:Base Darby_OT.hlp>Main 1 Darby's Old Testament 2 Genesis 3 Genesis=Genesis@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ge 1 The creation of the earth=Ge1Thecreationoftheearth@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ge 2 The creation of Adam and Eve and the Garden of Eden=Ge2ThecreationofAdamandEveandtheGardenofEden@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ge 3 The serpent and the first sin=Ge3Theserpentandthefirstsin@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ge 4 Cain, Abel, and Seth the sons of Adam=Ge4Cain.Abel.andSeththesonsofAdam@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ge 5 The generations from Adam to Noah=Ge5ThegenerationsfromAdamtoNoah@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ge 6 The building of the ark=Ge6Thebuildingoftheark@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ge 7 The ark's passengers and the Flood=Ge7Theark.spassengersandtheFlood@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ge 8 The end of the Flood, and leaving the ark=Ge8TheendoftheFlood.andleavingtheark@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ge 9 God never to destroy the earth again by flood=Ge9Godnevertodestroytheearthagainbyflood@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ge 10 Noah's descendants=Ge10Noah.sdescendants@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ge 11 The tower of Babel, and the generations from Shem to Abram=Ge11ThetowerofBabel.andthegenerationsfromShemtoAbram@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ge 12 God calls Abram and Lot to Egypt=Ge12GodcallsAbramandLottoEgypt@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ge 13 Abram and Lot leave Egypt and separate=Ge13AbramandLotleaveEgyptandseparate@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ge 14 Lot captured during war and rescued by Abram=Ge14LotcapturedduringwarandrescuedbyAbram@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ge 15 God Promises Abram a son and countless descendants=Ge15GodPromisesAbramasonandcountlessdescendants@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ge 16 Abram has a son, Ishmael, by Sarai's servant Hagar=Ge16Abramhasason.Ishmael.bySarai.sservantHagar@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ge 17 God promises Canaan to Abraham and Sarah's descendants=Ge17GodpromisesCanaantoAbrahamandSarah.sdescendants@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ge 18 Angels Visit Abraham and go to judge Sodom=Ge18AngelsVisitAbrahamandgotojudgeSodom@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ge 19 God destroys Sodom and Gomorrah but saves Lot's family=Ge19GoddestroysSodomandGomorrahbutsavesLot.sfamily@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ge 20 Sarah and Abimelech=Ge20SarahandAbimelech@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ge 21 Isaac born, and Hagar and Ishmael leave=Ge21Isaacborn.andHagarandIshmaelleave@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ge 22 God tests Abraham to sacrifice Isaac=Ge22GodtestsAbrahamtosacrificeIsaac@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ge 23 Sarah dies, and Abraham buys her burial ground=Ge23Sarahdies.andAbrahambuysherburialground@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ge 24 Abraham's servant finds Rebecca for Isaac=Ge24Abraham.sservantfindsRebeccaforIsaac@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ge 25 Abraham's death, Ishmael's descendants, and Jacob and Esau=Ge25Abraham.sdeath.Ishmael.sdescendants.andJacobandEsau@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ge 26 Isaac lives with the Philistines during a famine=Ge26IsaacliveswiththePhilistinesduringafamine@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ge 27 Isaac blesses Jacob instead of Esau=Ge27IsaacblessesJacobinsteadofEsau@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ge 28 Esau marries Ishmael's daughter, and Jacob's dream=Ge28EsaumarriesIshmael.sdaughter.andJacob.sdream@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ge 29 Jacob works for his Uncle Laban to marry Rachel and Leah=Ge29JacobworksforhisUncleLabantomarryRachelandLeah@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ge 30 Jacob's sons, and Jacob and Laban divide the animals=Ge30Jacob.ssons.andJacobandLabandividetheanimals@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ge 31 Jacob leaves Laban to return home=Ge31JacobleavesLabantoreturnhome@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ge 32 Jacob sends gifts to Esau, and wrestles with God=Ge32JacobsendsgiftstoEsau.andwrestleswithGod@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ge 33 Jacob and Esau meet=Ge33JacobandEsaumeet@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ge 34 Jacob's daughter Dinah is raped, and her brothers take revenge=Ge34Jacob.sdaughterDinahisraped.andherbrotherstakerevenge@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ge 35 God names Jacob Israel, and Rachael and Isaac die=Ge35GodnamesJacobIsrael.andRachaelandIsaacdie@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ge 36 Esau's descendants, and the original inhabitants of Edom=Ge36Esau.sdescendants.andtheoriginalinhabitantsofEdom@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ge 37 Jacob's son Joseph sold by his brothers=Ge37Jacob.ssonJosephsoldbyhisbrothers@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ge 38 Judah and Tamar=Ge38JudahandTamar@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ge 39 Joseph falsely accused by his master's wife=Ge39Josephfalselyaccusedbyhismaster.swife@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ge 40 In prison, Joseph interprets the baker's and