SYMANTEC TOUCHBASE DATABASE Pat V. ext. 2732 *b230W *b230W *b230W *b230W *b230W *b230W *b230W *b230W *b230W *b230W rrison x8980 nvoice #: Percent!of!Total Sales @left(@round(#3/@total(#3)*100,2),5) + " %" 10,F(JR) Salesman!Total @total(#10,#1) Salesman!Total @left(@str(#15)+" %",(#50<>#1)*100) 20,F(JR) mino Real1/23/90Campb !Percent of Sales by Salesman !@date(11) !- # - 08) 111-2322Thank you for your patrona " Possible Lookup choices U: UPS Ground B: UPS Blue R: UPS Red F: Federal Express W: Best Way M: US Mail 2%, Net 10 Net 30 Check Credit Card UPS Ground UPS Blue UPS Red Federal Express Best Way US Mail Sam S. Paul V. Jeff G. Laura G. Kari J. 93021 *b230W Brian's Sport Shop(408) 555 - 13547822 West El Camino RealCampbell, CA 91134@dateCashThank you for your patronage!Please call us with any questions(408) 555 - 1354 21,AS3,ST,T 2,AS,CS1,AS3,ST,T ..UPS..;..Fed..hop(408) 555 - 13540000937822 West El Camino Real1/23/90Campb/ ee4342.001368.0 !Address Log!Page # !@date(11) 8) 555 - 1354 Sales by Salesman Sales by Day Payment Method Address List Shipping Log *b230 Brian's Sport Shop(408) 555 - 13540001017822 West El Camino Real2/1/90Campbell, CA 911341/20/90PAUL V.David FeldkampDavid FeldkampSymantecSymantec43234 Elm St.43234 Elm St.San JoseCA94323San JoseCA94323(408) 111-2322(408) 111-2322Best WayNET 302322-42223-3212B4323332-44343Hamburger Meat434.00136.00644Buns254.22108.4422.3017.11283.85Thank you for your patronage!Please call us with any questions(408) 555 - 13544 Invoice #: $ Q&A Invoive Manager (Press any key to exit help) This is a pre-defined Sales Invoice. You can customize it to your business by setting the Initial Values in the Customize menu to your own information. The Sold to and Ship to sections will look into previous invoices to fill in the customer information. If you leave the Attn: field blank in "Ship to", the "Sold to" name will be copied over. Look up? (Y/N) ! is not in& Possible Lookup Choices 2 : 2%, Net 10 3 : Net 30 D : COD K : Check CC: Credit Card C : Cash Jan 20, 1990 3:37 pm Q&A WRITE -- B. Emerald INVOICE Invoice #:AC Order Date:AE Inv. Date:AG Salesman:AH Sold to Ship to Attn:AO Attn:AP Co:AQ Co:AR Addr:AS Addr:AT Cty:AU St:AV Z:AW Cty:AX St:AY Z:AZ Phone:Aa Phone:Ab Ship Via Terms Card Number Auth Card PO Number Instructions Part Description Qty Price Extended
Shipping Tax 7% Total *b230W 5x1x10x15+20+25x30x,28) 555 - 13540001037822 West El Camino Real1/23/90Campb. 5x10x15x20+25+30x40x1x,2e!Please call us with any questions(408) 555 - 1354A !Sales by Day !Printed @date(11) - # - y questions(408) 555 - 1354 !X#30 !X#30 !Look Up? (Y/N) !X#30 !X#40 !X#30 !X#50 !X#30 !X#60 !X#30 !X#70 !X#30 !X#77 !X#30 !X#80 !X#35 !X#35 !Look up? (Y/N) !X#35 !X#45 !X#35 !X#55 !X#35 !X#65 !X#35 !X#75 !X#35 !X#78 !X#35 !X#85 !Enter the Zipcode !Enter the Zipcode !Press [F1] for choices. !Press [F1] for choices. !Hit [F2] to Print, [Shift][F10] to save and exit. 03: goto #104<#104:if #103>( INVOICE Invoice #: Order Date: Inv. Date: Salesman: Sold to Ship to Attn: Attn: ! " Addr: Addr: Phone: Phone: Ship Via Terms Card Number Auth Card PO Number InstructionsA ;#65=#60;#75=#70;#78=#77;#85=#) Part Description Qty Price Extended Shipping Tax 7% Total "" then if #192 <> "" then goto #150 e ] ] ` n <#1000:goto #10<#10:if #10="" then {#10=@number;#10=@text(6-@len(#10),"0") + @str(#10)};#15=@DATE;goto #15>#15:goto #21<#21:goto #22>#22: lookup(#22,3,#22);goto #30<#26:if @xlookup(@filename,#30,"X#30","X#30")<>"" then {#26="Look Up? (Y/N)"; #27=@mid("NY",(#50="")+1,1); goto #27} else if #30 <>"" then {@msg("");goto #40} else goto #40>#27: if #27="N" then {#26="";#27=""; goto #40} else {#26="";#27="";goto #28}<#28:xlookup(@filename,#30,"X#30","X#40",#40);xlookup(@filename,#30,"X#30","X#50",#50);xlookup(@filename,#30,"X#30","X#60",#60);goto#29<#29:xlookup(@filename,#30,"X#30","X#70",#70);xlookup(@filename,#30,"X#30","X#77",#77);xlookup(@filename,#30,"X#30","X#80",#80);#26="";#27="";goto #40<#36:if@xlookup(@filename,#35,"X#35","X#35")<>""and#35<>""then{#36="Look