:Base Young_NT.hlp>Main 1 Young's New Testament 2 Gospel According to Matthew 3 =GospelAccordingtoMatthew@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Mt 1 Generations from Abraham to Jesus, and His birth fortold=Mt1GenerationsfromAbrahamtoJesus.andHisbirthfortold@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Mt 2 Jesus is born in Bethlehem and His family settles in Nazareth=Mt2JesusisborninBethlehemandHisfamilysettlesinNazareth@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Mt 3 Jesus baptized by John=Mt3JesusbaptizedbyJohn@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Mt 4 Jesus is tempted by the Devil, and picks His disciples=Mt4JesusistemptedbytheDevil.andpicksHisdisciples@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Mt 5 Jesus preaches to a multitude=Mt5Jesuspreachestoamultitude@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Mt 6 Jesus' sermon continued=Mt6Jesus.sermoncontinued@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Mt 7 Jesus' sermon continued=Mt7Jesus.sermoncontinued@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Mt 8 Jesus heals the sick and calms the sea=Mt8Jesushealsthesickandcalmsthesea@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Mt 9 Jesus heals many and forgives sins=Mt9Jesushealsmanyandforgivessins@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Mt 10 Jesus instructs his disciples=Mt10Jesusinstructshisdisciples@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Mt 11 Jesus tells John's disciples He is the Messiah=Mt11JesustellsJohn.sdisciplesHeistheMessiah@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Mt 12 Jesus heals on the Sabbath and angers the Pharisees=Mt12JesushealsontheSabbathandangersthePharisees@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Mt 13 Parables of the sower and the merchant=Mt13Parablesofthesowerandthemerchant@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Mt 14 John the Baptist dies and Jesus feeds five thousand=Mt14JohntheBaptistdiesandJesusfeedsfivethousand@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Mt 15 Jesus calls the Pharisees hypocrites=Mt15JesuscallsthePhariseeshypocrites@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Mt 16 Peter declares that Jesus is the Messiah=Mt16PeterdeclaresthatJesusistheMessiah@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Mt 17 The Transfiguration and the power of Faith=Mt17TheTransfigurationandthepowerofFaith@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Mt 18 Jesus preaches humility and forgiveness=Mt18Jesuspreacheshumilityandforgiveness@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Mt 19 New understanding of the Commandments=Mt19NewunderstandingoftheCommandments@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Mt 20 The parable of the vineyard labourers=Mt20Theparableofthevineyardlabourers@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Mt 21 Jesus rides into Jerusalem with a multitude=Mt21JesusridesintoJerusalemwithamultitude@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Mt 22 Jesus preaches to the Pharisees and Sadducees=Mt22JesuspreachestothePhariseesandSadducees@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Mt 23 The hypocrisy of the scribes and Pharisees=Mt23ThehypocrisyofthescribesandPharisees@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Mt 24 The coming of the Son of Man=Mt24ThecomingoftheSonofMan@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Mt 25 The parables of the ten virgins and the three servants=Mt25Theparablesofthetenvirginsandthethreeservants@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Mt 26 The Last Supper, and Jesus condemned by the High Priest=Mt26TheLastSupper.andJesuscondemnedbytheHighPriest@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Mt 27 Jesus is crucified and the Pharisees guard His tomb=Mt27JesusiscrucifiedandthePhariseesguardHistomb@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Mt 28 The Resurrection and Jesus meets His disciples=Mt28TheResurrectionandJesusmeetsHisdisciples@Young_NT.hlp>Main 2 Gospel According to Mark 3 =GospelAccordingtoMark@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Mr 1 Baptism of Christ=Mr1BaptismofChrist@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Mr 2 Calling of Matthew=Mr2CallingofMatthew@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Mr 3 Jesus heals on the Sabbath=Mr3JesushealsontheSabbath@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Mr 4 Parable of the mustard seed=Mr4Parableofthemustardseed@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Mr 5 Devils cast into swine=Mr5Devilscastintoswine@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Mr 6 John the Baptist beheaded=Mr6JohntheBaptistbeheaded@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Mr 7 Jesus explains what defiles=Mr7Jesusexplainswhatdefiles@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Mr 8 Peter's confession=Mr8Peter.sconfession@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Mr 9 The transfiguration=Mr9Thetransfiguration@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Mr 10 The rich young man=Mr10Therichyoungman@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Mr 11 Jesus enters Jerusalem=Mr11JesusentersJerusalem@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Mr 12 The Great Commandment=Mr12TheGreatCommandment@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Mr 13 Signs of the