MicroMinded Software Co. aka: Harold G. Keeling 13361 Blackbird Street Garden Grove, CA 92643 (714) 638-5916 This is just a note to thank you for your interest in "FBI". It is the second of a series of original games that I am presently working on. Version 1.00 is intended to run on IBM PC, XT, and AT compatible computers equipped with a MGA, CGA, or EGA graphics system, and DOS 2.11 or higher. It requires less than 256K of memory. Version 1.10 is presently being de-bugged, and tested. It should be released in Nov. 1990. This version will allow users of monochrome monitors to realize improved screen contrast. Naturaly, it will also be fully color compatable. If by chance, you should run into a "bug" in this version, or have some ideas that you would like to share regarding improvements to "FBI", please drop me a note via U.S. Mail, (at present, I have no E-Mail box). I don't care if you are a registered owner, or not. Hopefully, if I can produce high quality entertainment products with your support, MicroMinded Software will have a bright future. It is a lot of fun developing these games, and I hope you will have at least as much fun playing them. ABOUT SHAREWARE My personal concept of Shareware is based on the word "SHARE". Since this company is a brand new start-up on a "shoe-string" budget, I will have to mainly depend on the honesty and integrity of my customers. By sending the $20 registration fee, you will be able to "share" in the success of "FBI" by receiving commissions paid because of those who make copies from you registered diskette, and in turn, obtain their own registration. It only takes four copies to regain the original $20 fee. After that, its all gravy! While not a new concept, it provides concrete moral, (and hopefully financial), support for both the author and users alike. It is not a pyramid scheme or scam. It simply pays the user back for his help in promoting such software. Well, thanks again for trying "FBI" and even if you don't register, giving your friends copies will help me. Sincerely, Hal Keeling