tm T I Y L I S O F T W A R E is proud to present +----------------------------------------+ | The Screen Image Editor | | | | and Batch Utility | | | | by | | Frank M. Ramaekers Jr. | +----------------------------------------+ (c) Copyright 1984-86 "Try-It-You'll-Like-It" Software (c) Copyright 1984-86 Frank M. Ramaekers Jr. User-supported Software 12/20/86 Screen Image Editor and Batch Utility V2.1f Page i Table of Contents: 0.0 The User-supported Concept . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1.0 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1.2 The Screen Image Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1.3 The Batch Utility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1.4 Minimum Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2.0 Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2.1 The Screen Image Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2.1.1 Function Key Assignments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2.1.2 Alternate Function Key Assignments . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2.1.3 Shift Function Key Assignment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2.1.4 Control Key Assignments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 2.1.5 Special Key Assignments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 2.1.6 Alternate Key Assignments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 2.1.7 Graphic Keyboard Layout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 2.1.8 Line 25 Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 2.1.9 Color Chart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 2.2 The Batch Utility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 2.2.1 Command Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 2.2.2 Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 2.2.3 A Batch File Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 2.3 The Conversion Utility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 2.4 The Programming Languages Interfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 2.4.1 The Clipper Interface (SCRCLIPR.OBJ) . . . . . . . . . . . 10 2.4.2 The COBOL Interface (SCRCOB.OBJ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 2.4.3 The dBASE III+ Interface (SCRDBASE.BIN) . . . . . . . . . 10 2.4.4 The QuickBASIC Interface (SCRQBAS.OBJ) . . . . . . . . . . 10 3.0 Registration Form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 (c) Copyright 1984-86 Frank M. Ramaekers Jr. User-supported Software 12/20/86 Screen Image Editor and Batch Utility V2.1f Page 1 0.0 The User-supported Concept ---------------------------------- This product is distributed on a basis that the product will sell itself. This reduces advertising, distribution, and copy-protection costs. This means that you can copy and share this program with others, on the conditions that the program is not distributed in modified form and that no fee or other consideration is charged. The only thing I ask is that if you find this product of value, please send a donation ($24 suggested) to the following address: Frank M. Ramaekers Jr. 4614 Arapahoe Tr. Austin, Texas 78745 Your contribution entitles you to the following: 1) The latest version of this system. Which will be mailed to you upon receipt of your donation. 2) When a new version is available, you will be notified. You will then have the option of sending your original (with return postage) for this new version. 3) You will also be notified of future products. 4) Responses to questions, complaints or problems that you send in. 1.0 Introduction -------------------- 1.1 Overview ------------- The Screen Image processing system was created to assist in creating menus and help screens. Current DOS batch commands (e.g. ECHO and REM) provide only line-by-line creation of a screen image that was extremely slow. Also, these batch files were very tedious to edit, especially if graphic characters were used. In addition, neither command provides for attribute selection. Plus, DOS makes no provisions for keyboard input to facilitate the selection process. The SCREDIT.COM program provides a method of retrieving, editing and saving screen images that can be used in a batch file. SCRBATCH.COM was created to display the screen image and optionally accept a response from the keyboard and set the ERRORLEVEL (so it can be tested using the IF batch subcommand). 1.2 The Screen Image Editor ---------------------------- The Screen Image Editor is a utility by which users can maintain screen images. Screen images can be loaded, edited, and saved. Most of the common graphic characters are easily accessable through the keyboard and are arranged in a conevient layout. All the major editing functions are incorporated into this editor. In addition, the editor allows full utilization of all attributes in either black & white or color. Also, an interactive help facility is provided. This facility provides information on all key assignments. (c) Copyright 1984-86 Frank M. Ramaekers Jr. User-supported Software 12/20/86 Screen Image Editor and Batch Utility V2.1f Page 2 1.3 The Screen Image Batch Utility ----------------------------------- The Batch Utility provides a means of displaying screen images created by the editor. This utility also includes a means of accepting input (via the keyboard) and setting the ERRORLEVEL. In turn, a batch file can test the ERRORLEVEL (with the IF batch subcommand) and process the request accordingly. 1.4 Minimum Requirements ------------------------- 1) An IBM PC (tm) or compatible. 2) PC or MS DOS 2.0 or higher. 3) A Minimum of 64k of memory 4) One monitor card & monitor (color or monochrome). 5) At least one single-sided diskette drive. 6) The following programs: SCREDIT.COM SCRBATCH.COM SCRHELPA.COM SCRHELPB.COM SCRHELPC.COM SCRHELPD.COM SCRHELPE.COM SCRCONV.COM SCRCLIPR.OBJ SCRCOB.OBJ SCRDBASE.BIN SCRQBAS.OBJ SCR.TXT 2.0 Instructions ----------------- 2.1 Screen Image Editor ------------------------ To invoke the screen image editor, insert the program diskette, then enter SCREDIT then press enter. There are no operands nor options. A>SCREDIT 2.1.1 Function Key Assignments ------------------------------- F1 - Toggle between Text(standard)/Graphics keyboard layouts. When initialized SCREDIT will have the standard keyboard layout. Pressing the F1 key will toggle to the graphics keyboard layout (hexadecimal characters 80 - FF). F2 - Toggle foreground blink attribute. This will toggle the foreground blink attribute bit. F3 - Swap background/foreground attributes. This will logically swap the background/foreground attributes. Blink and highlight cannot be swapped and are retained. Therefore, the background (foreground after swap) attribute will reflect the blink and highlight settings. F4 - Toggle bright foreground attribute. This will toggle the foreground bright attribute bit. F5 - Increase foreground attribute value. This will logically increment the current value of the foreground attribute (black [0] will become blue [1], blue [1] will become green [2], ... white [F] will become black [0]). (c) Copyright 1984-86 Frank M. Ramaekers Jr. User-supported Software 12/20/86 Screen Image Editor and Batch Utility V2.1f Page 3 2.1.1 Function Key Assignments (cont.) --------------------------------------- F6 - Decrease foreground attribute value. This will logically decrement the current value of the foreground attribute (blue [1] will become black [0], green [2] will become blue [1], ... black [0] will become white [F]). F7 - Increase background attribute value. This will logically increment the current value of the background attribute (black [0] will become blue [1], blue [1] will become green [2], ... white [7] will become black [0]). F8 - Decrease background attribute value. This will logically decrement the current value of the background attribute (blue [1] will become black [0], green [2] will become blue [1], ... black [0] will become white [7]). F9 - Load screen image (or block) from disk. F10 - Save screen image to disk. 2.1.2 Alternate Function Key Assignments ----------------------------------------- Alt-F1 - Help information which includes all key assignments. Alt-F5 - Clear screen using the current attribute setting. Alt-F7 - Change all occurances of the attribute at the current cursor location with the current attribute setting. Alt-F9 - Exit temporarily to DOS. (Use the EXIT command to return.) Alt-F10 - Return to DOS. 2.1.3 Shift Function Key Assignments ----------------------------------------- Shift-F1 - Mark block at cursor position. Shift-F2 - Unmark block. Shift-F3 - Move the currently marked block. (The area vacated is filled with spaces using the current attribute.) Shift-F4 - Copy the currently marked block. Shift-F5 - Fill the currently marked block with a specified character. (The fill character entered is effected by the keyboard mode currently set.) Shift-F10 - Save the currently marked block to disk. (c) Copyright 1984-86 Frank M. Ramaekers Jr. User-supported Software 12/20/86 Screen Image Editor and Batch Utility V2.1f Page 4 2.1.4 Control Key Assignments ------------------------------ ^2 - Set/Clear tab settings. (use cursor/tab-key to position, T to set/clear) ^A - Move cursor to beginning of previous word. ^D - Move cursor forward one character. ^E - Move cursor up one line. ^F - Move cursor to beginning of next word. ^G - Delete character at cursor position. ^H - Delete character before cursor position. ^I - Tab forward. ^J - Left justify line. ^K - Center line. ^L - Right justify line. ^M - Move cursor to beginning of next line. ^N - Move remainder of line to next line. ^Q - Delete previous word. ^S - Move cursor backward one column. ^T - Delete next word. ^V - Toggle to/from insert mode. ^X - Move cursor down one line. ^Y - Delete line. (Note: Functions ^G, ^H, ^N, ^Q, ^T and ^Y fill using the current attribute and a space for the character.) 