End=Mr13SignsoftheEnd@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Mr 14 The Last Supper=Mr14TheLastSupper@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Mr 15 Jesus before Pilate, and the Crucifixion=Mr15JesusbeforePilate.andtheCrucifixion@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Mr 16 The Resurrection=Mr16TheResurrection@Young_NT.hlp>Main 2 Gospel According to Luke 3 =GospelAccordingtoLuke@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Lu 1 Jesus' birth foretold=Lu1Jesus.birthforetold@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Lu 2 Birth of Jesus=Lu2BirthofJesus@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Lu 3 John the Baptist baptizes Jesus=Lu3JohntheBaptistbaptizesJesus@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Lu 4 The temptation of Jesus=Lu4ThetemptationofJesus@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Lu 5 Great catch of fish=Lu5Greatcatchoffish@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Lu 6 Sermon on the Mount=Lu6SermonontheMount@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Lu 7 The centurion's servant healed=Lu7Thecenturion.sservanthealed@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Lu 8 Jesus stills the storm=Lu8Jesusstillsthestorm@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Lu 9 Feeding of the five thousand=Lu9Feedingofthefivethousand@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Lu 10 The good Samaritan=Lu10ThegoodSamaritan@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Lu 11 The Lord's Prayer=Lu11TheLord.sPrayer@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Lu 12 Parable of the rich fool=Lu12Parableoftherichfool@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Lu 13 Kingdom of God likened to grain of mustard seed=Lu13KingdomofGodlikenedtograinofmustardseed@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Lu 14 Parable of the great banquet=Lu14Parableofthegreatbanquet@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Lu 15 Parable of the prodigal son=Lu15Parableoftheprodigalson@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Lu 16 The rich man and Lazarus=Lu16TherichmanandLazarus@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Lu 17 Cleansing of the ten lepers=Lu17Cleansingofthetenlepers@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Lu 18 Parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector=Lu18ParableofthePhariseeandthetaxcollector@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Lu 19 Conversion of Zacchaeus=Lu19ConversionofZacchaeus@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Lu 20 Paying taxes to Caesar=Lu20PayingtaxestoCaesar@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Lu 21 Signs of the End=Lu21SignsoftheEnd@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Lu 22 Jesus at Gethsemane=Lu22JesusatGethsemane@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Lu 23 Jesus before Pilate, and Crucifixion=Lu23JesusbeforePilate.andCrucifixion@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Lu 24 Resurrection and Ascension=Lu24ResurrectionandAscension@Young_NT.hlp>Main 2 Gospel According to John 3 =GospelAccordingtoJohn@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Jo 1 In the beginning was the Word=Jo1InthebeginningwastheWord@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Jo 2 Miracle of water into wine=Jo2Miracleofwaterintowine@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Jo 3 Nicodemus meets with Jesus=Jo3NicodemusmeetswithJesus@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Jo 4 The Samaritan woman=Jo4TheSamaritanwoman@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Jo 5 How to receive eternal life=Jo5Howtoreceiveeternallife@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Jo 6 Jesus walks on the sea=Jo6Jesuswalksonthesea@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Jo 7 Jesus teaches in the temple=Jo7Jesusteachesinthetemple@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Jo 8 The light of the world=Jo8Thelightoftheworld@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Jo 9 Jesus heals a man blind from birth=Jo9Jesushealsamanblindfrombirth@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Jo 10 Jesus' unity with the Father=Jo10Jesus.unitywiththeFather@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Jo 11 Resurrection of Lazarus=Jo11ResurrectionofLazarus@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Jo 12 Jesus enters Jerusalem=Jo12JesusentersJerusalem@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Jo 13 Jesus washes the disciples' feet=Jo13Jesuswashesthedisciples.feet@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Jo 14 The promise of the Spirit=Jo14ThepromiseoftheSpirit@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Jo 15 Love one another as I have loved you=Jo15LoveoneanotherasIhavelovedyou@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Jo 16 The work of the Holy Spirit=Jo16TheworkoftheHolySpirit@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Jo 17 Jesus prays=Jo17Jesusprays@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Jo 18 Betrayal and arrest=Jo18Betrayalandarrest@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Jo 19 The son of God condemned, crucified and buried=Jo19ThesonofGodcondemned.crucifiedandburied@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Jo 20 The Resurrection=Jo20TheResurrection@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Jo 