$Unique_ID{bob00388} $Pretitle{} $Title{Kuwait Address by Sheik Saad Abdullah Salem al-Sabah, Crown Prince} $Subtitle{} $Author{Embassy of Kuwait, Washington DC} $Affiliation{Embassy of Kuwait, Washington DC} $Subject{kuwait iraqi kuwaiti allah conference world aggression homeland regime stand} $Date{1990} $Log{} Title: Kuwait Book: Kuwait Events Author: Embassy of Kuwait, Washington DC Affiliation: Embassy of Kuwait, Washington DC Date: 1990 Address by Sheik Saad Abdullah Salem al-Sabah, Crown Prince ADDRESS BY HIS HIGHNESS SHEIKH SAAD ABDULLAH SALEM AL-SABAH, CROWN PRINCE AND PRIME MINISTER AT THE CLOSING SESSION OF THE KUWAITI PEOPLE'S CONFERENCE 26 RABI'AWWAL 1411H 15 OCTOBER 1990 Bismillahi Ar-Rahman Ar-Rahim My dear brothers and fellow citizens, Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh "Praise be to Allah Who has guided us to this end. Never would we have found guidance, had it not been for the guidance of Allah." And may Allah bestow His Peace and Blessings upon our Master Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah . The Kuwaiti People's Conference has truly been an historical national event in all aspects; historical in terms of the current prevailing circumstances; historical in terms of its composition and the size of participation; historical in terms of its discussions and deliberations; and historical still in terms of its resolutions and results. We have come to this conference bound together by our love for Kuwait. We have made a vow to achieve the goal of liberation. We have resolved to pursue the path of Jihad. And we have given our covenant to maintain our national unity. Blessed then be the conference, the gathering, the vow, the resolve and the covenant. The hearts of our kinsfolk inside and outside the beloved homeland, together with the watchful eyes of the entire world, are attached to this Conference. We are therefore grateful to Allah that everyone has measured up to the level of the event and the burden of the responsibility. With your resolution, you have addressed a strong, clear and truly expressive message on the position of our people as well as on our principles and values. A message which makes a pronouncement to the entire world: that Kuwaitis are but one united family. Our discretions, understandings and viewpoints, no matter how diverse, always remain within the boundary of the one and united Kuwaiti family which raises the supreme interests of Kuwait over all other considerations. A message which tells the Iraqi regime: that never in our ranks shall you ever find a single gap to strike against our national integrity, the cohesion of our society, the unity of our people, or the firmness of our front. We have made our resolve to continue our struggle against your aggression and treachery. We have vowed to die and spare no sacrifice, no matter how precious, in order to free our homeland from your corruption and aggression. There is no place for you in Kuwait, from which you will have to go, whether by means of peace or war. A message which says to our people standing resolute in Kuwait: "You not stand alone in confronting the wicked Iraqi regime and resisting its treacherous aggression. We are all with you. We back you up. We bolster your resistance. Allah is with us and He is our Champion. The entire world is with us too. "So lose not heart - Nor fall into despair, for Ye must gain mastery if You are true in faith." Holy Quran. My brothers and countrymen, Your ready response to the invitation to attend the National Kuwaiti Conference and your constructive participation in its proceedings exemplify your sense of patriotism and sincerity as well as your usual readiness to answer the call of national duty. Thank you for your ready response, your attendance and your participation. I would like to express in your name and the name of the Kuwaiti people our deep thanks and gratitude to the sisterly Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: King, government and people, for hosting our conference and making the conferees feel welcome to its hospitable land as well as providing all the potentialities and facilities needed to help it achieve its duties, thereby boosting further its brotherly and true support which we, no matter what we did, would still be unable to thank enough. Likewise I would like to address, in your name and in the name of the Kuwaiti people, our thanks and appreciation to all brotherly and friendly people: heads of State, governments and people who stood and continue to stand by our side by word and deed in our just struggle to liberate our homeland from the yoke of the wicked Iraqi occupation. My brothers and countrymen, By Allah's permission victory is well within reach; its early signs are already in sight. Repatriation to our beloved homeland is, God willing, a foregone conclusion. We, with the help of God, will raise high the edifice of