$Unique_ID{bob00417} $Pretitle{} $Title{Nepal Bibliography. Chapters 9 through 10} $Subtitle{} $Author{George L. Harris} $Affiliation{HQ, Department of the Army} $Subject{nepal new katmandu himalayan department eastern january national affairs government} $Date{1973} $Log{} Title: Nepal Book: Nepal, Bhutan, Sikkim, An Area Study: Nepal Author: George L. Harris Affiliation: HQ, Department of the Army Date: 1973 Bibliography. Chapters 9 through 10 Recommended Further Reading Among the sources consulted in the preparation of this section, the following are recommended as additional reading on the basis of quality and general availability. Alexandrowicz, C. H. "India's Himalayan Dependencies," Yearbook of World Affairs 1956. New York: Praeger, 1956, 128-143. Armstrong, Hamilton Fish. "Where India Faces China," Foreign Affairs, XXXVII, July 1959, 617-625. Chakravarti, P. C. India's China Policy. Bloomington: University of Indiana Press, 1962. Chopra, Maharaj K. "The Himalayan Border War: An Indian Military View," Military Review, XLIII, May 1963, 8-16. Dai, Shen-yu. "Peking, Katmandu and New Delhi," China Quarterly, October-December 1963, 86-98. Fisher, Margaret W., Rose, Leo E., and Huttenback, Robert A. Himalayan Battleground: Sino-Indian Rivalry in Ludakh. New York: Praeger, 1963. Jagdish (pseud.). "Democracy Through Panchayats in Nepal," All-India Congress Committee Economic Review, XIV, May 15, 1963, 35-38. Jain, Girilal. India Meets China in Nepal. New York: Asia Publishing House, 1959. Karan, Pradyumna P., and Jenkins, William M., Jr. The Himalayan Kingdoms: Bhutan, Sikkim and Nepal. Princeton: Van Nostrand, 1963. Lamp, Pitney Beatrice. India: A World in Transition. New York: Praeger, 1963. Levi, Werner. "Government and Politics in Nepal," Far Eastern Survey, XXI, December 17, 1952, 185-191. _____. "Government and Politics in Nepal," Far Eastern Survey, XXII, January 14, 1953, 5-10. _____. "Government and Politics in Nepal," Far Eastern Survey, XXIV, January 14, 1955, 5-9. _____. "India's Himalayan Border," Contemporary Review, CLXXXVIII, July 1955, 42, 43. Levi, Werner, "Nepal in World Politics," Pacific Affairs, XXX, September 1957, 236-248. _____. "Political Progress in Nepal," World Today, XII, June 1956, 239-247. _____. "Political Rivalries in Nepal," Far Eastern Survey, XXIII, July 1954, 102-107. _____. "Politics in Nepal," Eastern World, VIII, November 1954, 10-12. _____. "Politics in Nepal," Far Eastern Survey, XXV, March 1956, 39-46. Mahendra, His Majesty King. "Policy of Nonalinement," Vital Speeches of the Day, XXVI, July 1, 1960, 563, 564. Moorthy, K. Krishna. "Worsening Nepal-India Row," Far Eastern Economic Review, XXXVIII, November 1, 1962, 285-290. Nehru, Jawaharlal. "Changing India," Foreign Affairs, XLI, April 1963, 453-465. Palmer, Norman D. "Trans-Himalayan Confrontation," Orbis, Winter 1963. Patterson, George N. Peking Versus Delhi. New York: Praeger, 1964. _____. "Recent Chinese Policies in Tibet and Towards the Himalayan Border States," China Quarterly, No. 12, October-December 1962, 191-202. Richardson, Hugh E. A Short History of Tibet. New York: Dutton, 1962. Rose, Leo E. "Conflict in the Himalayas," Military Review, XLIII, February 1963, 3-15. _____. "The Himalayan Border States: 'Buffers' in Transition," Asian Survey, III, February 1963, 116-122. _____. Nepal: Government and Politics. (Subcontractor's Monograph HRAF-36 California-5, Human Relations Area Files, South Asia Project.) Berkeley: University of California, 1956. _____. "Nepal: The Quiet Monarchy," Asian Survey, IV, February 1964, 723-728. _____. "Nepal's Experiment with 'Traditional' Democracy," Pacific Affairs, XXXVI, Spring 1963, 16-31. _____. "Sino-Indian Rivalry and the Himalayan Border States," Orbis, V, July 1961, 198-215. Schoenfeld, Benjamin N. "Nepal's New Constitution," Pacific Affairs, XXXII, December 1959, 392-401. Tucker, Francis. Gorkha: The Story of the Gurkhas of Nepal. London: Constable, 1957. U.S. Department of State. Office of Media Services. Bureau of Public Affairs. Background: The Subcontinent of South Asia: Afghanistan, Ceylon, India, Nepal, Pakistan. (Department of State Publication No. 7410, Near and Middle Eastern Series 69.) Washington: GPO, November 1962. Other Sources Used Arjel, Devnedra Raj. Panchayat: A Socio-Economic Necessity. Katmandu: Press Secretariat, Royal Palace, 1962. "Atlantic Report on Nepal," Atlantic, CCXI, March 1963, 24-31. Bahadur, Prakash. Hostile Expeditions and International Law. Katmandu: Department of Publicity and Broadcasting, Ministry of National Guidance, 1962. Bajpai, Girja Shankar. "Nepal and Indo-Nepalese Relations," Indian Yearbook of International Affairs, Madras: University of Madras, 1954, 3-8. China. Chinese People's Institute of Foreign Affairs. New Developments in Friendly Relations Between China and Nepal. Peking: Foreign Language Press, 1960. Congressional Briefing Book: Nepal. Washington: n.pub., March 15, 1963. "Cultural Ties with U.S.S.R.," Far Eastern Economic Review, I, July 12, 1962, 56. Feer, M. C. "India's Himalayan Frontier: Conditions in Nepal," Far Eastern Survey, XXII, October 1963, 140. Field, A. R. "Himalayan Salt-A Political Barometer," Modern Review, CV, June 1959, 460-465. Fifield, Russell H. "New States in the Indian Realm," American Journal of International Law, XLVI, July 1952, 450-463. Fisher, Margaret W., and Bondurant, Joan V. "The Significance of Nepal in Sino-Indian Relations," Indian Press Digests, Monograph No. 1, Berkeley: University of California, February 1956, 143-163. Gilliard, E. Thomas. "Coronation in Katmandu," National Geographic, CXII, July 1957, 139-152. Gupta, Anirudha. "Politics and Parties in Nepal 1950-1960: A Study of Post-Rana Political Developments and Party Politics." Unpublished Doctoral thesis, Indian School of International Studies. New Delhi: 1963. Gyawali, S.P. Friendship on Trial. Katmandu: Department of Publicity and Broadcasting, Ministry of National Guidance, n.d. Hagen, Toni. "Afoot in Roadless Nepal," National Geographic, CXVII, March 1960, 360-405. Hagen, Toni. Nepal. New York: Rand McNally, 1960. Hagen, Toni, Wahlen, F. T., and Corti, W. R. Nepal: The Kingdom in the Himalayas. Berne: Kummerly and Frey, 1961. India. Embassy in Nepal. Cooperation and Progress. Gangtok: Government of India Press, 1961. Johansen, O. Lund (ed.). World Radio/TV Handbook: Broadcasting Television 1961. Copenhagen: Johansen, 1960. Joshi, Bhuwan Lal. "Consensus in Nepali Public Life." N.pl.: 1963 (ditto). Kihara, H. (ed.). Peoples of Nepal Himalaya: Scientific Results of the Japanese Expeditions to Nepal Himalaya 1952-1953. 3 vols. Kyoto: Kyoto University, Fauna and Flora Research Society, 1955, 1956, 1957. Kuhn, Delia, and Kuhn, Ferdinand. Borderlands. New York: Knopf, 1962. Mahendra, His Majesty King. Calls for Peace. Katmandu: Department of Publicity and Broadcasting, Ministry of National Guidance, 1961. _____. Nepal-India Friendship. Katmandu: Department of Publicity, Ministry of National Guidance, 1962. _____. Statement of Principles. Katmandu: Department of Publicity and Broadcasting, Ministry of National Guidance, 1962. Mihaly, Eugene B. "Developments in Nepal," World Today, XIX, October 1963, 431-438. Moorthy, K. Krishna. "The Sino-Indian Impasse," Far Eastern Economic Review, XXX, December 1, 1960, 496-501. Mulhotra, Ram Chand. "Central Government Administration in Nepal." N.pl.: 1956 (mimeo). The National Panchayat. Katmandu: Department of Publicity and Broadcasting, Ministry of Home, n.d. Nepal. The Bush Report on the Administrative Reorganization of the Government of Nepal. N.pl.: n.pub., 1952. _____. Interim Government of Nepal Act, 1951 (as amended to 1954). 1956. Nepal. Administrative Reorganization Commission. Report on Reorganization of District Administration in Nepal. Katmandu: n.pub., 1957. Nepal. Embassy in Washington. "The Panchayat System of Government in Nepal." N.pl.: 1963. (Unpublished typewritten manuscript.) Nepal. Laws, Statutes, etc. "Constitution of Nepal, 1962," Nepal Gazette, XII, December 16, 1962. (Trans. by Regmi Research Project, No. 167/63.) Nepal. Ministry of Law and Parliamentary Affairs. The Constitution of the Kingdom of Nepal. N.pl.: 1959. Nepal. Press Secretariat. Royal Palace. "Summary of the Salient Features of the Constitution of Nepal." 