21 Post Resurrection appearance=Jo21PostResurrectionappearance@Young_NT.hlp>Main 2 Acts of the Apostles 3 =ActsoftheApostles@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Ac 1 Jesus ascends to Heaven=Ac1JesusascendstoHeaven@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Ac 2 Pentecost=Ac2Pentecost@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Ac 3 Peter heals a lame man=Ac3Peterhealsalameman@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Ac 4 Peter and John appear before Annis and Caiaphas=Ac4PeterandJohnappearbeforeAnnisandCaiaphas@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Ac 5 Apostles released from prison by an Angel=Ac5ApostlesreleasedfromprisonbyanAngel@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Ac 6 Stephen's arrest=Ac6Stephen.sarrest@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Ac 7 Stephen stoned to death=Ac7Stephenstonedtodeath@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Ac 8 The Ethiopian eunuch baptized=Ac8TheEthiopianeunuchbaptized@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Ac 9 Conversion of Saul=Ac9ConversionofSaul@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Ac 10 Gentiles receive the Holy Spirit=Ac10GentilesreceivetheHolySpirit@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Ac 11 Peter's vision=Ac11Peter.svision@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Ac 12 Peter freed from prison by an Angel=Ac12PeterfreedfromprisonbyanAngel@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Ac 13 Paul and Barnabas go to Cyprus=Ac13PaulandBarnabasgotoCyprus@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Ac 14 Paul stoned at Lystra=Ac14PaulstonedatLystra@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Ac 15 Council at Jerusalem=Ac15CouncilatJerusalem@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Ac 16 Timothy chosen as Paul's helper=Ac16TimothychosenasPaul.shelper@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Ac 17 Paul's sermon to the Areopagus=Ac17Paul.ssermontotheAreopagus@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Ac 18 Paul goes to Corinth=Ac18PaulgoestoCorinth@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Ac 19 Paul's ministry at Ephesus=Ac19Paul.sministryatEphesus@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Ac 20 Paul's return to Macedonia=Ac20Paul.sreturntoMacedonia@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Ac 21 Paul arrested in Jerusalem=Ac21PaularrestedinJerusalem@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Ac 22 Paul's descent=Ac22Paul.sdescent@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Ac 23 Paul's vision of the Lord=Ac23Paul.svisionoftheLord@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Ac 24 Paul goes before Felix=Ac24PaulgoesbeforeFelix@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Ac 25 Paul appeals to Roman justice=Ac25PaulappealstoRomanjustice@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Ac 26 Paul before Agrippa=Ac26PaulbeforeAgrippa@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Ac 27 Paul shipwrecked on the island of Melita=Ac27PaulshipwreckedontheislandofMelita@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Ac 28 Paul's arrival in Rome=Ac28Paul.sarrivalinRome@Young_NT.hlp>Main 2 Paul's Letter to the Romans 3 =Paul.sLettertotheRomans@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Ro 1 The Gospel of salvation=Ro1TheGospelofsalvation@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Ro 2 The universality of sin=Ro2Theuniversalityofsin@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Ro 3 Righteousness by faith=Ro3Righteousnessbyfaith@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Ro 4 Jesus our justification by faith=Ro4Jesusourjustificationbyfaith@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Ro 5 Free gift undeserved=Ro5Freegiftundeserved@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Ro 6 Not Law but Grace=Ro6NotLawbutGrace@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Ro 7 The Law and sin=Ro7TheLawandsin@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Ro 8 Spirit of adoption=Ro8Spiritofadoption@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Ro 9 God's Mercy=Ro9God.sMercy@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Ro 10 Faith cometh by hearing=Ro10Faithcomethbyhearing@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Ro 11 Israel the natural branch=Ro11Israelthenaturalbranch@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Ro 12 Christian service=Ro12Christianservice@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Ro 13 Love is the fulfilling of the Law=Ro13LoveisthefulfillingoftheLaw@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Ro 14 Kingdom of God is righteousness, peace and joy=Ro14KingdomofGodisrighteousness.peaceandjoy@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Ro 15 Unity in Christ Jesus=Ro15UnityinChristJesus@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Ro 16 Paul's greetings=Ro16Paul.sgreetings@Young_NT.hlp>Main 2 Paul's First Letter to the Corinthians 3 =Paul.sFirstLettertotheCorinthians@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 1Co 1 Paul warns against divisions in the Church=1Co1PaulwarnsagainstdivisionsintheChurch@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 1Co 2 God's message is revealed by the