This directory contains Photos from Dr. Buelow. They are saved in various formats. The 256 color format can be diplayed in Windows Paintbrush, the Truecolor formats will require a different graphics program. The WAV files are sound files that can be played with a Windows compatible Sound player. CLARISK8.BMP Photo (256 colors) CLARISS.PCX Photo (TrueColor) CLARISS8.BMP Photo (Bitmap: 256 colors) CLARISS8.PCX Photo (TrueColor) HONK.PCX Photo (TrueColor) HONK8.BMP Photo (Bitmap: 256 colors) HONK8.PCX Photo (256 colors) INTRO.WAV Sound file LANZ.PCX Photo (TrueColor) LANZ8.BMP Photo (Bitmap: 256 colors) LANZ8.PCX Photo (256 colors) MOHN.PCX Photo (TrueColor) MOHN8.BMP Photo (Bitmap: 256 colors) MOHN8.PCX Photo (256 colors) NITMUSIC.WAV Sound file RAFFRIB8.PCX Photo (256 colors) RAFFRIE.PCX Photo (TrueColor) RAFFRIEB.PCX Photo (TrueColor) RAFFRI_8.BMP Photo (Bitmap: 256 colors) RAFFRI_8.PCX Photo (256 colors) RAP.WAV Sound file