$Unique_ID{bob00150} $Pretitle{} $Title{Brazil Bibliography. Chapter 5} $Subtitle{} $Author{Eugene K. Keefe} $Affiliation{HQ, Department of the Army} $Subject{brazil new press york ed international university foreign london washington} $Date{1982} $Log{} Title: Brazil Book: Brazil, A Country Study Author: Eugene K. Keefe Affiliation: HQ, Department of the Army Date: 1982 Bibliography. Chapter 5 Alexander, Robert J. "Brazil." Pages 39-41 in Richard F. Staar (ed.), Yearbook on International Communist Affairs, 1981. Stanford: Hoover Institution Press. 1981. _____. "Brazil." Pages 68-71 in Richard F. Staar (ed.), Yearbook on International Communist Affairs, 1982. Stanford: Hoover Institution Press, 1982. Alves, Marcio Moreira. A Grain of Mustard Seed: The Awakening of the Brazilian Revolution. Garden City, New York: Doubleday, Anchor Books, 1973. Black, Jan Knippers. "The Military and Political Decompression in Brazil." Armed Forces and Society, 6, No. 4, Summer 1980, 625-37. _____. United States Penetration of Brazil. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1977. Boxer, Charles R. The Dutch in Brazil, 1624-1654. Oxford: Clanendon Press, 1957. Brazil. Secretaria de Planejamento do Presidencia de Republica. Fundacao Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatistica. Annuario Estatistico do Brasil 1980, 41. Rio de Janeiro: 1980. "Brazil." Pages 127-29 in Amnesty International Report, 1977. London: Amnesty International, 1977. "Brazil." Pages 51-53 in Amnesty International Report, 1979. London: Amnesty International, 1979. "Brazil." Pages 113-15 in Amnesty International Report, 1980. London: Amnesty International, 1980. "Brazil." Pages 118-21 in Amnesty International Report, 1981. London: Amnesty International, 1981. "Brazil." Pages 27-28 in The World Factbook, 1982. Washington; Central Intelligence Agency, 1982. Brooke, Jim. "Dateline Brazil: Southern Superpower." Foreign Policy, No. 44, Fall 1981, 167-80. Burns, E. Bradford. A History of Brazil. (2d, ed.) New York: Columbia University Press, 1980. Chiefs of State and Cabinet Ministers of Foreign Governments. Washington: Central Intelligence Agency, 1982. Combat Fleets of the World, 1980/81: Their Ships, Aircraft, and Armament. (Ed., Jean Labayle Couhat.) Annapolis: United States Naval Institute, 1980. Constitution of Brazil 1967 (as amended by Constitutional Amendment No. 1 of October 17, 1969.) Washington: General Secretariat, Organization of American States, n. d. DMS Market Intelligence Report: Brazil Summary. Greenwich: DMS, 1981-82. Dulles, John W.F. Unrest in Brazil: Political-Military Crises, 1955-1964. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1969. Dyer, Gwynne. "Brazil." Pages 77-95 in John Keegan (ed.), World Armies. New York: Facts on File, 1979. Einaudi, Luigi R., and Alfred C. Stepan. Latin American Institutional Development: Changing Military Perspectives in Peru and Brazil. Santa Monica: Rand, 1971. Evans, Robert Dervel. Brazil: The Road Back from Terrorism. (Conflict Studies, No. 47.) London: Institute for the Study of Conflict, July 1974. Fiechter, Georges-Andre. Brazil since 1964: Modernization under a Military Regime. New York: Halstead Press, 1975. Fishlow, Albert. "The United States and Brazil: The Case of the Missing Relationship," Foreign Affairs, 60, No. 4, Spring 1982, 904-23. Flynn, Peter. Brazil: A Political Analysis. Boulder: Westview Press, 1978. Freed, Kenneth. "Brazil: World's Fifth-Largest Arms Maker," Los Angeles Times, November, 15, 1981, 4. Garcia-Zamor, Jean-Claude (ed.). Politics and Administration in Brazil. Washington: University Press of America, 1978. Goncalves, Joao Carlos. Historia Maritima. Rio de Janeiro: Biblioteca do Exercito, 1980. Graham, Richard (ed.). A Century of Brazilian History since 1865. New York: Knopf, 1969. Gross, Daniel R. "The Indians and the Brazilian Frontier," Journal of International Affairs, 36, No. 1, 1982, 1-14. Gunston, Bill (ed.). Encyclopedia of World Air Power. New York: Crescent, 1980. Hewish, Mark, et al. Air Forces of the World. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1979. Hoge, Warren. "A General Loosens the Reins in Brazil," New York Times Magazine, December 6, 1981, 110-26. Ingleton, Roy D. Police of the World. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1979. International Air Forces and Military Aircraft Directory. Essex, England: Aviation Advisory Services, 1980. Jane's All the World's Aircraft, 1981-82. (Ed., John W.R. Taylor.) New York: Jane's, 1981. Jane's Fighting Ships, 1981-82. (Ed., John Moore.) New York: Jane's, 1981. Jane's Military Vehicles and Ground Support Equipment, 1981. (Ed., Christopher F. Foss.) New York: Jane's, 1981. Jane's 1981-82 Naval Annual. (Ed., John Moore.) New York: Jane's, 1981. Jane's Weapon Systems, 1981-82. (Ed., Ronald T. Pretty.) New York: Jane's 1981. Keith, Henry H., and Robert A. Hayes (eds.). Perspectives on Armed Politics in Brazil. Tempe: Center for Latin American Studies, Arizona State University, 1976. Levine, Robert M. "Brazil: The Dimensions of Democratization," Current History, 81, No. 472, February 1982, 60-63. Lottman, Herbert R. "Brazil: A Long Way to Go," Publishers Weekly, November 21, 1980, 20-33. McDonough, Peter. Power and Ideology in Brazil. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1981. Manwaring, Max G. "Brazilian Military Power: A Capability Analysis." Pages 65-68 in Wayne A. Selcher (ed.), Brazil in the International System: The Rise of a Middle Power. Boulder: Westview Press, 1981. Maurer, Harry. "Is Brazil on the Brink of Democracy?" New York Review of Books, 24, No. 14, September 28, 1978, 43-48. The Military Balance, 1981-1982. London: International Institute for Strategic Studies, 1982. The Military Balance, 1982-1983. London: International Institute for Strategic Studies, 1983. Milton, T.R. "The Brazil Situation," Air Force Magazine, 119, No. 7, March 1982, 111-15. Moraes, Joao Baptista Mascarenhas de. The Brazilian Expeditionary Force by Its Commander. Washington: GPO, 1966. Myers, David J. "Brazil" Pages 53-72 in Edward A. Kolodziej and Robert E. Harkavy (eds.), Security Policies of Developing Countries. Lexington, Massachusetts: Heath, 1982. Packenham, Robert A. "Yankee Impressions and Brazilian Realities," Wilson Quarterly, 1, No, 1, Autumn 1976, 63-72. Perry, William. Contemporary Brazilian Foreign Policy: The International Strategy of an Emerging Power. (Foreign Policy Papers series, 2, No. 6.) Beverly Hills: Sage, 1976. Pesce, Eduardo Italo. "The Brazilian Mk-10 Frigates," United States Naval Institute Proceedings, 107, No. 3, March 1981, 127-29. _____. "The Brazilian Naval Modernization Program," United States Naval Institute Proceedings, 108, No. 3, March 1982, 145-48. Pessoa, Paula. "Repression and Uncertainty," Index on Censorship [London], 10, No. 5, October 1981, 14-15. Poppino, Rollie E. Brazil: The Land and People. New York: Oxford University Press, 1968. Raine, Philip. Brazil: Awakening Giant. Washington: Public Affairs Press, 1974. Rebelo de Brito Poleti, Ronaldo. "Notes on Banishment and Its Effects." Pages 183-87 in National Criminal Justice Reference Service (ed.), International Summaries: A Collection of Selected Translations in Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice. (Trans., Technassociates.) Washington: National Institute of Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice, 1978. Robinson, Anthony (ed.). Air Power: The World's Air Forces. New York: Ziff-Davis, 1980. Roete, Riordan. Brazil in the Sixties. Nashville: Vanderbilt University Press, 1972. _____. Brazil: Politics in a Patrimonial Society. (rev. ed.) New York: Praeger, 1978. Roett, Riordan (ed.). Brazil in the Seventies. Washington: American Enterprise Institute, 1976. Sanders, Thomas G. Racial Discrimination and Black Consciousness in Brazil. (American Universities Field Staff. Fieldstaff Reports, South America, No. 42.) Hanover, New Hampshire: AUFS, 1981. Schmitter, Philippe C. Interest Conflict and Political Change in Brazil. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1971. Schneider, Ronald M. The Political System of Brazil: Emergence of a "Modernizing" Authoritarian Regime, 1964-1970. New York: Columbia University Press, 1971. Schoultz, Lars. Human Rights and United States Policy Toward Latin America. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1981. Selcher, Wayne A. Brazil in the International System: The Rise of a Middle Power. Boulder: Westview Press, 1981. _____. Brazil's Multilateral Relations: Between First and Third Worlds. Boulder: Westview Press, 1978. _____. "The National Security Doctrine and Policies of the Brazilian Government," Parameters, 7, No. 1, 1977, 10-24. Skidmore, Thomas E. Politics in Brazil, 1930-1964: An Experiment in Democracy. New York: Oxford University Press, 1967. Stepan, Alfred. The Military in Politics: Changing Patterns in Brazil. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1971. _____. "Political Leadership and Regime Breakdown: Brazil." Pages 110-37 in Juan J. Linz and Alfred Stepan (eds.), The Breakdown of Democratic Regimes. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1978. Stepan, Alfred (ed.). Authoritarian Brazil: Origins, Policies, and Future. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1973. Stern, Fritz. "Between Repression and Reform: A Stranger's Impressions of Argentina and Brazil," Foreign Affairs, 56, No. 4, July 1978, 800-18. United States. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency. World Military Expenditures and Arms Transfers, 1970-1979. Washington: 1982. United States. Congress. 96th, 2d Session. Senate. Committee on Foreign Relations. House of Representatives. Committee on Foreign Affairs. Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 1979. (Report submitted by the Department of State.) Washington: GPO, February 4, 1980. United States. Congress. 97th, 1st Session. Senate. Committee on Foreign Relations. House of Representatives. Committee on Foreign Affairs. Country Reports on Human Rights Practices. (Report submitted by the Department of State.) Washington: GPO, February 2, 1981. United States. Congress. 97th, 2d Session. Senate. Committee on Foreign Relations. House of Representatives. Committee on Foreign Affairs. Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 1981. (Report submitted by the Department of State.) Washington: GPO, February 1982. Wesson, Robert G. The United States and Brazil: Limits of Influence. New York: Praeger, 1981. Williams, John Hoyt. "Brazil: Giant of the Southern Hemisphere" (Pt. 1), National Defense, 67, No. 381, October 1982, 40-43. _____. "Brazil: Giant of the Southern Hemisphere" (Pt. 2), National Defense, 67, No. 382, November 1982, 16-20. Wynia, Gary W. The Politics of Latin American Development. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1978. (Various issues of the following publications were also used in the preparation of this chapter: Christian Science Monitor; Facts on File; Financial Times [London]; Foreign Broadcast Information Service, Daily Report: Latin America; InfoBrazil; Keesing's Contemporary Archives [London]; Latinamerica Press [Lima]; Latin America Regional Reports: Brazil [London]; Latin America Weekly Report [London]; Manchester Guardian Weekly [London], New York Times; and Washington Post.)