Spirit=1Co2God.smessageisrevealedbytheSpirit@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 1Co 3 We should do what God wants, not what the world wants=1Co3WeshoulddowhatGodwants.notwhattheworldwants@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 1Co 4 Do not be proud and judge others=1Co4Donotbeproudandjudgeothers@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 1Co 5 The Church should clean itself before it judges outsiders=1Co5TheChurchshouldcleanitselfbeforeitjudgesoutsiders@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 1Co 6 Settle disputes with each other and avoid immorality=1Co6Settledisputeswitheachotherandavoidimmorality@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 1Co 7 Being married or unmarried is neither right or wrong=1Co7Beingmarriedorunmarriedisneitherrightorwrong@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 1Co 8 Do not do things that would encourage others to sin=1Co8Donotdothingsthatwouldencourageotherstosin@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 1Co 9 It is not wrong for preachers to be paid for their work=1Co9Itisnotwrongforpreacherstobepaidfortheirwork@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 1Co 10 Be faithful to God and to what is right=1Co10BefaithfultoGodandtowhatisright@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 1Co 11 Showing proper respect when worshipping=1Co11Showingproperrespectwhenworshipping@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 1Co 12 Different people have different strengths=1Co12Differentpeoplehavedifferentstrengths@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 1Co 13 Love is part of God's Eternal Truth that we can understand=1Co13LoveispartofGod.sEternalTruththatwecanunderstand@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 1Co 14 Be sure that others can understand what you are preaching=1Co14Besurethatotherscanunderstandwhatyouarepreaching@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 1Co 15 Christ was raised from the dead and we will be also=1Co15Christwasraisedfromthedeadandwewillbealso@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 1Co 16 Paul's plans to visit the Corinthians=1Co16Paul.splanstovisittheCorinthians@Young_NT.hlp>Main 2 Paul's Second Letter to the Corinthians 3 =Paul.sSecondLettertotheCorinthians@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 2Co 1 Comfort in tribulation=2Co1Comfortintribulation@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 2Co 2 Paul encourages forgiveness=2Co2Paulencouragesforgiveness@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 2Co 3 Ministers of the New Testament=2Co3MinistersoftheNewTestament@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 2Co 4 Preach Christ the Lord=2Co4PreachChristtheLord@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 2Co 5 Old things are passed away=2Co5Oldthingsarepassedaway@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 2Co 6 Be ye separate=2Co6Beyeseparate@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 2Co 7 Godly sorrow worketh repentance=2Co7Godlysorrowworkethrepentance@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 2Co 8 Principles of giving=2Co8Principlesofgiving@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 2Co 9 God loveth a cheerful giver=2Co9Godlovethacheerfulgiver@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 2Co 10 Spiritual authority=2Co10Spiritualauthority@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 2Co 11 Paul's suffering for the Gospel=2Co11Paul.ssufferingfortheGospel@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 2Co 12 God's Grace is sufficient=2Co12God.sGraceissufficient@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 2Co 13 Paul's plea for self examination=2Co13Paul.spleaforselfexamination@Young_NT.hlp>Main 2 Paul's Letter to the Galatians 3 =Paul.sLettertotheGalatians@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Ga 1 Paul's divine revelation of Jesus Christ=Ga1Paul.sdivinerevelationofJesusChrist@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Ga 2 Justification by faith=Ga2Justificationbyfaith@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Ga 3 Abraham the great example of faith=Ga3Abrahamthegreatexampleoffaith@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Ga 4 Law versus Grace=Ga4LawversusGrace@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Ga 5 Fruit of the Spirit=Ga5FruitoftheSpirit@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Ga 6 Whatsoever a man soweth=Ga6Whatsoeveramansoweth@Young_NT.hlp>Main 2 Paul's Letter to the Ephesians 3 =Paul.sLettertotheEphesians@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Eph 1 Believers position in Christ=Eph1BelieverspositioninChrist@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Eph 2 Jesus Christ chief cornerstone=Eph2JesusChristchiefcornerstone@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Eph 3 The love of Christ=Eph3TheloveofChrist@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Eph 4 Putting on the new man=Eph4Puttingonthenewman@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Eph 5 Submit one to another=Eph5Submitonetoanother@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Eph 6 We wrestle not against flesh and blood=Eph6Wewrestlenotagainstfleshandblood@Young_NT.hlp>Main 2 Paul's Letter to the Philippians 3 =Paul.sLettertothePhilippians@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Phi 1 To live