butler's dreams=Ge40Inprison.Josephinterpretsthebaker.sandbutler.sdreams@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ge 41 Joseph interprets pharaoh's dreams and is made ruler over Egypt=Ge41Josephinterpretspharaoh.sdreamsandismaderuleroverEgypt@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ge 42 Joseph's brothers buy grain in Egypt and are accused of being spies=Ge42Joseph.sbrothersbuygraininEgyptandareaccusedofbeingspies@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ge 43 Joseph's brothers journey to Egypt again, and bring Benjamin=Ge43Joseph.sbrothersjourneytoEgyptagain.andbringBenjamin@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ge 44 Joseph tricks his brothers to keep Benjamin with him=Ge44JosephtrickshisbrotherstokeepBenjaminwithhim@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ge 45 Joseph tells his brothers who he is and invites the family to Egypt=Ge45JosephtellshisbrotherswhoheisandinvitesthefamilytoEgypt@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ge 46 Jacob and his family go to Egypt and meet Joseph=Ge46JacobandhisfamilygotoEgyptandmeetJoseph@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ge 47 Pharaoh meets Jacob and his family, and they prosper in Egypt=Ge47PharaohmeetsJacobandhisfamily.andtheyprosperinEgypt@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ge 48 Jacob blesses Joseph's sons and treats them both as his own sons=Ge48JacobblessesJoseph.ssonsandtreatsthembothashisownsons@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ge 49 Jacob tells his sons what will happen to them, and Jacob dies=Ge49Jacobtellshissonswhatwillhappentothem.andJacobdies@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ge 50 Joseph buries Jacob in Canaan, and Joseph dies in Egypt=Ge50JosephburiesJacobinCanaan.andJosephdiesinEgypt@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 2 Notes 3 Notes=Notes1@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 2 Exodus 3 Exodus=Exodus@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ex 2 The birth and rescue of Moses=Ex2ThebirthandrescueofMoses@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ex 3 God calls Moses to lead Israel out of Egypt=Ex3GodcallsMosestoleadIsraeloutofEgypt@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ex 4 God gives Moses the signs, and Moses returns to Egypt=Ex4GodgivesMosesthesigns.andMosesreturnstoEgypt@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ex 5 Moses and Aaron's first audience before Pharaoh=Ex5MosesandAaron.sfirstaudiencebeforePharaoh@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ex 6 God answers Moses' complaint, and genealogy of Moses and Aaron=Ex6GodanswersMoses.complaint.andgenealogyofMosesandAaron@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ex 7 Aaron performs the first sign for Pharaoh=Ex7AaronperformsthefirstsignforPharaoh@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ex 8 Plagues of frogs, flies, and gnats in Egypt=Ex8Plaguesoffrogs.flies.andgnatsinEgypt@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ex 9 Plague on livestock, and plagues of boils and hail=Ex9Plagueonlivestock.andplaguesofboilsandhail@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ex 10 Plagues of locust and darkness=Ex10Plaguesoflocustanddarkness@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ex 11 Moses warns Pharaoh of the death of Egypt's first born sons=Ex11MoseswarnsPharaohofthedeathofEgypt.sfirstbornsons@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ex 12 The Passover and death of the first born Egyptian sons=Ex12ThePassoveranddeathofthefirstbornEgyptiansons@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ex 13 Dedication of the first born Hebrew sons=Ex13DedicationofthefirstbornHebrewsons@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ex 14 Pharaoh releases the Hebrews, and they cross the Sea of Reeds=Ex14PharaohreleasestheHebrews.andtheycrosstheSeaofReeds@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ex 15 The song of Moses and the Hebrews=Ex15ThesongofMosesandtheHebrews@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ex 16 The people grumble to Moses, and God provides sustenance=Ex16ThepeoplegrumbletoMoses.andGodprovidessustenance@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ex 17 Water from the rock=Ex17Waterfromtherock@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ex 18 Jethro visits Moses=Ex18JethrovisitsMoses@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ex 19 The Israelites come to Mt. Sinai=Ex19TheIsraelitescometoMt.Sinai@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ex 20 The Ten Commandments=Ex20TheTenCommandments@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ex 21 Laws concerning the treatment of Hebrew slaves=Ex21LawsconcerningthetreatmentofHebrewslaves@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ex 22 Laws of property compensation, and laws of moral responsibility=Ex22Lawsofpropertycompensation.andlawsofmoralresponsibility@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ex 23 Laws of justice and mercy=Ex23Lawsofjusticeandmercy@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ex 24 The Covenant is sealed=Ex24TheCovenantissealed@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ex 25 Offerings for the Tabernacle=Ex25OfferingsfortheTabernacle@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ex 26 The plan for the Tabernacle=Ex26TheplanfortheTabernacle@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ex 27 The plan for the altar of burnt sacrifices=Ex27Theplanforthealtarofburntsacrifices@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ex 28 Vestments for