up? (Y/N)";#37=@mid("NY",(#55="")+1,1);goto#37}else if#35<>""then{@msg("");goto #45}else{#35=#30;#45=#40;#55=#50;#65=#60;#75=#70;#78=#77;#85=#80;goto #45}>#37: if #37="N" then {#36="";#37="";goto#45} else {#36="";#37="";goto #38}<#38:xlookup(@filename,#35,"X#35","X#45",#45);xlookup(@filename,#35,"X#35","X#55",#55);xlookup(@filename,#35,"X#35","X#65",#65);goto#39<#39:xlookup(@filename,#35,"X#35","X#75",#75);xlookup(@filename,#35,"X#35","X#78",#78);xlookup(@filename,#35,"X#35","X#85",#85);#36="";#37="";goto #45>#30: goto #26>#35:goto #36>#40: goto #50>#45: goto #55>#50: goto #60>#55:goto #65>#60: goto #70>#70:@msg("Enter the Zipcode"); goto #77>#77: goto #80>#65: goto #75>#75: @msg("Enter the Zipcode");goto #78>#78: goto #85>#80:IF @LEN(@NUM(#80))=7 THEN #80=@LEFT(@NUM(#80),3)+"-"+@RIGHT(@NUM(#80),4);IF @LEN(@NUM(#80))=10 THEN #80="("+@LEFT(@NUM(#80),3)+") "+@MID(@NUM(#80),4,3)+"-"+@MID(@NUM(#80),7,4); #26="";#27="";goto #35>#85:IF @LEN(@NUM(#85))=7 THEN #85=@LEFT(@NUM(#85),3)+"-"+@RIGHT(@NUM(#85),4);IF @LEN(@NUM(#85))=10 THEN #85="("+@LEFT(@NUM(#85),3)+") "+@MID(@NUM(#85),4,3)+"-"+@MID(@NUM(#85),7,4);#36="";#37="";@msg("Press [F1] for choices.");goto#192>#192:lookup(#192,2,#192); @msg("Press [F1] for choices.")>#193:lookup(#193,1,#193)>#90:if #90="" then if #192 <> "" then goto #199 else goto #150#92>#93: goto #94<#94:if #93 > 0 then #94 = #92 * #93 else #94 = ""; goto #95>#95:if #95="" then if #192 <> "" then goto #199 else goto #150#97>#98: goto #99<#99:if #98 > 0 then #99 = #97 * #98 else #99 = ""; goto #100>#100:if #100="" then if #192 <> "" then goto #199 else goto #150#102>#103: goto #104<#104:if #103> 0 then #104= #102* #103else #104= ""; goto #105>#105:if #105="" then if #192 <> "" then goto #199 else goto #150#107>#108:goto #109<#109:if #108> 0 then #109= #107* #108else #109= ""; goto #120>#120:if #120="" then if #192 <> "" then goto #199 else goto #150#122>#123:goto #124<#124:if #123> 0 then #124= #122* #123else #124= ""; goto #125>#125:if #125="" then if #192 <> "" then goto #199 else goto #150#127>#128:goto #129<#129:if #128> 0 then #129= #127* #128else #129= ""; goto #130>#130:if #130="" then if #192 <> "" then goto #199 else goto #150#132>#133:goto #134<#134:if #133> 0 then #134= #132* #133else #134= ""; goto #135>#135:if #135="" then if #192 <> "" then goto #199 else goto #150#137>#138:goto #139<#139:if #138> 0 then #139= #137* #138else #139= ""; goto #199>#199:goto #150<#198:@msg("Hit [F2] to Print, [Shift][F10] to save and exit.")<#111:goto #150<#150 :if #94 > 0 then {#111 = .07 * @sum(#94,#99,#104,#109,#124,#129,#134,#139); #150 = @sum(#199,#94,#99,#104,#109,#111,#124,#129,#134,#139)} else {#150 = "";#111 = ""}; goto #198#900:#26="";#27="";#36="";#37=""";#27="";#36="";#37=""""";#37="" 2,AS,CS,SC,C1,AS1040,ST,T Salesman: 12,AS,CS,SC,C2,AS6,AS,H(Method!of!Payment)30,ST,T Brian's Sport Shop(408) 555 - 13540001037822 West El Camino Real1/23/90Campbell, CA 911341/23/90KARI J.John DoeJohn DoeIBMIBM4102 1st Street4102 1st StreetSan JoseCA93023San JoseCA93023(333) 414-5334(333) 414-5334CASHAB342Apple Pie6231.441388.6497.201485.84Thank you for your patronage!Please call us with any questions(408) 555 - 1354 Brian's Sport Shop(408) 555 - 13540000937822 West El Camino Real1/31/90Campbell, CA 911341/20/90KARI J.John JonesJohn JonesApplied ComputerApplied Computer1402 Marilee Ave.1402 Marilee Ave.Santa CruzCA91123Santa CruzCA91123(408) 923-0001(408) 923-0001CASH1234Coffee4342.001368.001245Apples1004.50450.00127.261945.26Thank you for your patronage!Please call us with any questions(408) 555 - 13545=#+ Brian's Sport Shop(408) 555 - 13540001027822 West El Camino Real1/23/90Campbell, CA 911341/21/90PAUL V.David FeldkampSam FrancesIBMIBM43234 Elm St.43311 Elm St.San JoseCA94323San JoseCA94323(408) 111-2322Federal ExprCASH2323Car Parts3745.002235.00150.00156.452541.45Thank you for your patronage!Please call us with any questions(408) 555 - 1354 Brian's Spor23Sa zCA91123(408) 923-0001(408) 923-0001CASH1234Coffee4342.001368.001245Apples1004.50450.00127.261945.26Thank you for you