$Unique_ID{bob00435} $Pretitle{} $Title{Romania Romanian Scholars for the Progress of Humanity} $Subtitle{} $Author{Aurel David} $Affiliation{News Agency Rompres} $Subject{romanian first world author important france institute settled studied three} $Date{1990} $Log{} Title: Romania Book: Romania December 1989-December 1990 Author: Aurel David Affiliation: News Agency Rompres Date: 1990 Romanian Scholars for the Progress of Humanity NICOLAUS OLAHUS (1493-1568) - Romanian humanist of Transylvania secretary to King Louis II of Hungary and of Queen Maria of Habsburg. Regent of the Hungarian crown in 1562. Partisan of counter-reform. Good friend of humanists from the Low Countries. Very much appreciated by Erasmus of Rotterdam. Historical writings: "Hungaria", a historical and ethnographic work, and "Chronicon". He also wrote poetry. MICHAEL THE BRAVE (-1601) - Politician and military commander, prince of Walachia (1593-1601), of Transylvania (1599-1600) and Moldavia (1600). In 1600 he achieved the political union of the three Romanian principalities proclaiming himself "prince of Walachia, Transylvania and of all Moldavia". On an internal plane he pursued the strengthening of central authority while his political and military programme played an important role in turning the awareness of unity of kinship and language of the Romanian people into an active idea. On an external plane, he supported and contributed to the building of a system of anti-Ottomman alliances. He was assassinated at Cimpia Turzii in 1601. NICOLAE GRIGORESCU (1837-1907) - Founder of Romanian modern painting. He began as church painter (Zamfira and Agapia). Afterwards he studied in France where he was attracted by the preoccupations of the Barbizon group. In the beginning a painter with academic tendencies, subsequently he was influenced by Impressionism. A valuable sketcher. Author of outstanding paintings. He cultivated the portrait and the landscape. MIHAI EMINESCU (1850-1889) - A romantic poet of European standing. The greatest Romanian poet. He studied in Vienna and Berlin. He published only one volume of poems in his lifetime "Poesii" in 1883. A remarkable journalist, writer of philosophic and lyric-fantastic prose. Collector of folk creation. Drama projects. Among his poems: "Letters", "Emperor and Proletarian", "Angel and Devil", "The Morning Star", his masterpiece, "Calin, Pages of a Fairy Tale", "Glossa", "Prayer of a Dacian". His work has been translated in tens of languages. VICTOR BABES (1854-1926) - One of the founders of modern microbiology, author of the first treatise of bacteriology in the world "Les bacteries et leur role dans l'etiologie, l'anatomie et l'histologie pathologique des maladies infectieuses (together with A. V. Cornil, in 1885). Medical studies in Budapest and Vienna. Specialisation terms in Munich, Heidelberg, Strasbourg, Paris and Berlin. Founder of the Institute of Pathology and Bacteriology of Bucharest (1887), the first scientific research institute set up in Romania. EMIL RACOVITA (1886-1947) - Romanian biologist. He laid the foundations of biospelaeology and set up in Cluj, in 1920, the first institute of spelaeology in the world. He took part in an expedition in the Artic regions of the "Belgica" (1897-1899) during which he collected a rich scientific material. In his youth he worked at the research stations of Roscoff and Banyuls sur Mer (France). Important studies in zoology and theoretical biology ("Essai sur les problemes biospeologique", 1907), "Evolu-tia -si problemele ei"Evolution and its Problems (1929). NICOLAE PAULESCU (1869-1931) - Romanian physiologist, discoverer of insulin. He studied in France where he got three doctor's degrees: in medicine, sciences and biological chemistry. He discovered the basic treatment of diabetes with the help of a hormone he called "pancreine". The results of his researches were published in 1921 in the Belgian publication "Archives de Physiologie". One year later the Canadian researchers Fr. G. Banting, Mac Leod and Charles Best informed about the discovery of the same pancreatic hormone which they called insulin. For that achievement the first two were awarded the Nobel Prize in 1923. Although the priority of his researches had eventually been acknowledged, Paulescu remained wronged. NICOLAE IORGA (1871-1940) - Historian, writer, journalist and politician. A modern encylopaedic spirit, author of 1,250 books and over 25,000 papers. An erudite thinker. He enriched the Romanian and world historical thinking with essential works underscoring the original character of the Romanian culture, the continuity of the Romanian people in the same millennia-old territory, the Romanian people's interdependence with other peoples. Works: "Istoria lui Mihai Viteazul"History of Michael the Brave, Istoria romanilor"History of the Romanians (ten volumes), "Histoire des Roumains et de la Roumanite orientale", "Geschichte des Osmanischen Reiches" (five volumes), "Histoire de la vie Byzantine" (three volumes). One of the founders of the South-East European Institute (1913) and the organiser of the first congress of Byzantine studies (1922). Prime minister in 