our beloved Kuwait, the independent state of Kuwait, so that it may enjoy full sovereignty and keep its banner fluttering high in the breeze under the leadership of His Highness, the beloved Emir, May Allah preserve him. "And another (favour will He bestow) which ye do love - help from Allah and a speedy victory. So give the glad tidings to the believers." Peace be upon You and Allah's Mercy and Blessing. THE FINAL COMMUNIQUE OF THE KUWAITI PEOPLE'S CONFERENCE HELD FROM 24-26 RABI'AWWAL 1411H (13-15 OCTOBER 1990) IN THE CITY OF JEDDAH THE KINGDOM OF SAUDI ARABIA Praise be to the Lord of the Universe. And peace be upon the most noble of the Messengers, prophet Muhammad, his family and his companions one and all. "To those against whom war is made, permission is given to fight because they are wronged and verily, Allah is Most powerful for their aid." We the people of Kuwait and the representatives of all its sectors, categories, organizations, both official and private, and its national institutions, Meeting at the Kuwaiti people's Conference held under the patronage of the Emir of the State of Kuwait, His Highness Sheikh Jaber Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah, at the invitation of Crown Prince and Prime Minister His Highness Sheikh Saad Al-Abdullah al-Salem Al-Sabah, in the city of Jeddah, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, from 24-26 Rabi'Awwal 1411 corresponding to 13-15 October 1990 under the slogan " Liberation is our motto, path and objective." Recalling all the events and developments which have occurred in our beloved country and on the Arab and international scene since the Iraqi regime committed on 11 Muharram 1411H corresponding to 2 August 1990 its treacherous aggression on the state of Kuwait, occupied its entire territory and then arbitrarily declared its annexation to its country, Iraq. Taking into consideration the statement of His Highness the Emir at the opening of the conference, the statement of His Highness the Crown Prince and Prime Minister, and the conferees statement delivered by Mr. Abdulaziz Hamad Al-Sagr which, one and all, have been endorsed as official documents of the Conference and which the Conference request be adopted as the policy of the government and the people. Keeping in sight all the discussions and deliberations we had while the Conference was in session, we have decided the following: 1. To declare to the whole world that we categorically reject and condemn the occupation of our homeland, Kuwait, by the Iraqi regime and consider it a wicked aggression on independent and sovereign Kuwait which is a member of the Arab League, the United Nations and other organizations and a flagrant violation of all international conventions and laws and in particular the Arab League and the United Nations Charter. 2. We declare to the entire world that we uphold the regime chosen by our people from its inception which antedated the existence of the Iraqi entity and was accepted by successive Kuwaiti generations. Likewise we emphasize that the Kuwaiti people, one and all, men and women, old and young, stand solidly behind our legitimate leadership whose true embodiment is our Emir, Sheikh Jaber Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah, and his Crown Prince, Sheikh Saad Al-Abdullah Al-Sabah, may Allah preserve them. 3. To expose to the whole world the false nature and the invalidity of the claims and allegations given by the Iraqi regime to justify the crime of its invasion and occupation of the independent state of Kuwait, stressing our categorical rejection of these claims and allegations which are at variance with the actual facts and which are refuted by history. 4. To declare to the whole world our condemnation and abhorrence of all forms of killing, oppression, torture and terror which the troops of the Iraqi regime committed, and continue to commit, against unarmed and innocent Kuwaiti citizens and nationals of brotherly and friendly countries, not sparing women and children. Likewise we condemn and abhor desecration by the Iraqi forces of the houses of God, the acts of theft, looting and plunder they committed, not sparing hospitals or schools. We also call on all peoples of the world to condemn these cruel practices. 5. We make a covenant with God and ourselves as well as with our people who stand resolute in beloved Kuwait and those of our people who are working hard abroad that we shall consider liberation as our goal, repatriation as our objective, the Emir as our leader, Jihad as our path, national unity as our weapon and death in the path of Allah as the sweetest of our wishes, until victory is achieved with the help of God and our homeland is purged of the profanities of the invaders. 