-- card: 27227 from stack: in -- bmap block id: 0 -- flags: 0000 -- background id: 5789 -- name: -- part contents for background part 1 ----- text ----- Because our books had always been self-produced, we were accustomed to a level of cross-reference not possible in most books. With HyperCard we could at last pursue cross-referencing a whole dimension further: all the related pieces of information on the disk could know about each other. Best of all, many of those pieces of information could be sound! Being able to randomly access and sample sound was not only new to books, it was new to the audio industry. We would be first out with a catalog that let you shop with your ears. Our inability to cover music well had always frustrated us. With CD–ROM, the Whole Earth Catalog, was getting to become more of the tool it had wanted to be since 1968. It’s a significant step toward . . . Well, how about an electronic Whole Earth Truck -- part contents for background part 6 ----- text ----- Review -- part contents for background part 25 ----- text ----- 12095149 -- part contents for background part 4 ----- text ----- ORIGIN OF THE SPECIES & EVOLUTION THROUGH THE AGES -- part contents for background part 5 ----- text ----- 18 of 19 -- part contents for background part 3 ----- text ----- Menu -- part contents for background part 23 ----- text ----- • WHOLE EARTH • INTRODUCTION • ABOUT THE DISC • Genesis and Purpose -- part contents for background part 34 ----- text ----- card id 27004 -- part contents for background part 35 ----- text ----- card id 33339 -- part contents for background part 36 ----- text ----- stack "WHOLE EARTH" stack "INTRODUCTION" card id 64901 card id 8560 -- part contents for background part 31 ----- text ----- card id 8560 -- part contents for background part 32 ----- text ----- card id 5154 -- part contents for background part 33 ----- text ----- card id 17724