is Christ=Phi1ToliveisChrist@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Phi 2 Paul's example of humble service=Phi2Paul.sexampleofhumbleservice@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Phi 3 Press toward the mark=Phi3Presstowardthemark@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Phi 4 Whatsoever things are true=Phi4Whatsoeverthingsaretrue@Young_NT.hlp>Main 2 Paul's Letter to the Colossians 3 =Paul.sLettertotheColossians@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Col 1 For by him were all things created=Col1Forbyhimwereallthingscreated@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Col 2 Warning against false philosophy=Col2Warningagainstfalsephilosophy@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Col 3 Set your affections on things above=Col3Setyouraffectionsonthingsabove@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Col 4 Walk in wisdom=Col4Walkinwisdom@Young_NT.hlp>Main 2 Paul's First Letter to the Thessalonians 3 =Paul.sFirstLettertotheThessalonians@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 1Th 1 Serve the living and true God=1Th1ServethelivingandtrueGod@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 1Th 2 Walk worthy of God=1Th2WalkworthyofGod@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 1Th 3 Lord Jesus Christ direct our way=1Th3LordJesusChristdirectourway@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 1Th 4 Abstain from fornication=1Th4Abstainfromfornication@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 1Th 5 Watch and be sober=1Th5Watchandbesober@Young_NT.hlp>Main 2 Paul's Second Letter to the Thessalonians 3 =Paul.sSecondLettertotheThessalonians@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 2Th 1 Paul's intercession=2Th1Paul.sintercession@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 2Th 2 Let no man deceive you=2Th2Letnomandeceiveyou@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 2Th 3 Paul's request for prayer=2Th3Paul.srequestforprayer@Young_NT.hlp>Main 2 Paul's First Letter to Timothy 3 =Paul.sFirstLettertoTimothy@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 1Ti 1 Warning against false teachers=1Ti1Warningagainstfalseteachers@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 1Ti 2 Order of prayer=1Ti2Orderofprayer@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 1Ti 3 Qualifications of overseers=1Ti3Qualificationsofoverseers@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 1Ti 4 Some shall depart from the faith=1Ti4Someshalldepartfromthefaith@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 1Ti 5 Care of widows=1Ti5Careofwidows@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 1Ti 6 The love of money is the root of evil=1Ti6Theloveofmoneyistherootofevil@Young_NT.hlp>Main 2 Paul's Second Letter to Timothy 3 =Paul.sSecondLettertoTimothy@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 2Ti 1 God hath not given us the Spirit of fear=2Ti1GodhathnotgivenustheSpiritoffear@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 2Ti 2 Follow righteousness=2Ti2Followrighteousness@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 2Ti 3 The godly shall suffer persecution=2Ti3Thegodlyshallsufferpersecution@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 2Ti 4 Preach the Word=2Ti4PreachtheWord@Young_NT.hlp>Main 2 Paul's Letter to Titus 3 =Paul.sLettertoTitus@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Tit 1 Qualifications of bishops=Tit1Qualificationsofbishops@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Tit 2 Elements of Christian behavior=Tit2ElementsofChristianbehavior@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Tit 3 Avoid unprofitable arguments=Tit3Avoidunprofitablearguments@Young_NT.hlp>Main 2 Paul's Letter to Philemon 3 =Paul.sLettertoPhilemon@Young_NT.hlp>Main 2 Letter to the Hebrews 3 =LettertotheHebrews@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 He 1 Jesus first begotten son=He1Jesusfirstbegottenson@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 He 2 The son superior to the Angels=He2ThesonsuperiortotheAngels@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 He 3 Harden not your hearts=He3Hardennotyourhearts@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 He 4 The word of God sharper than any two edged sword=He4ThewordofGodsharperthananytwoedgedsword@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 He 5 Jesus Christ our High Priest=He5JesusChristourHighPriest@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 He 6 Be not slothful=He6Benotslothful@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 He 7 Melchizedek, king priest=He7Melchizedek.kingpriest@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 He 8 A new covenant=He8Anewcovenant@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 He 9 Christ the perfect sacrifice=He9Christtheperfectsacrifice@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 He 10 The just shall live by faith=He10Thejustshalllivebyfaith@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 He 11 Faith is the substance of things hoped for=He11Faithisthesubstanceofthingshopedfor@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 He 12 Whom the Lord loveth He chasteneth=He12WhomtheLordlovethHechasteneth@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 He 13 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and for