6. We pay tribute to the steadfastness to our people in our beloved Kuwait and their heroic resistance to the barbaric forces of occupation which we and the entire world follow up with much appreciation and admiration. Likewise we highly praise their sacrifices which illuminate for us the road to liberation. We pray for Allah's mercy on their martyrs: "Think not of those who are slain in Allah's way as dead. Nay, they live finding their sustenance from their Lord." We want them to know that they are not alone in the confrontation against the aggression of the Iraqi regime and that we all stand solidly behind them and that all peace-loving peoples and aggression-rejecting peoples back us up and mass their forces to help us in our struggle to liberate our homeland, beat back the invaders and expel the aggressors in compliance with the words of God: "O Ye who believe! persevere in patience and constancy; vie in such perseverance: strengthen each other; and fear Allah; that ye may prosper." 7. We call on all Kuwaitis now found outside their beloved homeland to do their best in the cause of the liberation of our homeland and the expulsion of the aggressors therefrom. 8. We declare to the whole world that, since the inception of Kuwait, its people have been and continue to be one family bound together by mutual love, interdependence and cooperation in both joy and adversity and that their divergence of interpretations and views does not lead them to break away from the circle of the one family. Their love of Kuwait binds their hearts together and their devotion to her unites their ranks. 9. We declare to the entire world that the sovereignty of Kuwait, its independence and territorial integrity cannot be subject to any bargaining or negotiations. We reaffirm our categorical rejection of any solution falling short of the full implementation of the Resolutions of the Arab League Emergency Summit Conference held in Cairo on 19 Muharram 1411H (10 August 1990) and resolutions of the UN Security Council, all of which have rejected and condemned the Iraqi aggression against the independent State of Kuwait and its coercive annexation, and their insistence on the unconditional withdrawal of the Iraqi forces from all Kuwaiti territories, and reaffirmed their favourable stand for the return of the legitimate Kuwaiti authorities. 10. We urge the United Nations and its specialized agencies, the International Committee of the Red Cross, the Committee of the International Red Cross and Crescent, the Red Cross and Crescent Arab Association, Amnesty International, the Human Rights Organization and all International Humanitarian Institutions to do their utmost in exercising pressure on the Iraqi regime to stop the inhuman treatment to which the Kuwaiti citizens and foreigners residing in Kuwait are subjected at the hands of the Iraqi occupation forces. We appeal to all these institutions to do their best and dispatch representatives to ensure protection for the Kuwaiti citizens and residents against the savage treatment, the terrorism and atrocious oppression of the Iraqi forces. 11. We urge the Security Council and international community to act promptly and put an end to the measures undertaken by Iraq for the obliteration of the political entity of the state of Kuwait, the disfiguration of its historic heritage and national and cultural identity, and the alteration of its demographic composition by forcefully evicting the aboriginal citizens and substituting them with alien people brought from elsewhere to settle in their homes and occupy their homeland. 12. We call upon the UN Security Council to adopt a resolution authorizing the world community to use every possible means for the implementation of the Security Council Resolutions in such a way as to ensure the withdrawal of the Iraqi occupation forces and the reestablishment of the legitimate authority. We appeal particularly to the five permanent members of the Security Council, in view of the major role they play vis-a-vis the international community, to act in favour of the adoption of such a resolution. 13. For those amongst the sisterly Arab States who for one reason or another have failed to uphold their principles and commitments to denounce aggression and extend their support to rightfulness and justice, we invite them to reconsider their attitude in the light of the fundamental tenets of the noble Islamic faith, national values, Arab morals and human ethics. We urge them to let their conscience prevail and join the international concensus in favour of upholding what is right and snuffing out what is wrong. They will definitely find eventually that an honest, principled and just stand is preferable. 14. We reaffirm that the position adopted by some Palestinian leaders will in no way affect our unswerving solidarity with the Palestinian people in their just struggle for the liberation of their land and the recovery of their usurped rights. We are quite confident in fact that the Palestinian people with all their sacrifices, their values and principles can in no way condone or approve the stand adopted by these leaders, a stand which is founded on those leaders' individual interests and is in the first place, prejudicial to the Palestinian cause, to the credibility of the Palestinian struggle and the very interest of the Palestinian people themselves. 