to the incontestable explosion of the economic mechanism. - Romania will not be able to accede to the status of European country unless it follows the fundamental tendency of the continent, and will not be able to achieve social wellbeing unless it mobilizes the forces of the change: entrepreneurial spirit, competition, free initiative, privatisation. Concretely, the government has set itself to advance to parliament, in the next 18-24 months at the most, the package of legislative measures apt to put conditions in place for enterprises to operate within a market economy. - In its relations with enterprises, the state itself will act as an economic agent, through the system of state orders which will be auctioned, as the state guides itself by the same principle of economicalness. - The radical decentralization of decisionmaking powers will also be made effective at the level of local state administration. Within the regulations pursuing a higher autonomy of mayoralties, special attention will be paid to the role of local bodies in the economic and social development of administrative-territorial units, in the administration of local budgets. The powers of mayoralties will change sensibly becoming mostly executive with stress on control over the observance of the legal framework for economic activities, on the safeguarding of the interests of the citizens living in the respective area. - As far as the question of real autonomy is concerned, the government will step up price liberalization (all while strictly checking those concerning the population's supply with foodstuffs, electricity and heat). - Other absolutely necessary directions of action of the government are: fundamental budget restructuring by involving itself less in the financing of investments which will fall within the powers of everyone's own resources and banking credit the creation of a network of trade and credit banks throughout the territory, with a first stage their setting up at least in every county seat stimulation and creation in this country of banks with foreign capital and of branches of foreign banks to perform crediting and business in Romania. - Aware that over this period of transition it will not be able to avoid adverse phenomena like inflation and unemployment, the government will initiate bills on social security so that social convulsions be limited as much as possible. - The average European standard of living will be attained gradually by groups of commodities. Food and energy are the first priorities, special measures being undertaken already in 1990 to be extended in the next two years. The objective regarding the workweek and the number of days off and annual holidays has been achieved already this year. - The government policy as concerns education will take into consideration the two forms of pre-university and university instruction. The former needs a global approach while the latter will be granted real and substantive autonomy. - The never subdued wish for civility and culture of the Romanian people will have as support cultural creation. In this context, culture will cease to be a decorous element, to please the political or executive power being a pre-eminently independent form of representation of the nation. - Justice will be reorganized to regain its dignity and the place it deserves in ensuring the observance and safeguarding of the order of law, of the fundamental human rights and liberties in concordance with the demands of the state of law. - In the field of foreign policy the government will give absolute priority to safeguarding, protecting and promoting our national interests, in an international context still characterized by fluidity and uncertainty, to the realistic and responsible identification of the most efficient ways in this respect. Romania's government will further promote its policy of broad openness to all the countries of the world, to connect the country to all major international processes and tendencies. Thus, all the actions of the government are entirely justified by the safeguarding of Romania's basic interests, of the dignity of the Romanian people, through the promotion of stands and relations allowing for the unrestricted furtherance of the country's democratization.