$Unique_ID{bob00316} $Pretitle{} $Title{Cote d'Ivoire} $Subtitle{} $Author{Tourisme Cote d'Ivoire} $Affiliation{Embassy of Cote d'Ivory, Washington DC} $Subject{cote region d'ivoire land visit offers beautiful city include market} $Date{1990} $Log{} Title: Cote d'Ivoire Book: Cote d'Ivoire Travel Update Author: Tourisme Cote d'Ivoire Affiliation: Embassy of Cote d'Ivory, Washington DC Date: 1990 Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire is a unique travel destination that one must see to believe. Come and step into a land filled with all the beauty, mystery, allure and excitement. The following pages will guide you through some of the most beautiful scenery. Come enjoy the splendor of enchanting Cote d'Ivoire, and discover the extraordinary variety of age-rooted customs it has to offer. Cote d'Ivoire is a microcosm of Africa, having more than 60 ethnic groups. In addition to being the ideal destination in Africa ( it combines beaches, forests, savannahs, plateaus and mountains, fishing, golf and game viewing), Cote d'Ivoire also serves as point of departure to all other African countries-thanks to its good air-connection, its rapidly developing road network, and its expanding tourist facilities. Above all, come to meet the Ivorians and share their legendary hospitality and joys of life. Select your itinerary and inform your Travel Agency, or do it yourself; Cote d'Ivoire is secure. The South Beaches, Lagoons, Restful Creeks and Charming Abidjan. The South is the region of paradoxes, a land which juxtaposes the ancient and the modern and contrasts the elegance of the urban skyline with the natural simplicity of the lagoons and villages. The glimmering lights of the cosmopolitan cityscape greet the visitor to Abidjan. A growing network of air transportation makes Abidjan more accessible than ever, and like all major urban centers in Cote d'Ivoire, Abidjan offers 2-, 3-, 4- and 5-star hotels, all comfortable and air conditioned. Explore the region by car and enjoy good year-round roads, or take advantage of an excellent lagoon cruise to l'Ile Boulay (Eden-like Boulay Island). The diversity of the region will become apparent as you venture forth through the Treichville Market, an exotic and colorful Oriental bazaar, en route to historical and now Arts Center of Grand Bassam. The Garden City of Bingerville also offers much more than flower plantations and Museums. It's the "Quartier Latin" of Cote d'Ivoire. Highlights of the area include the Abidjan Art Museum, the modern Port and the Logging Depot, the Souvenir Market and many movie theaters, Night Clubs and Restaurants, any style. The Banco Forest's cool greenery is a haven for travelers and the crystal clear waters of the Banco River offer a perfect sanctuary for picnics and walks. Other exciting destinations include Grand-Lahou, Jacqueville and Sassandra (The City That Will Not Die), which was formerly a prosperous city and busy Port. Dagbebo's magnificent Lagoon is a beautiful sight, and Pauli-Plage is sheltered in a creek. Gnega is popular with European visitors. Soubre is a major crossroads and an attractive tourist spot. Besides rich folkloric history, it offers the Nawa Falls on the Sassandra River. A Tour to Buyo is a must; the massive hydroelectric dam over the Sassandra is truly impressive. The New City of San Pedro is a shining example of the rapid change occurring in the region. Don't miss its beaches and seaside restaurants serving giant lobsters every day. From Cape Palmes to Fresco, the Western Coastline of the Southern region offers the marvelous Grand Bereby beach and the idyllic Monogaga Cove. The Costa de Malagens (the Coast of Evil People), is now a heavenly wilderness and is fast becoming one of the highlights of the Ivorian seaside resort. Sheltered beaches with fine sand abound in this breathtaking region. Central Region Ingenious Arts, Age Old Customs and Varied Folklore. Welcome to a land of extraordinary variety. The Central Region has a dual character since it overlaps the Southern woodlands and the Northern savannahs. This is the homeland of the Baoule, as well as the Bete and the Gouro. Traditional dances, art and handicrafts are part of the beautiful and varied attractions. Visitors who choose to rent a car or 4-wheel drive vehicle will be impressed with the good road system in this region. All visits here should begin in the festive capital of Bouake by exploring the Gonfreville Textile Mills, and the colorful Market. Katiola is a pretty town nestled in greenery as well as an excellent example of Cote d'Ivoire's voluntary urbanization. It is also the place to buy pottery. In Yamoussoukro, the Radiant City and the political Capital of the Country, enjoy splendid tennis courts, swimming pools, the 18-hole golf course and the marvelous Hotel President's facilities. The Guests Palace, the Mosque, the National School of Civil Engineering and the Technical High School are well worth a visit. A trip to the Lake of Sacred Crocodiles is also recommended. From