15. We declare that despite all our wounds and sufferings, and despite the tragic ordeals undergone by our people following the aggression of the criminal Iraqi regime, we do not hold any rancour or animosity against the Iraqi people. For we are quite aware that the Iraqi people themselves are coerced and look forward to being freed of the tyrant of Baghdad and his oppressive clique who are inflicting the worst atrocities upon the Iraqi people and who have coerced them into a ruthless and sterile war against the Muslim Iranian people, resulting in the death of hundreds of thousands in a hopeless and senseless confrontation against the whole world, a confrontation out of which the Iraqi people could reap nothing but destruction, and further losses of life amongst their sons. 16. We extend our heartfelt thanks and appreciation to all the friendly states and peoples for their stand beside Kuwait against the treacherous Iraqi aggression, and for their moral and active support. We reaffirm that the Kuwaiti people with all its succeeding generations will forever remember with gratitude and appreciation their honourable and just stand. 17. We express our profound thanks to the international community - represented in the United Nations, and the Security Council in particular - for the resolutions and measures which have reaffirmed the rejection and condemnation of the Iraqi aggression against Kuwait, calling for the immediate and unconditional withdrawal of Iraqi troops from all Kuwaiti territory, and reiterating support for the restoration of the Kuwaiti legitimate authority. By the same token, we would like to commend the sincere efforts undertaken to that effect by the Secretary - General of the United Nations and representatives of the Security Council member states. 18. We express our profound thankfulness and gratitude to the sisterly Arab countries - their leaders, governments and peoples - which opened their hearts and homes for hosting and accommodating the Kuwaiti citizens, whether those who were there at the time of the Iraqi aggression or those who fled subsequently. As we commend the gracious fraternal position of those countries, with all the magnanimity and nobleness embodied therein, we pray to Allah the Almighty to reward them on behalf of Kuwait. 19. We express our profound thankfulness and gratitude to the sisterly kingdom of Saudi Arabia - the King, the government and the people - for hosting this conference and providing all the services and facilities required for its success. We pray to Allah the Almighty that our meeting here in this blessed land will signal our holy and blessed march towards the liberation of our homeland, the restoration of our usurped territory. 20. Reaffirm that after Allah has granted us victory over the aggressors and after we have liberated our land from the corruption of Iraqi occupation, we - with the help and grace of Allah - shall embark on rebuilding our beloved Kuwait on two basic foundations: First: Our society stands on established principles, foremost the adherence to Islam. The Kuwaiti house should emphasize the Islamic nature of education, ethics and practices, with a view to bringing up a generation imbued with faith in God, cognizant of the greatness of Islam, its firmness in administering justice and its tolerance in dealings between people. The future generation should have an understanding of the view and standpoint of Islam on everything, and at the same time remain open-minded to the world and all on-going developments. It should use wisdom and good preaching in calling to the way of Allah, and know at the same time how to coexist harmoniously with others and their concepts. It should be a generation with a strong sense of belonging to the Arab history, sentiments and superior interests. It should be a generation with a human attitude, rejecting and condemning injustice while supporting and defending the truth; a generation which stands as a source of enlightenment, civilization and contributions to the progress and development of brothers, friends and peoples at large. Such would be the generation that believes in its human and civilizing role. Second: The Kuwaiti people adhere to their national unity and the legitimate regime which they have chosen and have been pleased with and which rests on the principle of taking counsel and the people's participation under the nation's constitution of 1962, considered to be the protective armour and the essential guarantee for the safety of the community. Allah is Great ! Glory for Kuwait ! And Allah is our witness.