1963 (mimeo.). Nepal and U.S. Operations Mission/Katmandu. Government Administration Miscellaneous Notes. N.pl.: n.pub., n.d. "Nepal's Birthpangs of Democracy," Eastern World, XII, January 1958, 12-14. "New Chance for Nepal," Economist, CLXXIV, March 19, 1955, 1001-1002. Okada, Ferdinand E. "Notes on Local Administration in Nepal." (Orientation Paper No. 12.) Katmandu: U.S. Agency for International Development, March 12, 1963 (mimeo.). Organization Chart of His Majesty's Government of Nepal. January 4, 1962. Organization Chart of His Majesty's Government of Nepal. June 7, 1963. Y.G.K. Panchayat: A Dynamic Concept. Katmandu: Press Secretariat, Royal Palace, 1962. Panchayat Democracy for National Prosperity. Katmandu: Press Secretariat, Royal Palace, 1962. Pant, Rama Devi. "First General Elections in Nepal," Economic Weekly, XI, February 21, 1959, 285-290. _____. "First General Elections in Nepal," Economic Weekly, XI, February 28, 1959, 311. _____. "First General Elections in Nepal," Economic Weekly, XI, April 4, 1959, 483-485. Patterson, George N. "Recent Chinese Policies in Tibet and Towards the Himalayan Border States," China Quarterly, No. 12, October-December 1962, 191-202. Poudyal, Anant. The New Order in Nepal. Katmandu: Department of Publicity and Broadcasting, Ministry of National Guidance, n.d. Pringsheim, Klans H. "China, India and Their Himalayan Border (1961-1963)," Asian Survey, III, October 1963, 474-495. Red'ko, I.B. "Recent Events in Nepal: The Soviet View," Central Asian Review, IX, No. 4, 1961, 390-401. Richardson, Hugh. "Recent Developments in Tibet," Asian Review, LV, October 1959, 243-258. The Royal Message, 15 December 1961. Katmandu: Department of Publicity and Broadcasting, Ministry of National Guidance [1961]. Rose, Leo E. Unpublished manuscript materials. Himalayan Border Countries Project, Center for South Asia Studies. Berkeley: Institute for International Studies, University of California. Rosenthal, A. M. "Grim Shadows Over the Cobra Throne," New York Times Magazine, May 27, 1956, 14, 15. Searls, Guy. "Communist China's Border Policy: Dragon Throne Imperialism," Current Scene: Developments in Mainland China, II, April 15, 1963, 1-22. Sharma, Balchandra. The Logic of the Panchayat System. Katmandu: Press Secretariat, Royal Palace, n.d. Shelvankar, K. S., and Ahmed, N. "China's Himalayan Frontiers," International Affairs, XXXVIII, October 1962, 472-484. Shepherd Gordon. "Where India Meets Red China High in the Himalayas," Reporter, XIX, September 4, 1958, 29-31. Thapa, Vishwa Bandhu. National Guidance: Its Origin and Functions. Katmandu: Department of Publicity and Broadcasting, Ministry of National Guidance, n.d. Tucci, Giuseppe. Nepal. The Discovery of the Malla. (Trans., Lovett Edwards.) New York: Dutton, 1960. "Uneasy Nepal," Eastern World, XVI, March 1962, 16-22. U.S. Congress. 87th Congress. 2d Session. House of Representatives Committee on Appropriations. Hearings on the Departments of State, Justice, and Commerce, the Judiciary and Related Agencies Appropriations for 1963. 1962. "United States and Nepal Affirm Mutual Desire to Work for World Order Based on International Justice," Department of State Bulletin, May 23, 1960, 827-830. (The following periodicals were also used in the preparation of this section: Asian Recorder, from January 23, 1956 through March 1964; Commoner, from January 1, 1956 through March 1964; Deadline Data on World Affairs, Nepal, Domestic, from November 1, 1950 through January 15, 1964; Keesings Contemporary Archives, from January 1, 1955 through January 15, 1964; Motherland, from January 1, 1956 through March 1964; New York Times, from January 1, 1956 through March 1964; Regmi Research Project Reports, from January 1, 1956 through March 1964; and Times of India, from February 10, 1963 through January 15, 1964.