SYMANTEC TOUCHBASE DATABASE ike Flanagin IT EASIER FOR EVERYONE. IF THIS DOESN'T WORK, PLEASE PUT EVERYTHING DOWN ON THE CALL REPORT SO I WON'T BE TRYING IT OVER AGAIN. Phillip S.1987/03/25HP Laser JetThere is a new cartridge for the HP Laserjet, and it is the Y cartridge. This has a built in IBM character set. So with this cartridge a user can get Q&A to print out nice box drawings. I now have a driver written for the Y cartridge and it is on QATEST.CFG. If anyone complains or needs to know how they can get boxes, tell them the Y cartridge. Currently this is the only way they can get boxes without having to send embedded codes., Barry G.1987/05/04Printer control codesIn qwert(and Q&A 3.0), printer control codes may be entered in one of two ways: OLD WAY: Decimal numbers separated by commas, e.g., 27, 40, 115, 49, 80 NEW WAY: Strings of Characters, e.g., \027(s1P A backslash means interpret the next three digits as a number that represents a single character. Both examples designate proportional spacing with the primary font on the HP LaserJet. This new method for entering control strings will make it much easier for users to enter control strings for fonts on laser printers. Kathy J.1987/07/15Q&A 386 Version bugRef #'s 06A8 or 06E7 both can occur in the 386 version due to the following sequence of events. If you go into Design/Redesign of a Report, a Print Spec, or simply do a form print(by pressing F2) AND during this process you back into the spec(i.e. you F9 AND you are operating with an older version of this spec than the actual datafile form design) you will generate one of the above errors. THE ERROR MAY OCCUR IMMEDIATELY OR IT COULD OCCUR SOMETIME LATER DURING ANY NUMBER OF EVENTS. Therefore, when talking with a customer, WHAT they were doing when they received the error is not as important as simply knowing that the Ref# is an 06A8 or 06E7 in the 386 version. Phillip S.1988/04/13Fonts in Q&ARI just found a problem I believe that we should be aware of. When printing with a BOLD font in Q&A(like TmsRmn 10 Bld) and you embolden a word or character(shift-F6) then that one word or character will be emboldened yet all the rest of the line will be in Medium. If you fonted say 3 lines with the font, and only the first word of the first line with bold, that one word will be bold rrison x8980 4/21Cut sheet feedersPl , you can use a software switch at the command line This will enable the tutorial to run. Tom Mc ason the tutorial crashes is because graphics cards Tim C.1988/04/22Importing Quattro Fi Barry G.1987/04/16How to truncate fi ........K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z........000623rt on my form. Then I go Jan 17, 1990 2:11 pm Q&A WRITE -- B. Emerald Q&A Hangman < >< >< >< > Used Letters Guess:AM > Moves:AS > Correct:AU > Wrong:AV > Left:AX > Last Guess:AZ > Calculation Fields -- DO NOT CHANGE OR REMOVE! < > > > > > > > 2) Do a mass update wh <#500:#230 = 9;#1="LOOP"; #123 = 3;goto #510<#510:if #9 > 10 then {#1="";goto #96} else {#9 = #9 + 1;goto #3}<#520:#200 = #220; if #9 =11 then #200 =8 ;goto #65<#96:@msg("Press [F1] for Help.");#230=@lookup(0,1);GOTO #400#67#21<#400="Advanced = 6 guesses or Regular = 10 guesses.";#405="Enter your choice (A/R) -";goto #410#22#405>#410:#400="";#405="";#21=".";#22=".";#23=".";#24=".";#25=".";#26=".";#27=".";#28=".";#71=0;#72=0;#73=0;#75="";#200=0;#2="";goto #415<#415:#410=@left(#410,1);if #410 = "A" then {#210=6;#123=2} else {#210 = 10;#123=3}; #74=#210;#410="";goto #3#23<#24:goto #2<#10:if @instr(#1,#2)<>0 then {#1=@left(#1,@instr(#1,#2)-1)+"-"+@mid(#1,@instr(#1,#2)+1,100);#8=1;#71=#71+1;#96=@left(#1,37);#67=@right(#1,37);goto #60} else {@msg("This letter has already been used or is invalid. .Try again.")