$Unique_ID{bob00154} $Pretitle{} $Title{Denmark Statistical Profile of Denmark} $Subtitle{} $Author{Central Intelligence Agency} $Affiliation{United States Government} $Subject{km danish seats rate billion denmark products government party socialist hear audio hear sound see pictures see figures } $Date{1990} $Log{Hear National Anthem*64278010.aud See Map of Denmark*0015401.scf See Flag of Denmark*0015402.scf } Title: Denmark Book: CIA World Factbook Author: Central Intelligence Agency Affiliation: United States Government Date: 1990 [Hear National Anthem] [See Map of Denmark] [See Flag of Denmark] Statistical Profile of Denmark Geography Total area: 43,070 km2; land area: 42,370 km2; includes the island of Bornholm in the Baltic Sea and the rest of metropolitan Denmark, but excludes the Faroe Islands and Greenland Comparative area: slightly more than twice the size of Massachusetts Land boundaries: 68 km with FRG Coastline: 3,379 km Maritime claims: Contiguous zone: 4 nm Continental shelf: 200 meters or to depth of exploitation Exclusive fishing zone: 200 nm Territorial sea: 3 nm Disputes: Rockall continental shelf dispute involving Iceland, Ireland, and the UK (Ireland and the UK have signed a boundary agreement in the Rockall area) Climate: temperate; humid and overcast; mild, windy winters and cool summers Terrain: low and flat to gently rolling plains Natural resources: crude oil, natural gas, fish, salt, limestone Land use: 61% arable land; NEGL% permanent crops; 6% meadows and pastures; 12% forest and woodland; 21% other; includes 9% irrigated Environment: air and water pollution Note: controls Danish Straits linking Baltic and North Seas People Population: 5,129,659 (July 1989), growth rate 0.1% (1989) Birth rate: 11 births/1,000 population (1989) Death rate: 11 deaths/1,000 population (1989) Net migration rate: 1 migrant/1,000 population (1989) Infant mortality rate: 7 deaths/1,000 live births (1989) Life expectancy at birth: 72 years male, 79 years female (1989) Total fertility rate: 1.5 children born/woman (1989) Nationality: noun--Dane(s); adjective--Danish Ethnic divisions: Scandinavian, Eskimo, Faroese, German Religion: 97% Evangelical Lutheran, 2% other Protestant and Roman Catholic, 1% other Language: Danish, Faroese, Greenlandic (an Eskimo dialect); small German-speaking minority Literacy: 99% Labor force: 2,860,000; 31.3% services, 26.4% government, 18.4% manufacturing, 6.1% agriculture, forestry, and fishing, 5.8% construction (1987) Organized labor: 65% of labor force Government Long-form name: Kingdom of Denmark Type: constitutional monarchy Capital: Copenhagen Administrative divisions: metropolitan Denmark--14 counties (amter, singular--amt) and 1 city* (stad); Arhus, Bornholm, Frederiksborg, Fyn, Kobenhavn, Nordjylland, Ribe, Ringkobing, Roskilde, Sonderjylland, Staden Kobenhavn*, Storstrom, Vejle, Vestsjaelland, Viborg; note--see separate entries for the Faroe Islands and Greenland which are part of the Danish realm and self-governing administrative divisions Independence: became a constitutional monarchy in 1849 Constitution: 5 June 1953 Legal system: civil law system; judicial review of legislative acts; accepts compulsory ICJ jurisdiction, with reservations National holiday: Birthday of the Queen, 16 April (1940) Branches: legislative authority rests jointly with crown and parliament (Folketing); executive power vested in crown but exercised by Cabinet responsible to parliament; Supreme Court, 2 superior courts, 106 lower courts Leaders: Chief of State--Queen MARGRETHE II (since January 1972); Heir Apparent Crown Prince FREDERIK, elder son of the Queen (born 26 May 1968); Head of Government--Prime Minister Poul SCHLUTER (since 10 September 1982) Suffrage: universal over age 21 Elections: on call of prime minister but at least every four years; last election 10 May 1988 Political parties and leaders: Social Democratic, Svend Auken; Liberal, Uffe Ellemann-Jensen; Conservative, Poul Schluter; Radical Liberal, Niels Helveg Petersen; Socialist People's, Gert Petersen; Communist, Jorgen Jensen; Left Socialist, Preben Wilnjelm; Center Democratic, Erhard Jakobsen; Christian People's, Flemming Kofoed-Svendsen; Justice, Poul Gerhard Kristiansen; Trade and Industry Party, Asger J. Lindinger; Progress Party, Mogens Glistrup; Socialist Workers Party, no chairman; Communist Workers' Party (KAP), Benito Scocozza; Common Course, Preben Mooller Hansen Voting strength: 10 May 1988 parliamentary election (179 seats)--Social Democratic 55 seats, Conservative 35 seats, Socialist People's 24 seats, Liberal 22 seats, Progress 16 seats, Radical Liberal 