the priests=Ex28Vestmentsforthepriests@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ex 29 Instructions for the ordination of Aaron and his sons=Ex29InstructionsfortheordinationofAaronandhissons@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ex 30 The altar of incense, atonement tax, and bronze basin=Ex30Thealtarofincense.atonementtax.andbronzebasin@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ex 31 The artisans for the Tabernacle=Ex31TheartisansfortheTabernacle@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ex 32 The golden calf Israel's apostasy=Ex32ThegoldencalfIsrael.sapostasy@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ex 33 God commands the Israelites to leave Mt. Sinai=Ex33GodcommandstheIsraelitestoleaveMt.Sinai@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ex 34 The new tablets of the Law=Ex34ThenewtabletsoftheLaw@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ex 35 Sabbath regulations, and materials for the Tabernacle=Ex35Sabbathregulations.andmaterialsfortheTabernacle@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ex 36 Construction of the Tabernacle=Ex36ConstructionoftheTabernacle@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ex 37 Construction of the Ark of the Covenant=Ex37ConstructionoftheArkoftheCovenant@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ex 38 Construction of the altar of burnt sacrifice=Ex38Constructionofthealtarofburntsacrifice@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ex 39 The creation of the priestly vestments=Ex39Thecreationofthepriestlyvestments@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ex 40 The Tabernacle is erected and anointed=Ex40TheTabernacleiserectedandanointed@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 2 Notes 3 Notes=Notes2@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 2 Leviticus 3 Leviticus=Leviticus@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Le 2 The grain sacrifice=Le2Thegrainsacrifice@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Le 3 The congregational sacrifice=Le3Thecongregationalsacrifice@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Le 4 The sacrifice for sin=Le4Thesacrificeforsin@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Le 5 Cases requiring sin sacrifices=Le5Casesrequiringsinsacrifices@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Le 6 Instructions for the priests regarding sacrifices=Le6Instructionsforthepriestsregardingsacrifices@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Le 7 Sacrifice of reparation=Le7Sacrificeofreparation@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Le 8 Ordination rites for Aaron and his sons=Le8OrdinationritesforAaronandhissons@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Le 9 The priests begin their duties=Le9Thepriestsbegintheirduties@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Le 10 The death of Aaron's sons=Le10ThedeathofAaron.ssons@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Le 11 Rules concerning clean and unclean animals=Le11Rulesconcerningcleananduncleananimals@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Le 12 Purification of women after childbirth=Le12Purificationofwomenafterchildbirth@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Le 13 Rules concerning leprosy=Le13Rulesconcerningleprosy@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Le 14 Purification from leprosy=Le14Purificationfromleprosy@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Le 15 Sexual uncleanliness of men and women=Le15Sexualuncleanlinessofmenandwomen@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Le 16 Day of Atonement=Le16DayofAtonement@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Le 17 Rules concerning blood sacrifice=Le17Rulesconcerningbloodsacrifice@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Le 18 Rules concerning sexual relations=Le18Rulesconcerningsexualrelations@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Le 19 Rules of holiness and justice=Le19Rulesofholinessandjustice@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Le 20 Rules of punishment for various sins=Le20Rulesofpunishmentforvarioussins@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Le 21 Rules concerning the priesthood=Le21Rulesconcerningthepriesthood@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Le 22 Rules concerning the holiness of sacrifices=Le22Rulesconcerningtheholinessofsacrifices@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Le 23 The holy feasts=Le23Theholyfeasts@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Le 24 Ritual prescriptions and punishments=Le24Ritualprescriptionsandpunishments@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Le 25 The holy years=Le25Theholyyears@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Le 26 Blessings and curses=Le26Blessingsandcurses@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Le 27 Redemption of what is promised to God=Le27RedemptionofwhatispromisedtoGod@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 2 Notes 3 Notes=Notes3@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 2 Numbers 3 Numbers=Numbers@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Nu 1 The first census of Israel=Nu1ThefirstcensusofIsrael@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Nu 2 The order of the tribes in camp=Nu2Theorderofthetribesincamp@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Nu 3 The tribe of Levi=Nu3ThetribeofLevi@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Nu 4 The Levite clans=Nu4TheLeviteclans@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Nu 5 Unclean