How to get Silent Service II running... Ok, lots of people have just had tons of trouble getting Silent Service II running and I haven't had any trouble at all so I guess I'll tell you how I did it, why not? First of all, you don't need the 1st FIX released by PE, SS2PEFIX.ZIP. About the second FIX, SSPEFIX2.ZIP, I don't know. Maybe you should crack your games before releasing them, huh PE? Anyways, without using any FIXs, just unzip the SS-?.ZIP files into \SS2 (the directory name is optional). Then go to \SS2 and run the INSTALL program, INSTALL.EXE. Just give it all the information it needs and it will start installing Silent Service II in to \MPS\SS2. Now, after it finishes copying disk 1 it will quit and ask you to put disk 2 in the disk drive. Screw it. Just reboot the computer. Now, go to \MPS and you'll find a file called SILENT.BAT the install program made. Copy SILENT.BAT to \SS2. Destroy \MPS\SS2 and \MPS. Now go to \SS2 and run SILENT.BAT. You are now playing Silent Service II, pretty neat, huh? Hope this helps, Blue Duck Ok, as I was about to upload this file to a board I realized that there is a 3rd FIX to SS2. So heres a little idea for PE: Send your suppliers to R. Bubba Magilicutty, sell your modems, and give any money made to Good Will. Thank you.