Welcome to DOSSIER for Windows Bills.dpr is a bill generating system. It was designed to show the user some of the many features of Dossier for Windows. Such as: - custom dialog boxes - custom dialog buttons - multiple dialog boxes - indexing - relations across databases - programming language code attached to dialogs and dialog buttons - functions (BillHeading, PrintBill) - printing To get started double click an existing record in the PATIENTS.DBF or select EDIT from the system menu, then NEW RECORD to create a new record. The dialog buttons on the PATIENT INFORMATION dialog box are: OK - Saves all enterd data and ends the dialog. CANCEL - Ends the dialog, doesn't save ant new data. PRINT BILL - Brings up the VERIFY NAME and DATE dialog. ENTER CHARGES - Brings up the BILLING INFORMATION dialog. INSURANCE INFO - Brings up the INSURANCE COMPANY dialog. - PRINT BILL - If the PRINT BILL button is depressed, then the VERIFY NAME and DATE dialog will be displayed. It contains the current machine date by default and will locate all charge records which contain that date. If the PRINT button is depressed, a print selection dialog box will appear. If the CANCEL button is depressed all work will be cancelled. - ENTER CHARGES - If the ENTER CHARGES button is depressed the BILLING INFORMATION dialog will be displayed. Enter the date, session id (the HELP button will display valid id numbers), quantity and therapist. There is a relation set to the SESSIONS.DBF thru the session id field. This relation will populate the charges field with the correct charge for the entered session id. Then depress OK to save or CANCEL to end without saving any new data. - INSURANCE INFO - If the INSURANCE INFO button is depressed the INSURANCE COMPANY dialog will be displayed. Enter in new insurance data or verify existing data. Then depress OK to save or CANCEL to end without saving any new data. If the focus is set to the CHARGES.DBF then double clicking on a record will display the EDIT CHARGES DATABASE dialog. The only fields that can be edited are the date, quantity, session id and therapist fields. If the focus is set to the SESSIONS.DBF then double clicking on a record will display the ENTER PASSWORD dialog. Enter "PASSWORD", this will display the THERAPY SESSION CHARGES dialog. This dialog contains a LIST ALL button if this is depressed then the relation into the SESSIONS.DBF will momentarily be put on hold and the entire database can be browsed. To modify a record, the password must be entered each time. To view the fuctions select SELECT from the system menu then FUNCTIONS. This will display a dialog box with two functions, BillHeading and PrintBill. To view the programming language code, select one of the functions by using the mouse or keyboard arrow keys, then set the focus to the expression box and press F5 or click the right mouse button. This will display a code editing dialog with the code highlighted. To view some programming language code attached to a dialog box, select SELECT from the system menu, then DIALOGS, then VIEW (shortcut: double click on the right mouse button). Select BILLDATE, double click on the dialog box, a DIALOG DEFINITION dialog box will appear. Set the focus to the ON ENTRY EXPRESSION edit box, press F5 or click on the right mouse button. The following code will appear: { t_date := dtoc(date()); } t_date - is a declared memory variable dtoc() - is a function which converts the a date to a character date() - is a function which retrieves the current machine date If the above instructons are performed on the POST SCRIPTUM EXPRESSION edit box then the following code will appear: { enddialog(true); PrintBill(); } enddialog(true) - ends the current dialog with a true condition (save any new data changes) PrintBill() - is a function which was created and is now being called To view some programming language code attached to a dialog box button, select SELECT from the system menu, then DIALOGS, then VIEW (shortcut: double click on the right mouse button). Select CHRG_ENT, double click on the password edit box, this will display the EDIT CONTROL DEFINITIONS dialog box. Set the focus to the VALIDATIONS edit box, press F5 or click on the right mouse button. The following code will appear: { if(upper(PASSWORD) != "PASSWORD") { error("Password does not match"); return(false); } } upper() - is a function which converts a string variable to upper case error() - is a function which will display a dialog box and the text that is contained between the quotes return() - sets the focus back to the edit box Have fun.