persons and recompense of trespasses=Nu5Uncleanpersonsandrecompenseoftrespasses@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Nu 6 Rules for Nazarites=Nu6RulesforNazarites@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Nu 7 The sanctification and dedication of the Tabernacle=Nu7ThesanctificationanddedicationoftheTabernacle@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Nu 8 Purification and dedication of the Levites=Nu8PurificationanddedicationoftheLevites@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Nu 9 The appointed season of the Passover=Nu9TheappointedseasonofthePassover@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Nu 10 The sounding of trumpets to call the assembly=Nu10Thesoundingoftrumpetstocalltheassembly@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Nu 11 The seventy leaders chosen at Taberah=Nu11TheseventyleaderschosenatTaberah@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Nu 12 The complaint of Moses and Aaron God's answer=Nu12ThecomplaintofMosesandAaronGod.sanswer@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Nu 13 The spies reconnaisance of Canaan=Nu13ThespiesreconnaisanceofCanaan@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Nu 14 The rebellion of the Israelites=Nu14TherebellionoftheIsraelites@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Nu 15 Rules concerning sacrifices=Nu15Rulesconcerningsacrifices@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Nu 16 The rebellion of Korah, Dathan, and Abiram=Nu16TherebellionofKorah.Dathan.andAbiram@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Nu 17 God affirms Aaron's priesthood=Nu17GodaffirmsAaron.spriesthood@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Nu 18 Duties of the priesthood=Nu18Dutiesofthepriesthood@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Nu 19 Sacrifice of the Red Heifer=Nu19SacrificeoftheRedHeifer@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Nu 20 The waters of Meribah=Nu20ThewatersofMeribah@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Nu 21 Victory over the Canaanites and journey to Moab=Nu21VictoryovertheCanaanitesandjourneytoMoab@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Nu 22 The Moabite king Balak summons the prophet Balaam=Nu22TheMoabitekingBalaksummonstheprophetBalaam@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Nu 23 Balaam's first and second prophecies=Nu23Balaam.sfirstandsecondprophecies@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Nu 24 Balaam's third prophecy=Nu24Balaam.sthirdprophecy@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Nu 25 The Israelites at Peor=Nu25TheIsraelitesatPeor@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Nu 26 The second census=Nu26Thesecondcensus@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Nu 27 Inheritance rights of daughters=Nu27Inheritancerightsofdaughters@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Nu 28 Rules concerning sacrifices during different seasons=Nu28Rulesconcerningsacrificesduringdifferentseasons@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Nu 29 Rules concerning sacrifices for holy feasts=Nu29Rulesconcerningsacrificesforholyfeasts@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Nu 30 Rules governing vows=Nu30Rulesgoverningvows@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Nu 31 The war against Midian=Nu31ThewaragainstMidian@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Nu 32 The tribes of Reuben and Gad settle in the Transjordan=Nu32ThetribesofReubenandGadsettleintheTransjordan@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Nu 33 The stages of the journey from Egypt to Moab=Nu33ThestagesofthejourneyfromEgypttoMoab@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Nu 34 The boundaries of Canaan=Nu34TheboundariesofCanaan@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Nu 35 The inheritance assigned to the Levites=Nu35TheinheritanceassignedtotheLevites@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Nu 36 The inheritance of married Israelite women=Nu36TheinheritanceofmarriedIsraelitewomen@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 2 Notes 3 Notes=Notes4@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 2 Deuteronomy 3 Deuteronomy=Deuteronomy@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 De 1 Introduction=De1Introduction@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 De 2 The desert journey=De2Thedesertjourney@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 De 3 Dividing the land=De3Dividingtheland@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 De 4 Warning against idolatry=De4Warningagainstidolatry@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 De 5 The Ten Commandments=De5TheTenCommandments@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 De 6 Warning to obey=De6Warningtoobey@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 De 7 The Lord's people=De7TheLord.speople@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 De 8 Remember what the Lord has done=De8RememberwhattheLordhasdone@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 De 9 The people's stubbornness=De9Thepeople.sstubbornness@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 De 10 The second Commandment tablets=De10ThesecondCommandmenttablets@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 De 11 The choice between a blessing and a curse=De11Thechoicebetweenablessingandacurse@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 De 12 One place to worship=De12Oneplacetoworship@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 De 13 Follow only one God=De13FollowonlyoneGod@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 De 14 Dietary laws and tithing=De14Dietarylawsandtithing@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 De 15 Debts cancelled and slaves freed every seven years=De15Debtscancelledandslavesfreedeverysevenyears@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 De 16 Keeping festivals=De16Keepingfestivals@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 De 17 Witnesses, judges, and rules for a king=De17Witnesses.judges.andrulesforaking@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 De 18 The Levites' share and false prophets=De18TheLevites.shareandfalseprophets@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 De 19 Cities of refuge and witnesses=De19Citiesofrefugeandwitnesses@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 De 20 Instructions about war=De20Instructionsaboutwar@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 De 21 Unsolved murders and inheritance=De21Unsolvedmurdersandinheritance@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 De 22 Sexual laws=De22Sexuallaws@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 De 23 Who are the Lord's people=De23WhoaretheLord.speople@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 De 24 Divorce and charity laws=De24Divorceandcharitylaws@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 De 25 Marrying a dead brother's wife=De25Marryingadeadbrother.swife@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 De 26 Offerings of crops=De26Offeringsofcrops@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 De 27 God's curses for disobedience=De27God.scursesfordisobedience@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 De 28 Obedience and disobedience=De28Obedienceanddisobedience@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 De 29 God's covenant with Israel=De29God.scovenantwithIsrael@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 De 30 The choice between good and evil=De30Thechoicebetweengoodandevil@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 De 31 Joshua to lead the people=De31Joshuatoleadthepeople@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 De 32 Moses' song=De32Moses.song@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 De 33 Moses' blessings to the Tribes=De33Moses.blessingstotheTribes@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 De 34 Moses' death=De34Moses.death@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 2 Notes 3 Notes=Notes5@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 2 Book of Joshua 3 Book of Joshua=BookofJoshua@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Jos 1 God commands Joshua to lead Israel into Canaan=Jos1GodcommandsJoshuatoleadIsraelintoCanaan@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Jos 2 Joshua sends spies into Canaan=Jos2JoshuasendsspiesintoCanaan@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Jos 3 Israel crosses the Jordan=Jos3IsraelcrossestheJordan@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Jos 4 Twelve memorial stones are set up=Jos4Twelvememorialstonesaresetup@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Jos 5 The Israelite men are circumcised at Gilgal=Jos5TheIsraelitemenarecircumcisedatGilgal@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Jos 6 The fall of Jericho=Jos6ThefallofJericho@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Jos 7 Achan defies the ban and is punished=Jos7Achandefiesthebanandispunished@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Jos 8 The battle and destruction of Ai=Jos8ThebattleanddestructionofAi@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Jos 9 The Gibeonites deceive Israel and make a treaty=Jos9TheGibeonitesdeceiveIsraelandmakeatreaty@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Jos 10 Five Amorite kings make war on Gibeon=Jos10FiveAmoritekingsmakewaronGibeon@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Jos 11 Israel victorious over the northern Canaanite kings=Jos11IsraelvictoriousoverthenorthernCanaanitekings@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Jos 12 List of the kings conquered by Israel=Jos12ListofthekingsconqueredbyIsrael@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Jos 13 Territory remaining to be conquered=Jos13Territoryremainingtobeconquered@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Jos 14 Division of the land west of the Jordan=Jos14DivisionofthelandwestoftheJordan@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Jos 15 Territory allotted to the tribe of Judah=Jos15TerritoryallottedtothetribeofJudah@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Jos 16 Territory allotted to the tribe of Ephraim=Jos16TerritoryallottedtothetribeofEphraim@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Jos 17 Territory allotted to West Manasseh=Jos17TerritoryallottedtoWestManasseh@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Jos 18 Division of the rest of the land=Jos18Divisionoftherestoftheland@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Jos 19 Territory allotted to the tribe of Simeon=Jos19TerritoryallottedtothetribeofSimeon@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Jos 20 Designation of the cities of refuge=Jos20Designationofthecitiesofrefuge@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Jos 21 Cities of the Levites=Jos21CitiesoftheLevites@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Jos 22 Joshua sends the eastern tribes home=Jos22Joshuasendstheeasterntribeshome@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Jos 23 Joshua's farewell speech to