1931 and 1932. A declared antifascist. He was assassinated by the Iron Guard in 1940. CONSTANTIN I. PARHON (1874-1969) - Founder of the Romanian school of endocrinology and one of the most outstanding founders of this science on a world plane. Author, in collaboration with M. Goldstein, of the first book on endocrinology in the world "Secre-tiile interne"Internal Secretions. He set up the first institutes of endocrinology and gerontology the latter being also a world priority. A member of several foreign academies and of prestigious international societies in Paris, Moscow, Prague. CONSTANTIN BRANCU-SI (1876-1957) - Romanian sculptor, settled in France since 1904. Considered the father of modern sculpture and one of the most representative artistic personalities of the 20th century. Author of monumental works like those at Tirgu Jiu (The Gate of the Kiss, the Silence Table, the Endless Column), of series of sculptures hosted today by the most important museums in Europe and the United States - the Miracle Bird, the Cock, Beginning of the World, Bird in Space, Mlle Pogany a.o. GEORGE ENESCU (1881-1955) - Romanian composer, violinist, conductor and pianist. He studied with Massenet, Faure and Gedalge. Settled in France. Author of two Romanian rhapsodies for orchestra, three symphonies, three suites for orchestra, numerous other suites and works. Composer of an opera, "Oedipe". A violinist of world fame he brought a unique vision of great nobleness in the performing art. Teacher of Yehudi Menuin, Christian Ferras and others. The annual award for composition in Romania is named after him. GOGU CONSTANTINESCU (1881-1965) - Construction engineer, inventor. Starting 1910 he experimented various inventions in England and in 1913 left for the United States where he met Edison. He got British citizenship. Father of sonics, a new science substantiated on mathematic bases. Considered one of world's greatest inventors. His over 120 patents were published by Patent Office of England in four volumes. NICOLAE TITULESCU (1882-1941) - Prominent politician, the most important Romanian diplomat. Brilliant orator. One of the greatest European diplomats of the interwar period. President of the League of Nations in 1930 and 1931. He militated for consolidating Romania's security, more particularly after Hitler's installation in Germany. Removed from the government (1936), he emigrated to France where he continued to promote the idea of maintaining peace. VASILE PARVAN (1882-1927) - Outstanding Romanian historian and archaeologist. An expert in ancient history ("Getica", "Dacia", "Civiliza-tii stravechi din regiunile carpato-danubiene"Ancient Civilizations in the Carpathian-Danubian Regions, "Inceputurile vie-tii romane la gurile Dunarii" Beginning of Roman Life at the Mouth of the Danube). He played an important role in the foundation of the new Romanian school of archaeology. He organized numerous archaeological sites of which that of Histria is the most important. Member of several foreign academies and scientific societies. HENRI COANDA (1886-1972) - A Romanian scientist. A pioneer of world aviation. In 1910 he conceived and built the first jet plane in the world he flew the same year. Over 1911-1914 he built several types of aircraft known as "Bristol-Coanda". He discovered the effect named after him (1934) with important applications to numerous technical fields. Author of over 250 inventions. -STEFAN ODOBLEJA (1902-1978) - Author of the first variant of generalized cybernetic conception he worked out ten years before the publication of Norbert Wiener's "Cybernetics" in Paris. In 1938, in his work "La Psichologie consonantiste" put out in Lugoj he set forth for the first time cybernetic principles explaining a number of phenomena with the help of reverse connexion. MIRCEA ELIADE (1907-1988) - Romanian philosopher and writer. Settled in the United States. Professor at Harvard University. An expert in the history of religions (Traite d'histoire des religions", "Le Sacre et le Profane"), oriental studies and mythology. Novels of Gidean influence, diaries of spiritual-erotic experiences, or with social implications. Fantastic prose ("Miss Cristina", "With the Gypsy Girls", "Dr. Honigberger's Secret" a.o.). EUGEN IONESCU (b. 1912) - Romanian writer settled in France. He studied in Bucharest and Paris. An antifascist and anticommunist. An outstanding playwright, one of the great creators of the theatre of the absurd. Works: "Cintareata cheala"The Bald Singer, "Scaunele"The Chairs, "Rinocerii"The Rhinoceros, "Uciga-s fara simbrie"Killer without Pay, "Setea -si foamea"Thirst and Hunger. Since 1971 he has been a member of the French Academy. GEORGE EMIL PALADE (b. 1912) - Romanian scientist settled in the United States. A biologist. He worked as a researcher, and then as a professor of cell biology at the Rockeffeler Institute in New York. Since 1973, professor with the Faculty of Medicine of Yale University. A winner of the Nobel Prize for medicine in 1974. Important contributions to the elucidation of cellular ultra-structures, of cytoplasm and cytoplasmatic inclusions (mitochondria, microsomes etc.) in particular.