ever=He13JesusChristthesameyesterday.andtoday.andforever@Young_NT.hlp>Main 2 Letter from James 3 =LetterfromJames@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Jas 1 Christians must put their faith into practice=Jas1Christiansmustputtheirfaithintopractice@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Jas 2 Judge faith by actions, not by signs of wealth=Jas2Judgefaithbyactions.notbysignsofwealth@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Jas 3 Try to always be sure of what you are going to say=Jas3Trytoalwaysbesureofwhatyouaregoingtosay@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Jas 4 Do not quarrel, boast, and prejudge others=Jas4Donotquarrel.boast.andprejudgeothers@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Jas 5 The rich have their reward now, and Christians must wait for theirs=Jas5Therichhavetheirrewardnow.andChristiansmustwaitfortheirs@Young_NT.hlp>Main 2 First Letter from Peter 3 =FirstLetterfromPeter@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 1Pe 1 Christians who endure will be with God forever=1Pe1ChristianswhoendurewillbewithGodforever@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 1Pe 2 Those who are building Christ's Church will sometimes suffer=1Pe2ThosewhoarebuildingChrist.sChurchwillsometimessuffer@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 1Pe 3 Do not be afraid of suffering for doing good=1Pe3Donotbeafraidofsufferingfordoinggood@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 1Pe 4 Do not be surprised if you suffer as a Christian=1Pe4DonotbesurprisedifyousufferasaChristian@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 1Pe 5 The Church elders should be examples to their followers=1Pe5TheChurcheldersshouldbeexamplestotheirfollowers@Young_NT.hlp>Main 2 Second Letter from Peter 3 =SecondLetterfromPeter@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 2Pe 1 Exceeding great and precious promises=2Pe1Exceedinggreatandpreciouspromises@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 2Pe 2 False prophets=2Pe2Falseprophets@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 2Pe 3 Last days scoffers=2Pe3Lastdaysscoffers@Young_NT.hlp>Main 2 First Letter of John 3 =FirstLetterofJohn@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 1Jo 1 Those who follow God cannot live in darkness=1Jo1ThosewhofollowGodcannotliveindarkness@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 1Jo 2 Follow Christ's teachings and stay in the light=1Jo2FollowChrist.steachingsandstayinthelight@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 1Jo 3 God's children should not continue to sin=1Jo3God.schildrenshouldnotcontinuetosin@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 1Jo 4 False prophets speak about the world, not God's love=1Jo4Falseprophetsspeakabouttheworld.notGod.slove@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 1Jo 5 Those who believe in the Son of God have eternal life=1Jo5ThosewhobelieveintheSonofGodhaveeternallife@Young_NT.hlp>Main 2 Second Letter of John 3 =SecondLetterofJohn@Young_NT.hlp>Main 2 Third Letter of John 3 =ThirdLetterofJohn@Young_NT.hlp>Main 2 Letter from Jude 3 =LetterfromJude@Young_NT.hlp>Main 2 Revelation to John 3 =RevelationtoJohn@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Rev 1 John's vision of seven candlesticks=Rev1John.svisionofsevencandlesticks@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Rev 2 Letters to the Churches=Rev2LetterstotheChurches@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Rev 3 Behold I stand at the door and knock=Rev3BeholdIstandatthedoorandknock@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Rev 4 The throne of God=Rev4ThethroneofGod@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Rev 5 The seven sealed book=Rev5Thesevensealedbook@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Rev 6 Seals one through six=Rev6Sealsonethroughsix@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Rev 7 144,000 sealed=Rev7144.000sealed@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Rev 8 Seventh seal=Rev8Seventhseal@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Rev 9 Army of 200 thousand thousand=Rev9Armyof200thousandthousand@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Rev 10 The little book=Rev10Thelittlebook@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Rev 11 The two witnesses=Rev11Thetwowitnesses@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Rev 12 War in Heaven=Rev12WarinHeaven@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Rev 13 The two beasts=Rev13Thetwobeasts@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Rev 14 666=Rev14666@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Rev 15 Seven plagues=Rev15Sevenplagues@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Rev 16 Gathering at Armageddon=Rev16GatheringatArmageddon@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Rev 17 The Harlot=Rev17TheHarlot@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Rev 18 Babylon the Great is fallen=Rev18BabylontheGreatisfallen@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Rev 19 Marriage supper of the lamb=Rev19Marriagesupperofthelamb@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Rev 20 Satan bound a thousand years=Rev20Satanboundathousandyears@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Rev 21 New Jerusalem=Rev21NewJerusalem@Young_NT.hlp>Main 3 Rev 22 The Alpha and Omega=Rev22TheAlphaandOmega@Young_NT.hlp>Main