-- card: 41291 from stack: in -- bmap block id: 42081 -- flags: 0000 -- background id: 19858 -- name: -- part 1 (field) -- low flags: 01 -- high flags: 0004 -- rect: left=107 top=112 right=229 bottom=273 -- title width / last selected line: 0 -- icon id / first selected line: 0 / 0 -- text alignment: 0 -- font id: 3 -- text size: 10 -- style flags: 0 -- line height: 13 -- part name: theCaption -- part 17 (button) -- low flags: 00 -- high flags: 0000 -- rect: left=424 top=263 right=316 bottom=454 -- title width / last selected line: 0 -- icon id / first selected line: 0 / 0 -- text alignment: 1 -- font id: 0 -- text size: 12 -- style flags: 0 -- line height: 16 -- part name: HELP 38 ----- HyperTalk script ----- on mouseUp visual effect scroll left go to next card end mouseUp -- part 75 (field) -- low flags: 01 -- high flags: 0002 -- rect: left=345 top=22 right=41 bottom=463 -- title width / last selected line: 0 -- icon id / first selected line: 0 / 0 -- text alignment: 1 -- font id: 0 -- text size: 12 -- style flags: 0 -- line height: 16 -- part name: theHeading ----- HyperTalk script ----- on mouseDown popMenuArticle end mouseDown -- eat the mouseUp on mouseUp end mouseUp -- part 76 (field) -- low flags: 01 -- high flags: 0000 -- rect: left=354 top=318 right=340 bottom=456 -- title width / last selected line: 0 -- icon id / first selected line: 0 / 0 -- text alignment: 1 -- font id: 3 -- text size: 9 -- style flags: 0 -- line height: 15 -- part name: thePage -- part 77 (button) -- low flags: 00 -- high flags: 0000 -- rect: left=353 top=317 right=338 bottom=386 -- title width / last selected line: 0 -- icon id / first selected line: 1014 / 1014 -- text alignment: 1 -- font id: 0 -- text size: 12 -- style flags: 0 -- line height: 16 -- part name: Up ----- HyperTalk script ----- on mouseUp doArticleUpButton end mouseUp -- part 78 (button) -- low flags: 00 -- high flags: 0000 -- rect: left=423 top=317 right=338 bottom=453 -- title width / last selected line: 0 -- icon id / first selected line: 1013 / 1013 -- text alignment: 1 -- font id: 0 -- text size: 12 -- style flags: 0 -- line height: 16 -- part name: Down ----- HyperTalk script ----- on mouseUp doArticleDownButton end mouseUp -- part contents for background part 5 ----- text ----- Picture -- part contents for background part 21 ----- text ----- • WHOLE EARTH • INTRODUCTION • HELP • First Time Help -- part contents for background part 12 ----- text ----- PICTURES AND SOUND -- part contents for background part 22 ----- text ----- 12114723 -- part contents for card part 1 ----- text ----- The picture card shows an illustration from the subject of the Article that you are looking at. If the caption is in the way of your viewing, then click anywhere on the picture to make it disappear. Click again to make it return. Try it here. -- part contents for card part 75 ----- text ----- Menu -- part contents for card part 76 ----- text ----- 2 of 4 -- part contents for background part 30 ----- text ----- card id 40838 -- part contents for background part 31 ----- text ----- card id 41700 -- part contents for background part 32 ----- text ----- stack "WHOLE EARTH" stack "INTRODUCTION" card id 63588 card id 63823 -- part contents for background part 27 ----- text ----- card id 63823 -- part contents for background part 28 ----- text ----- card id 33037 -- part contents for background part 29 ----- text ----- card id 51937