Israel=Jos23Joshua.sfarewellspeechtoIsrael@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Jos 24 The Covenant renewed at Shechem, and the death of Joshua=Jos24TheCovenantrenewedatShechem.andthedeathofJoshua@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 2 Notes 3 Notes=Notes6@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 2 Book of Judges 3 Book of Judges=BookofJudges@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Jud 1 The tribes of Israel conquer the remaining Canaanites=Jud1ThetribesofIsraelconquertheremainingCanaanites@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Jud 2 The angel of God warns Israel against its apostasy=Jud2TheangelofGodwarnsIsraelagainstitsapostasy@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Jud 3 The gentile nations remaining among Israel=Jud3ThegentilenationsremainingamongIsrael@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Jud 4 Deborah's victory over Jabin, and Jael conquers Sisera=Jud4Deborah.svictoryoverJabin.andJaelconquersSisera@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Jud 5 The song of Deborah and of Jael=Jud5ThesongofDeborahandofJael@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Jud 6 Gideon is called by God to lead Israel=Jud6GideoniscalledbyGodtoleadIsrael@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Jud 7 Gideon defeats the Midianites=Jud7GideondefeatstheMidianites@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Jud 8 The death of Gideon=Jud8ThedeathofGideon@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Jud 9 Abimelech becomes king and is cursed by Jotham=Jud9AbimelechbecomeskingandiscursedbyJotham@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Jud 10 The judges Tola and Jair=Jud10ThejudgesTolaandJair@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Jud 11 Jephthah subdues the Ammonites and makes a vow=Jud11JephthahsubduestheAmmonitesandmakesavow@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Jud 12 The tribe of Ephraim and Gilead wage war=Jud12ThetribeofEphraimandGileadwagewar@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Jud 13 The conception and birth of Samson the Nazarite=Jud13TheconceptionandbirthofSamsontheNazarite@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Jud 14 The marriage and deeds of Samson=Jud14ThemarriageanddeedsofSamson@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Jud 15 Samson takes revenge on the Philistines=Jud15SamsontakesrevengeonthePhilistines@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Jud 16 Samson with Delilah, and his revenge and death=Jud16SamsonwithDelilah.andhisrevengeanddeath@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Jud 17 Micah's shrine of idols=Jud17Micah.sshrineofidols@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Jud 18 The Danites search for territory=Jud18TheDanitessearchforterritory@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Jud 19 The crime at Gibeah=Jud19ThecrimeatGibeah@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Jud 20 Israel's victory over the tribe of Benjamin=Jud20Israel.svictoryoverthetribeofBenjamin@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Jud 21 Wives found for the remnant of Benjamin=Jud21WivesfoundfortheremnantofBenjamin@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 2 Notes 3 Notes=Notes7@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 2 Book of Ruth 3 Book of Ruth=BookofRuth@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ru 1 Ruth and Naomi return to Bethlehem=Ru1RuthandNaomireturntoBethlehem@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ru 2 Ruth gleans in the field of Boaz=Ru2RuthgleansinthefieldofBoaz@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ru 3 Ruth sleeps at the feet of Boaz=Ru3RuthsleepsatthefeetofBoaz@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ru 4 Ruth and Boaz marry, and Ruth bears a son=Ru4RuthandBoazmarry.andRuthbearsason@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 2 Notes 3 Notes=Notes8@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 2 First Book of Samuel 3 First Book of Samuel=FirstBookofSamuel@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 1Sa 1 The birth of Samuel=1Sa1ThebirthofSamuel@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 1Sa 2 Hannah's song of thanksgiving=1Sa2Hannah.ssongofthanksgiving@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 1Sa 3 God calls Samuel=1Sa3GodcallsSamuel@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 1Sa 4 The Philistines capture the Ark of the Covenant=1Sa4ThePhilistinescapturetheArkoftheCovenant@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 1Sa 5 The ark among the Philistines=1Sa5ThearkamongthePhilistines@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 1Sa 6 The return of the Ark=1Sa6ThereturnoftheArk@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 1Sa 7 Samuel defeats the Philistines and rules Israel=1Sa7SamueldefeatsthePhilistinesandrulesIsrael@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 1Sa 8 Israel asks for a king=1Sa8Israelasksforaking@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 1Sa 9 Samuel and Saul meet=1Sa9SamuelandSaulmeet@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 1Sa 10 Samuel anoints Saul, and Saul is chosen king=1Sa10SamuelanointsSaul.andSaulischosenking@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 1Sa 11 Saul defeats the Ammonites=1Sa11SauldefeatstheAmmonites@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 1Sa 12 Samuel's farewell speech to Israel=1Sa12Samuel.sfarewellspeechtoIsrael@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 1Sa 13 Saul wars against the Philistines, and he is rebuked by