Yamoussoukro, visit the President's Plantations, the Toumbokro Coffee Processing Plant, and Bouafle, home of the Zaouli Dance. Daloa is the door-step up to the Bete tribe and also to visit the Marahoue National Park nearby. Gagnoa and Issia are names of places worth a visit. Time permitting, drive to Dimbokro, Bongouanou and Daoukro and discover the "Boucle du Cacao" (The Cocoa Production Area). Try your fishing ability in the Comoe River. No other road offers such beautiful scenery as this, in springtime. The North Initiations and Ancestral Rites...The Supernatural within Reach. The North is a mystical region, replete with history, mystery and magic. This is a land of wooded savannahs, where plateaus are broken by steep granitic domes, and a dry Sudan-like climate greets the visitor. The Senoufo folklore is one of the richest and liveliest in Cote d'Ivoire, and the opportunity to witness Senoufo rituals will guarantee a most memorable experience. Korhogo, located at the foot of Mt. Korhogo (2,700 ft.) is sheltered by consecrated woods and offers a wide variety of diversions, including the Gbon Coulibaly Museum, the Handicraft Suburb, and a picturesque market. Waraniene, a short distance away, is a weavers' village and an excellent place to purchase fabric. Other nearby artisan and crafts villages include Koni, where ironwork is a specialty, and Fakaha, known for its decorative handpainted cloth. Kong (the heart of black Islam), is an interesting trip through history, and Boundiali provides a glimpse into traditional village life as well as a chance to view the N'Goron, perhaps the most famous dance in Cote d"Ivoire. The Northeast is the Land of the Abron and the Lobi, two of the most original ethnic groups in Cote d"Ivoire. You will see the Soukala, the strange terraced dwellings of the Lobi, and women who still wear ornamental plates piercing and sometimes locking their lips. The Comoe National Park is a dream for Safari aficionados. Lions, panthers, buffalo, bubales, and 300 miles of practicable tracks await the visitor. The Northwest is the border of black Islam, encompassing the Odienne Region. In Odienne visit the main Mosque, the Market, and the craftsmen. Samatiguila is a great religious center and Mount Denguele (2,700 ft.) holds beautiful caves. It is an excellent climbing site. The East Follow the Salt Caravanners...Discover Majestic Kingdoms. The East is the land of still striking Kingdoms and beautiful ceremonies based on ancestral traditions. These Kingdoms provide an exceptional view into African social structures in precolonial times. Their endurance, their vitality and their adaptability to modern and national institutions are unique and constitute a curiosity for worldwide visitors. The Abron founded a powerful kingdom in Bondoukou, one of the oldest and regional capital cities in Cote d'Ivoire. Like Odienne in the Northwest, Bondoukou has a very important Islamic influence, but here the population still venerate a king who cannot be a Muslim. Recommended visits include the nearby Sacred-Monkeys of Soko, and the not too far Sacred Fishes of Sapia. Abengourou, chief town of a flourishing prefecture, is the capital of the Indenie Kingdom. Every Friday, at the King's Palace, the BIA (a solid gold sacred throne) is shown to the population, in respect of ancestral customs. This is the day the King teaches history to the young generation and provides counsel to his people. In Zaranou (the former chief town), you can see the museum of Binger, the first French Governor to visit the area. Discover a wealth of artifacts retracing the founding of the Kingdom. A recommended visit is the Women School of Fetishism in Tanguelan, where you can consult the priestess if you like. Western Region Masks, Dances and Mountains...What a Must. This land of the We ethnic group (Guere, Wobe and Yacouba) is truly the most original in Cote d'Ivoire, thanks to its natural vistas and its cultural heritage. Spectacular landscapes, waterfalls, mountain peaks, and creeper bridges add to the mystique of The Western Region. Man, the regional capital city, is surrounded by 18 mountain peaks. Tieny-Siably is a strange village perched atop a huge rock. Gouessesso is a health resort boasting mild weather and 50 comfortable cottages. The folklore of this region is as unique as it's rich. Dances abound, and include the Temate, performed in Facobly by young girls. The Stilts dance is the most original in the west, and the Jugglers show is not for an impressionable audience. Borotou is known for its folkloric dances performed by lavishly adorned women. Highlights of the region include the colorful market of Touba, land of the Mahou, and the famous stilt dancers of Waninou. Thrill seekers will enjoy Zala, the hang gliding center. The Tai National Park offers 870,000 acres of peace and silence. Other interesting places worth a visit are Bangolo and Guiglo for masks, Danane, Duekue, Biankouman and Touleupleu for very rich and acrobatic traditional dances.