2.1.5 Special Key Assignments ------------------------------ -> - Move cursor right one column. <- - Move cursor left one column. ^ - Move cursor up one row. v - Move cursor down one row. <--> - Tab key. BkSp - Delete character before cursor. Home - Move cursor to first character on line. End - Move cursor to last character on line. Pg Up - Move cursor to row 1, column 1. Pg Dn - Move cursor to row 24, column 80. Ins - Toggle to/from insert mode. Del - Delete character above cursor. ^-> - Move cursor to next word. ^<- - Move cursor to previous word. ^Home - Erase to beginning of line. ^End - Erase to end of line. ^Pg Up - Erase to beginning of screen. ^Pg Dn - Erase to end of screen. Sh <--> - Backward tab (Sh is the shift key). (Note: All erase functions fill using the current attribute and a space for the character.) (c) Copyright 1984-86 Frank M. Ramaekers Jr. User-supported Software 12/20/86 Screen Image Editor and Batch Utility V2.1f Page 5 2.1.6 Alternate Key Assignments -------------------------------- Please see page 4 of the help facility (Alt-F1) for this information. 2.1.7 Graphic Keyboard Layout ------------------------------ Please see page 3 of the help facility (Alt-F1) for this information. 2.1.8 Line 25 Information -------------------------- Please see page 5 of the help facility (Alt-F1) for this information. 2.1.9 Color Chart ------------------ The attribute byte of the screen image has the following format (in binary): XYYY ZZZZ. Where X is the forground blink toggle. YYY is the background color and ZZZZ is the foreground color. ------------------------------------------- | Hex. | Binary | Background | Foreground | -------+--------+------------+------------+ | 0 | 0000 | Black | Black | | 1 | 0001 | Blue | Blue | | 2 | 0010 | Green | Green | | 3 | 0011 | Cyan | Cyan | | 4 | 0100 | Red | Red | | 5 | 0101 | Magenta | Magenta | | 6 | 0110 | Yellow | Brown | | 7 | 0111 | White | Light Grey | | 8 | 1000 | * Black | Dark Grey | | 9 | 1001 | * Blue | Light Blue | | A | 1010 | * Green | Lt. Green | | B | 1011 | * Cyan | Light Cyan | | C | 1100 | * Red | Light Red | | D | 1101 | * Magenta | Lt. Magenta| | E | 1110 | * Yellow | Yellow | | F | 1111 | * White | White | ------------------------------------------- * These attributes cause the character to blink (c) Copyright 1984-86 Frank M. Ramaekers Jr. User-supported Software 12/20/86 Screen Image Editor and Batch Utility V2.1f Page 6 2.2 The Batch Utility ---------------------- 2.2.1 Command Format --------------------- A>SCRBATCH [d:] [path\] [filename] [.SCR | .ext] [/a | /c | /n | /pnnn | /q | /sxxxxxxx] [/i @xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx@] [/o##] [/v | /x##] d: - Drive of screen image. path\ - Path to screen image. filename- Filename of screen image. .ext - Extension of screen image (.SCR assumed). /a - Ask (return ERRORLEVEL=ASCII of key struck, translated to upper case). /b - Beep the IBM internal speaker. /c - Ask Character (return ERRORLEVEL=0 if 'A' key struck, 1 of 'B' key struck ... 25 if 'Z' key struck. The character is translated to upper-case). /f - Ask Function key (return ERRORLEVEL=0 if F1 key is struck, 2 if F2 is struck ... 10 if shift-F1 is struck ... 20 if CTRL-F1 is struck ... 30 if ALT-F1 is struck). /i - Line 25 input prompt (first non-blank character after the 'i' will be the delimiter for the string). /n - Ask Numeric (return ERRORLEVEL=0 if '0' key struck, 1 if '1' key struck ... 9 if '9' key struck). /o## - Override attribute on line 25 (## is valid hex code, default attribute is what DOS uses when writing to the screen). /pnnn - Wait for nnn seconds or until a key is pressed if nnn is equal to zero or omitted. /sxxxxx - Selection list. xxxxxx specifies a validation selection list of ASCII characters. The special character ~ designates any character. The ERRORLEVEL will be set based on the relative position in this list. Matching to this list is not case-sensitive. (for example if /sabcde~ was specified, the ERRORLEVEL will be set to 1 if 'A' is struck, 2 if 'B' is struck ... 