10 seats, Center Democratic 9 seats, Christian People's 4 seats, Common Course no seats, Left Socialist no seats; includes 2 seats Greenland, 2 seats Faroe Islands; note--a party must have at least 2% of the vote to be in parliament Member of: ADB, CCC, Council of Europe, DAC, EC, EMS, ESA, FAO, GATT, IAEA, IBRD, ICAC, ICAO, ICES, ICO, IDA, IDB, Inter-American Development Bank, IEA, IFAD, IFC, IHO, ILO, International Lead and Zinc Study Group, IMF, IMO, INTELSAT, INTERPOL, IPU, ISO, ITC, ITU, IWC--International Wheat Council, NATO, Nordic Council, OECD, UN, UNESCO, UPU, WHO, WIPO, WMO, WSG Diplomatic representation: Ambassador Eigil JORGENSEN; Chancery at 3200 Whitehaven Street NW, Washington DC 20008; telephone (202) 234-4300; there are Danish Consulates General at Chicago, Houston, Los Angeles, and New York; US--Ambassador Keith L. BROWN; Embassy at Dag Hammarskjold Alle 24, 2100 Copenhagen O (mailing address is APO New York 09170); telephone [45] (1) 42 31 44 Flag: red with a white cross that extends to the edges of the flag; the vertical part of the cross is shifted to the hoist side and that design element of the Dannebrog (Danish flag) was subsequently adopted by all other Scandinavian countries Economy Overview: The highly diversified economy is heavily dependent on foreign trade (including services), which accounts for 40% of GDP. Over the past 30 years manufacturing has gradually replaced agriculture as the most important sector. In 1987 about 60% of total exports came from manufactured products compared to 30% from agriculture. GDP: $101.3 billion, per capita $19,780; real growth rate - 1.1% (1987) Inflation rate (consumer prices): 4.0% (1987) Unemployment rate: 8.9% (1988) Budget: revenues $34 billion; expenditures $34 billion, including capital expenditures of $19 billion (1988) Exports: $25.6 billion (f.o.b., 1987); commodities--meat and meat products, dairy products, transport equipment, fish, chemicals, industrial machinery; partners--US 6.9%, FRG, Norway, Sweden, UK, other EC, Japan Imports: $25.5 billion (c.i.f., 1987); commodities--petroleum, machinery and equipment, chemicals, grain and foodstuffs, textiles, paper; partners--US 5.3%, FRG, Netherlands, Sweden, UK, other EC External debt: $19.0 billion (December 1988 est.) Industrial production: growth rate - 2.4% (1987) Electricity: 11,123,000 kW capacity; 30,011 million kWh produced, 5,860 kWh per capita (1988) Industries: food processing, machinery and equipment, textiles and clothing, chemical products, electronics, construction, furniture, and other wood products Agriculture: highly intensive, specializes in dairying and animal husbandry; main crops--cereals, root crops; food imports--oilseed, grain, animal feedstuffs Aid: donor--ODA and OOF commitments (1970-86) $4.4 billion Currency: Danish krone (plural--kroner); 1 Danish krone (DKr) = 100 ore Exchange rates: Danish kroner (DKr) per US$1--7.085 (January 1989), 6.732 (1988), 6.840 (1987), 8.091 (1986), 10.596 (1985) Fiscal year: calendar year Communications Railroads: 2,675 km 1.435-meter standard gauge; Danish State Railways (DSB) operate 2,025 km (1,999 km rail line and 121 km rail ferry services); 188 km electrified, 730 km double tracked; 650 km of standard-gauge lines are privately owned and operated Highways: 66,482 km total; 64,551 km concrete, bitumen, or stone block; 1,931 km gravel, crushed stone, improved earth Inland waterways: 417 km Pipelines: crude oil, 110 km; refined products, 578 km; natural gas, 700 km Ports: Alborg, Arhus, Copenhagen, Esbjerg, Fredericia; numerous secondary and minor ports Merchant marine: 223 ships (1,000 GRT or over) totaling 4,123,748 GRT/6,248,626 DWT; includes 11 short-sea passenger, 71 cargo, 12 refrigerated cargo, 25 container, 38 roll-on/roll-off cargo, 1 railcar carrier, 34 petroleum, oils, and lubricants (POL) tanker, 9 chemical tanker, 10 liquefied gas, 3 livestock carrier, 9 bulk Civil air: 58 major transport aircraft Airports: 130 total, 114 usable; 27 with permanent-surface runways; 9 with runways 2,440-3,659 m; 6 with runways 1,220-2,439 m Telecommunications: excellent telephone, telegraph, and broadcast services; 4,237,000 telephones; stations--2 AM, 8 (39 repeaters) FM, 13 (22 repeaters) TV stations; 7 submarine coaxial cables; 2 satellite earth stations operating in EUTELSAT and domestic systems Defense Forces Branches: Royal Danish Army, Royal Danish Navy, Royal Danish Air Force Military manpower: males 15-49, 1,365,699; 1,181,114 fit for military service; 37,461 reach military age (20) annually Military budget: $2.352 billion, 7.3% of central government budget (1988 est.)