$Unique_ID{bob00387} $Pretitle{} $Title{Kuwait Address by Engineer Abdul Rahman Khaled Al-Ghoneim Secretary-General} $Subtitle{} $Author{Embassy of Kuwait, Washington DC} $Affiliation{Embassy of Kuwait, Washington DC} $Subject{kuwait congress committee god highness } $Date{1990} $Log{} Title: Kuwait Book: Kuwait Events Author: Embassy of Kuwait, Washington DC Affiliation: Embassy of Kuwait, Washington DC Date: 1990 Address by Engineer Abdul Rahman Khaled Al-Ghoneim Secretary-General Bismillah Alrrahman Alrrahim Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds, and Prayers and Peace be upon the Prophet Mohamed and all his kin and companions. God the Almighty says: "But if ye are constant and do right, not the least harm will their cunning do to you; for God compasseth round about all they do." His Highness the Emir, may God protect him, His Highness the Crown Prince and Minister, may God protect him, My brother members of the Popular Congress, It is distressing and painful to gather here while our beloved Kuwait is captured and languishing under the yoke of the perfidious Iraqi occupation. It is only soothing that we meet in a country that we all cherish; a country that took a noble, courageous and unforgettable stand by the people and government of Kuwait. We cannot afford but to present our sincerest thanks and appreciation to the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Fahd Bin Abdul Aziz, his rightly guided government and genuine people for all the support. On this occasion, we cannot afford but to greet the Arab countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council and the other sisterly countries whose position had the greatest impact in shoring up and backing Kuwait on the Arab and international levels. We also should like to express our highest appreciation and gratitude to the friendly countries and the entire international community for their gallant stand with our just cause. Brothers: The treacherous Iraqi regime, by its armed aggression against our homeland, Kuwait, has perpetrated the crime of the age. By such an infamous act, it has thrown humanity from the apex of civilization and the era of rapprochment and peace to the law of the jungle and the rule of the savage, when it attacked our secure nation which has never drawn a weapon or fallen short of its international duties and commitments. Throughout its history, Kuwait has been on oasis of charity and safety to every Arab and it took the lead in helping and aiding each Arab and Islamic country in times of hardship in order to contribute its resources in development and progress. Brothers: The perfiduous aggressor thought he could gobble up Kuwait and get away with his crime without being condemned or punished, but to his surprise the whole world is standing by us, deploring and renouncing that aggression and bent on cooperating in order to reverse it. The aggressor envisioned that he could disunite the one Kuwaiti family, but he only found one cohesively united people who agree in consensus on paying the homage to one man namely, the Emir of Kuwait, His Highness Sheikh Jaber Al-Ahmed Al-Sabah, while standing behind their legitimate government under the leadership of His Highness the Crown Prince and Prime Minister Sheikh Saad Al-Abdullap Al-Salem Al-Sabah. Brothers: The day of victory is inevitably coming. Injustice never lasts. This will be achieved by sincere, rigorous work, with one hand, looking only at one goal, the liberation and restoration of our country under the legitimate government. This congress provides the opportunity for our thoughts to converge on attaining the desired goal; the liberation of the soil and return to our homeland. This committee was commissioned to pursue the steps begun earlier by the ministerial committee which embarked on preparing for the convention of this congress. The preparatory committee worked through 6-12 October 1990 to prepare the necessary arrangements to convene the meeting utilizing the remarkable facilities provided by the Kuwaiti and Saudi institutions. Though we never claim perfection for our modest endeavors, we expect you to ignore shortcomings due to the exceptional nature of this congress and the shortness of time to prepare for it. We derive support from the saying of the Almighty: "And slacken not in following up the enemy: if ye are suffering hardships, they are suffering similar hardships; but ye have hope from God while they have none. And God is full of knowledge and wisdom." Brotherly members of the Congress: The preparatory committee has formed a number of organizational committees such as the public relations committee, information committee and secretariat committee to facilitate the task of the attendees and the media crews. Regarding the agenda, you will note that the opening and concluding sessions will be closed and attended only by the members of the congress to insure candidness in addressing the issues of the Kuwaiti house. This is your own congress, therefore, the preparatory committee saw it unfit to force itself in determining or guiding the course of your work. The committee of the formulation and preparation of the final statement, which we hope you will select at the outset of the first working session, will elicit the recommendations and prepare the final statement of the congress from the issues that you discuss and agree upon. The preparatory committee and the general secretariat will be at your disposal for the best interest of conducting the works of the Congress. Finally, we should like to express our thankfulness to His Highness the Emir of the State of Kuwait, may God protect him, for sponsoring this meeting. We should like also to thank His Highness the Crown Prince and Prime Minister for his concern in holding this Congress and his desire to be among the representatives of the Kuwaiti people in their popular rally. We also should like to express our thankfulness to brothers in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia who provided all possible facilities for the convention of this Congress. Prosperity and victory be to our beloved Kuwait, and may Allah bring you all peace, compassion and blessings.