};goto #11<#25:goto #2>#2:if #2>="A" and #2 <="Z" and #2 <> "" then goto #10 else {#2="";@msg("Invalid Choice."); goto #2}<#11:#75=#2;#2=""; goto #2<#26:goto #2<#27:goto #2<#3:#220=@num(@right(((@time+@number)*@time/@date*@number),5))/99999;#220=@int(#230*#220)+1;#5=@lookup(#220,1);#7=@len(#5);if #1="LOOP" then goto #520 else goto #50#28<#71:goto #2<#50:#15=@text(#7,"_ ");#96="A B C D E F G H I J K L M";#67= "N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z";#1="A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z";goto #2#72#73<#60:#9=@instr(#5,#2);if #9 then{#8=0;#5=@left(#5,#9-1)+"-"+@mid(#5,#9+1,20);#15=@left(#15,(#9*2-2))+#2+@mid(#15,(#9*2),30);if not @instr(#15,"_")then{#72=#72+1;#75=#2;#2="";@msg("You Win! Try again!");goto#400}else goto#60};goto#62#74<#62: if #8=0 then {#72 = #72 + 1; #75 = #2; #2 = ""; goto #2} else {#200 = #200 + 1; #74 = #74 - 1; #73 = #73 + 1; goto #65}#75<#65:#19=((#200-1)*8);lookup(#19+10,#123,#21); lookup(#19+11,#123,#22); lookup (#19+12,#123,#23); lookup(#19+13,#123,#24); lookup(#19+14,#123,#25);lookup (#19+15,#123,#26); lookup(#19+16,#123,#27); lookup(#19+17,#123,#28); goto #66<#66:if #1="LOOP" then goto #510 ;#75 = #2; #2 = ""; if #74 = 0 then {@msg("Sorry, the word was "+@lookup(#220,1)+"."); goto #400} else goto #2#15<#4:goto #2<#123:goto #2#5#6#7#8#9#19#200#210#220#230<#1:goto #2elect a Regular or A Welcome to Q&A Hangman (Press any key to exit help) First select a Regular or Advanced game. Then test your skill at guessing words. If you would like to add your own words you can edit the Lookup table in the Customize section. For each number, add a new word in Column 1. See Manual, page F-170 ge F-170 .Calculation Fields -- DO NOT CHANGE OR REMOVE! M !This letter has already be Q&A Hangman Used Letters & & 0 Guess: Moves: Correct: Wrong: Left: Last Guess: # !LOOP !Press [F1] for Help. !Advanced = 6 guesses or Regular = 10 guesses. !Enter your choice (A/R) - !This letter has already been used or is invalid. .Try again. !Invalid Choice. !LOOP !A B C D E F G H I J K L M !N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z !A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z !You Win! Try again! !LOOP !Sorry, the word was \COMMAND.COM Change this num ber across from 0 to the total number of words available. Apple Program Sample Professional Executive Officer Manager Serial Mouse Hippopotomous . /-------\ . /-------\ Tripendicular O O O O Exasperation Cornucopia Alignment Symantec Discount Service Printer . /-------\ . /-------\ Label O O O O Expression Budget Fabulous Dynamic . . Symantec Grandview Deskmate . /-------\ . /-------\ Perpendicular O O O O Vertical Horizontal Syzygy Hyperactive Dirigible Caffeine . /-------\ . /-------\ O O O O . /-------\ . /-------\ O O O O . / . / . / . / . /-------\ . /-------\ - - O O . / \ . / \ . / \ . / \ . /-------\ O O . / \ . / \ . /-------\ O O . / \ . / \ . /-------\ O O . / \ . __/ \ . /-------\ . / \ . __/ \__ !LOOP !Press [F1] for Help. !Advanced = 6 guesses or Regular = 10 gu