Samuel=1Sa13SaulwarsagainstthePhilistines.andheisrebukedbySamuel@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 1Sa 14 Jonathan attacks the Philistines=1Sa14JonathanattacksthePhilistines@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 1Sa 15 War against the Amalekites, and God rejects Saul as king=1Sa15WaragainsttheAmalekites.andGodrejectsSaulasking@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 1Sa 16 Samuel anoints David as Saul's successor=1Sa16SamuelanointsDavidasSaul.ssuccessor@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 1Sa 17 David and Goliath=1Sa17DavidandGoliath@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 1Sa 18 Saul becomes jealous of David=1Sa18SaulbecomesjealousofDavid@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 1Sa 19 Saul persecutes David, and Jonathan intervenes=1Sa19SaulpersecutesDavid.andJonathanintervenes@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 1Sa 20 David and Jonathan=1Sa20DavidandJonathan@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 1Sa 21 David flees from Saul=1Sa21DavidfleesfromSaul@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 1Sa 22 David's wanderings, and Saul slaughters the priests at Nob=1Sa22David.swanderings.andSaulslaughtersthepriestsatNob@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 1Sa 23 Saul pursues David=1Sa23SaulpursuesDavid@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 1Sa 24 David spares Saul's life=1Sa24DavidsparesSaul.slife@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 1Sa 25 The death of Samuel=1Sa25ThedeathofSamuel@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 1Sa 26 David again spares Saul=1Sa26DavidagainsparesSaul@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 1Sa 27 David among the Philistines=1Sa27DavidamongthePhilistines@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 1Sa 28 Saul consults the witch of Endor=1Sa28SaulconsultsthewitchofEndor@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 1Sa 29 The Philistine leaders send David back=1Sa29ThePhilistineleaderssendDavidback@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 1Sa 30 David wars against the Amalekites=1Sa30DavidwarsagainsttheAmalekites@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 1Sa 31 The death of Saul and his sons=1Sa31ThedeathofSaulandhissons@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 2 Notes 3 Notes=Notes9@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 2 Second Book of Samuel 3 Second Book of Samuel=SecondBookofSamuel@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 2Sa 1 David hears of the death of Saul and Jonathan=2Sa1DavidhearsofthedeathofSaulandJonathan@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 2Sa 2 David is anointed king over Judah=2Sa2DavidisanointedkingoverJudah@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 2Sa 3 Abner joins David and is murdered by Joab=2Sa3AbnerjoinsDavidandismurderedbyJoab@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 2Sa 4 Ishbosheth is murdered=2Sa4Ishboshethismurdered@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 2Sa 5 David becomes king over Judah and Israel=2Sa5DavidbecomeskingoverJudahandIsrael@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 2Sa 6 The Ark of the Covenant is brought to Jerusalem=2Sa6TheArkoftheCovenantisbroughttoJerusalem@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 2Sa 7 The prophecy of Nathan, and David's prayer of thanks=2Sa7TheprophecyofNathan.andDavid.sprayerofthanks@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 2Sa 8 David's military victories=2Sa8David.smilitaryvictories@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 2Sa 9 David and Mephibosheth=2Sa9DavidandMephibosheth@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 2Sa 10 David defeats the Ammonites and Syrians=2Sa10DaviddefeatstheAmmonitesandSyrians@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 2Sa 11 David and Bathsheba=2Sa11DavidandBathsheba@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 2Sa 12 David is rebuked by Nathan and repents in prayer=2Sa12DavidisrebukedbyNathanandrepentsinprayer@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 2Sa 13 Amnon violates his sister Tamar and is killed by Absalom=2Sa13AmnonviolateshissisterTamarandiskilledbyAbsalom@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 2Sa 14 Joab arranges Absalom's return to Jerusalem=2Sa14JoabarrangesAbsalom.sreturntoJerusalem@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 2Sa 15 Absalom plots rebellion against David=2Sa15AbsalomplotsrebellionagainstDavid@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 2Sa 16 David and Ziba=2Sa16DavidandZiba@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 2Sa 17 Hushai the Archite misleads Absalom=2Sa17HushaitheArchitemisleadsAbsalom@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 2Sa 18 Absalom's defeat and death=2Sa18Absalom.sdefeatanddeath@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 2Sa 19 David mourns Absalom and returns to Jerusalem=2Sa19DavidmournsAbsalomandreturnstoJerusalem@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 2Sa 20 Sheba rebels against David=2Sa20ShebarebelsagainstDavid@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 2Sa 21 The Gibeonites execute Saul's descendants=2Sa21TheGibeonitesexecuteSaul.sdescendants@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 2Sa 22 David's song of praise to God=2Sa22David.ssongofpraisetoGod@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 2Sa 23 The last words of David=2Sa23ThelastwordsofDavid@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 2Sa 24 David's census of