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How to Use the Windows 95 Dialer With NETCOMplete

I. Setup the Dial-up Networking icon:

  1. Click on Start | Settings | Control Panel. Choose the "Add/Remove Programs" icon.
  2. Select Windows Setup. Click on Communications | Details.
  3. Make sure that the Dial-Up Networking option is selected so that Windows 95 can install the drivers. You may need your installation disks or CD.
II. Verify that the Dial-up Adapter and TCP/IP protocol are installed:

  1. Click on Start | Settings | Control Panel. Choose the Network icon.
  2. Go into the Configurations section. Make sure that the Dial-up Adapter, the TCP/IP Protocol, and the Client for Microsoft Networks are installed.
  3. If you do not find them, they will need to be added:
  4. You may be prompted for the Windows 95 disks or CD-ROM. Click OK and restart the system so the changes can take effect.

III. Configure the TCP/IP protocol for dynamic IP addressing:

  1. Click on Start | Settings | Control Panel, and choose the Network icon.
  2. Click on the TCP/IP protocol and then on Properties.
  3. Ensure that the following settings are selected:
    IP Address                      Obtain an IP address automatically
    WINS Configuration              Use DHCP for WINS Resolution
    Gateway                         leave blank
    Bindings          		select Client for MS Networks
    Advanced                        leave with defaults
    DNS Configuration		Disable DNS
    * If you receive an error after starting your Web browser, that
    states "Unable to Find DNS Server".  Enable DNS and enter the
    following settings:	
    Host                            username
    Domain Name                     ix.netcom.com
    DNS Server Search Order
  4. Click on OK twice and reboot your system.

IV. Set up the Connection Icon:

  1. Double-click on the My Computer icon and select the Dial-up Networking icon.
  2. Double-click on the Make New Connection icon.
  3. Give the icon a name, such as Netcom.
  4. If your modem is not displayed, click on the Configure button. Your modem should be shown in the Select a Modem area.
  5. Choose a maximum modem speed that is as high as you think your modem will go. A good rule of thumb is to use 38400 for 14.4 modems, and 57600 for 28.8 modems.
  6. Make sure that the "Only Connect at This Speed" box is NOT checked. The Connection and Options sections do not require configuration adjustments. Click OK.
  7. Click on Next> in the Make New Connection wizard.
  8. Enter the phone number of your local NETCOM access point. Make sure that you include any codes to dial out or to disable call-waiting before the phone number and separate those numbers with a comma (,).

V. Setup the Dial-up properties:

  1. Select your newly-created connection icon, press the right mouse button and choose Properties. In the Phone Number section, make sure the Use Country Code and Area Code options are not checked.
  2. Click on Server Type and open up the drop-down list in the Type of Dial-up Server section.
  3. Choose PPP as your server type.
  4. In the Advanced Options Section, make sure:
  5. Click on TCP/IP Settings. Make sure Server Assigned IP Address and Specify Name Server Addresses are selected. Add in the DNS Server IP Addresses: - Primary DNS Server - Secondary DNS Server
  6. For the Primary and Secondary WINS configuration, leave them at Check Use IP Header Compression and Use Default Gateway on Remote Network. Click OK three times.

VI. Dial in to Netcom to access your account:

  1. Double click on the session icon you just made.
  2. Type in your username and password. MAKE SURE YOU PUT A POUND SIGN (#) BEFORE YOUR USERNAME.
  3. Click on Connect to dial and access Netcom.

There are various third party winsock applications available at these web sites:

More information on configuring winsock applications and the Windows 95 dialer is available from our Online Technical Support pages: