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WebTech :NETCOMplete

NETCOMplete Settings For Winsock Software

The following settings will help you to set up third-party Winsock applications with NETCOMplete.

The Winsock applications may require some or all of the following information:

Primary domain name server   -
Secondary domain name server -
Pop mail server              - popd.netcruiser
Mail Server (SMTP Server)    - smtp.netcruiser
POP Password                 - your account password
Real Name                    - whatever name you wish to use
Return Address               - username@ix.netcom.com
News Server (NNTP Server)    - nntp.netcruiser
If you are using NETCOMplete for Windows 3.1 or 3.11, you must make sure the following is set. At the login screen, click "Settings", goto the "Connection Type" Tab and make sure you check "I plan to run 3rd party Internet applications during this session".

Login to your account, minimize NETCOMplete, and run your third-party winsock application. You may also add a startup icon for your new application into the NETCOMplete toolbar. NETCOMplete will auto-detect many popular winsock programs and add the to the toolbar automatically. To do this, goto "Settings" on the NETCOMplete file menu bar, from there click on "Toolbar..."