5 if 'E' is struck and 6 if any other key is struck.) (NOTE: The selection list is terminated by either a space or a '/'.) /q - Query (return ERRORLEVEL=0 if 'y' or 'Y' key struck or ERRORLEVEL=1 if 'n' or 'N' key struck.) /v - Pop-over Screen Image (the old screen image is retained and restored after execution). /x## - Clear screen before displaying Screen Image (if ## is specified it will be used as the attribute as in /o). Notes: a) The complete file name (drive, path, filename and extension), if specified, must be the first parameter. Options are position independent. (c) Copyright 1984-86 Frank M. Ramaekers Jr. User-supported Software 12/20/86 Screen Image Editor and Batch Utility V2.1f Page 7 Notes (continued): b) If more than one of the following options is specified, the first one issued from this list will take presidence: /p /q /a /n /c /f /s. c) SCRBATCH.COM must be on each diskette that utilizes it. d) Both /v and /x cannot be specified at the same time. 2.2.2 Examples --------------- A>SCRBATCH C:\SCR\SCRHELPA /P /I'Press any key to continue'/o87 This will display the screen SCRHELPA.SCR in sub-directory SCR and wait for a key to be pressed. On line 25 the prompt 'Press any key to continue' will be centered and blinking (87h attribute). A>SCRBATCH C:SCRHELPA.XXX /Q /I [Please respond by pressing the 'y' or 'n' key[ This will display the screen image SCRHELPA.XXX and set the ERRORLEVEL to 0 if a 'y' or 'Y' and to 1 if 'n' or 'N' key was struck. In addition a prompt is displayed centered on line 25. A>SCRBATCH C:HELP01 /A This will display the screen image HELP01. The ERRORLEVEL will be set to the ASCII value of the key that was struck. A>SCRBATCH HELP01A /i'Select 0 through 9 from list above.'/n/o8f This will display the screen image HELP01A.SCR. The ERRORLEVEL will be set to the value 0 - 9 corresponding to keys '0' - '9'. Also, a prompt message will appear centered on line 25 with a blink & bright attribute. A>SCRBATCH CHKDSK /sABCD~ /i'Select a the drive you desire (A-D)' This will display the screen image CHKDSK.SCR. The ERRORLEVEL will be set to the value 1 - 4 corresponding to the keys 'A' - 'D'. If any other key is pressed the ERRORLEVEL will be set to 5. (c) Copyright 1984-86 Frank M. Ramaekers Jr. User-supported Software 12/20/86 Screen Image Editor and Batch Utility V2.1f Page 8 2.2.3 A Batch File Example --------------------------- 1) SCRBATCH \HELP\LOGO /P3 2) :BEGIN 3) SCRBATCH \HELP\MENU/I'Select 0 through 9 from list above.'/8f/s0123456789~ 4) :DOIT 5) IF ERRORLEVEL 11 GOTO ERROR 6) CLS 7) IF ERRORLEVEL 10 GOTO EXIT 8) IF ERRORLEVEL 9 GOTO TREE 9) IF ERRORLEVEL 8 GOTO CHKDSK 10) IF ERRORLEVEL 7 GOTO DIR 11) IF ERRORLEVEL 6 GOTO BASICA 12) IF ERRORLEVEL 5 GOTO BASIC 13) IF ERRORLEVEL 4 GOTO COMM 14) IF ERRORLEVEL 3 GOTO DBASE 15) IF ERRORLEVEL 2 GOTO LOTUS 16) IF ERRORLEVEL 1 GOTO WS 17) :ERROR 18) SCRBATCH \HELP\ERROR /p3/v/b 19) SCRBATCH /s0123456789~ 20) :WS 21) CD \WS 22) WS 23) GOTO BEGIN 24) :LOTUS 25) CD \LOTUS 26) LOTUS 27) GOTO BEGIN 28) :DBASE 29) CD \DBASE3 30) ECHO Insert the DBASE III system diskette into drive A: (left drive). 31) ECHO 32) PAUSE 33) DBASE 34) GOTO BEGIN 35) :COMM 36) CD \COMM 37) PROCOMM 38) GOTO BEGIN 39) :BASIC 40) CD \BASIC 41) BASIC 42) GOTO BEGIN 43) :BASICA 44) CD \BASIC 45) BASICA 46) GOTO BEGIN 46) :DIR 47) DIR|MORE 48) PAUSE 49) GOTO BEGIN 50) :CHKDSK 51) CHKDSK 52) PAUSE (c) Copyright 1984-86 Frank M. Ramaekers Jr. User-supported Software 12/20/86 Screen Image Editor and Batch Utility V2.1f Page 9 2.2.3 A Batch File Example (cont.) ----------------------------------- 53) GOTO BEGIN 54) :TREE 55) TREE/F|MORE 56) PAUSE 57) GOTO BEGIN 58) :EXIT 59) CD \ Statement 1 displays the screen image LOGO.SCR in sub-directory \HELP for 3 seconds. The next statement (2) is a label that will be used later to redisplay the menu screen. Statement 3 displayes the screen image MENU.SCR in sub-directory \HELP until a key is struck. In turn, the ERRORLEVEL will be set according to the selection list provided. If a zero is pressed, the ERRORLEVEL will be set to 1, pressing a the '1' key will set the ERRORLEVEL to 2 ... any other key will set the ERRORLEVEL to 11. The next statement (4) is a label that will be used later on. In the next statement (5), invalid responses are filtered out. The purpose of statement 6 is to clear the screen before the program is executed. The next statement (7) checks if the key struck was '9', if so a branch is made to the label :EXIT, which terminates the batch file. (Notice that the highest value of ERRORLEVEL is filtered off first. This is because the 'IF ERRORLEVEL' batch subcommand operates on a greater than or equal to premise.) Skipping down to statement 16, if the '0' key is struck the ERRORLEVEL is set to 1 and a branch is made to the label :WS. In statement 20 has the label :WS. The next statement (21) changes the current directory to \WS. Statement 22 actually executes WordStar. When WordStar is terminated statement 23 is executed which branches back to redisplay the menu. If an invalid response was entered on the menu, statement 5 branches to the label :ERROR at statement 17. In statement 18, a beep sound is made and an error message is 'popped-over' the menu for an interval of 3 seconds. After the three seconds has expired the screens returns to it's original state. Then in the next statement (19), no screen is loaded, but a response is expected from the user as in the the menu ('0' - '9'). After the user has made a selection statement 20 returns to the filtering process (:DOIT). This batch file makes no attempt to reset the directory after each program is executed. For this reason each change directory statement (CD) and references to screen files begins with a '\'. Then upon exit from the batch file the current directory is reset to the root. 2.3 The Conversion Utility --------------------------- This utility program will convert a screen image file (.SCR) to either a BASIC BLOAD file or a standard ASCII file. Also available is conversion to a screen image file from either a BASIC BLOAD file or a standard ASCII file. To invoke the Conversion Utility enter SCRCONV and press enter. A>SCRCONV (c) Copyright 1984-86 Frank M. Ramaekers Jr. User-supported Software 12/20/86 Screen Image Editor and Batch Utility V2.1f Page 10 2.4 The Programming Language Interfaces ---------------------------------------- The programming language interfaces provide for 3 different functions. The first is to load a saved screen image from disk onto the screen. The second is to save a screen image into memory. Lastly there is an interface to restore a previously saved image from memory back to the screen. With these three interfaces a programmer can give the illusion of pop-over windows. To accomplish this, the original screen is saved. Then another screen (or portion of a screen) is loaded. Then the original screen can be restored without repainting the image in the programming language. * 2.4.1 The Clipper Interface ---------------------------- To load a screen from disk: CALL SCRDBASE WITH "LOAD d:\path\filename.ext" To save a screen to memory: CALL SCRDBASE WITH "PUSH" To restore a screen from memory: CALL SCRDBASE WITH "POP" * 2.4.2 The MS COBOL Interface ----------------------------- To load a screen from disk: CALL "SCRLOAD" USING filename, return-code. To save a screen to memory: CALL "SCRPUSH". To restore a screen from memory: CALL "SCRPOP". (Note: return codes 1-255 are DOS errors and 257 means that filename is not a screen image file. Also, the data-name filename must be terminated with a space.) * 2.4.3 The dBASE III+ Interface ------------------------------- To load then Interface module: LOAD SCRDBASE. To load a screen from disk: CALL SCRDBASE WITH "LOAD d:\path\filename.ext" To save a screen to memory: CALL SCRDBASE WITH "PUSH" To restore a screen from memory: CALL SCRDBASE WITH "POP" * 2.4.4 The MS QuickBASIC Interface ---------------------------------- To load a screen from disk: CALL SCRLOAD(filename$,retcode%) To save a screen to memory: CALL SCRPUSH To restore a screen from memory: CALL POP (Note: return codes 1-255 are DOS errors, 256 means that the screen is in an improper mode and 257 means that filename$ is not a screen image file.) * Clipper is a registered trademark of Nantucket. MS is a registered trademark of Microsoft Coporation. dBASE III+ is a registered trademark of Aston-Tate. (c) Copyright 1984-86 Frank M. Ramaekers Jr. User-supported Software 12/20/86 Screen Image Editor and Batch Utility V2.1f Page 11 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Screen Image Editor Registration Form v2.1f Name: _______________________________________________ Date:____/____/____ (Last) (First) (Middle Initial) (MM DD YY) Address: ____________________________________________ City: _______________________ State: _______________ Zip Code: _____________ Amount Enclosed: ___________________ +------------------------------------- |********** DO NOT MARK HERE ********* Send to: Frank M. Ramaekers Jr. | 4614 Arapahoe Tr. | Serial No.___________________ Austin, Texas 78745 | | Version No.__________________ | | Date issued:_________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (c) Copyright 1984-86 Frank M. Ramaekers Jr. User-supported Software