Israel and Judah=2Sa24David.scensusofIsraelandJudah@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 2 Notes 3 Notes=Notes10@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 2 First Book of Kings 3 First Book of Kings=FirstBookofKings@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 1Ki 1 David's last days, and he anoints Solomon as his successor=1Ki1David.slastdays.andheanointsSolomonashissuccessor@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 1Ki 2 David's last testament and death=1Ki2David.slasttestamentanddeath@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 1Ki 3 Solomon prays for wisdom=1Ki3Solomonpraysforwisdom@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 1Ki 4 Solomon's high officials and administrators=1Ki4Solomon.shighofficialsandadministrators@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 1Ki 5 Solomon's preparations for building the Temple=1Ki5Solomon.spreparationsforbuildingtheTemple@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 1Ki 6 The building of the Temple=1Ki6ThebuildingoftheTemple@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 1Ki 7 Solomon builds his palace=1Ki7Solomonbuildshispalace@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 1Ki 8 The Ark of the Covenant is brought to the Temple=1Ki8TheArkoftheCovenantisbroughttotheTemple@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 1Ki 9 God appears to Solomon a second time=1Ki9GodappearstoSolomonasecondtime@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 1Ki 10 The Queen of Sheba visits Solomon=1Ki10TheQueenofShebavisitsSolomon@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 1Ki 11 Solomon's gentile wives, apostasy, and death=1Ki11Solomon.sgentilewives.apostasy.anddeath@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 1Ki 12 Rehoboam succeeds as king, and the revolt of Israel=1Ki12Rehoboamsucceedsasking.andtherevoltofIsrael@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 1Ki 13 A man of God condemns Jeroboam at Bethel=1Ki13AmanofGodcondemnsJeroboamatBethel@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 1Ki 14 The kingdom splits, and Jeroboam of Israel, Rehoboam of Judah=1Ki14Thekingdomsplits.andJeroboamofIsrael.RehoboamofJudah@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 1Ki 15 The reigns of Abijah and Asa in Judah, and Baasha in Israel=1Ki15ThereignsofAbijahandAsainJudah.andBaashainIsrael@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 1Ki 16 The reigns of Elah, Zimri, Omri, and Ahab in Israel=1Ki16ThereignsofElah.Zimri.Omri.andAhabinIsrael@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 1Ki 17 Elijah the prophet foretells the drought=1Ki17Elijahtheprophetforetellsthedrought@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 1Ki 18 Elijah and Ahab, and the prophets of Baal are defeated=1Ki18ElijahandAhab.andtheprophetsofBaalaredefeated@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 1Ki 19 Elijah encounters God at Horeb, and God calls Elisha=1Ki19ElijahencountersGodatHoreb.andGodcallsElisha@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 1Ki 20 The war against the Syrians=1Ki20ThewaragainsttheSyrians@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 1Ki 21 Ahab and Jezebel plot to seize Naboth's vineyard=1Ki21AhabandJezebelplottoseizeNaboth.svineyard@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 1Ki 22 Micaiah prophecies Ahab's defeat, and Ahab's death=1Ki22MicaiahpropheciesAhab.sdefeat.andAhab.sdeath@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 2 Notes 3 Notes=Notes11@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 2 Second Book of Kings 3 Second Book of Kings=SecondBookofKings@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 2Ki 1 Elijah pronounces God's judgment against King Ahaziah=2Ki1ElijahpronouncesGod.sjudgmentagainstKingAhaziah@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 2Ki 2 Elijah taken to heaven, and Elisha succeeds him=2Ki2Elijahtakentoheaven.andElishasucceedshim@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 2Ki 3 Israel and Judah war against Moab=2Ki3IsraelandJudahwaragainstMoab@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 2Ki 4 Elisha helps a poor woman and raises a dead boy=2Ki4Elishahelpsapoorwomanandraisesadeadboy@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 2Ki 5 Naaman the Aramite is cured of leprosy=2Ki5NaamantheAramiteiscuredofleprosy@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 2Ki 6 Elisha captures a band of Syrians, and Samaria is besieged=2Ki6ElishacapturesabandofSyrians.andSamariaisbesieged@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 2Ki 7 The siege of Samaria is lifted=2Ki7ThesiegeofSamariaislifted@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 2Ki 8 Elisha and Hazael, and the reigns of Joram and Ahaziah in Judah=2Ki8ElishaandHazael.andthereignsofJoramandAhaziahinJudah@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 2Ki 9 Jehu is anointed king of Israel=2Ki9JehuisanointedkingofIsrael@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 2Ki 10 Jehu massacres the sons of Ahab and brothers of Ahaziah=2Ki10JehumassacresthesonsofAhabandbrothersofAhaziah@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 2Ki 11 Queen Athaliah of Judah=2Ki11QueenAthaliahofJudah@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 2Ki 12 The reign of Joash in Judah=2Ki12ThereignofJoashinJudah@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 2Ki 13 Kings Jehoahaz and Jehoash of Israel, and the death of Elisha=2Ki13KingsJehoahazandJehoashofIsrael.andthedeathofElisha@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 2Ki 14 Kings Amaziah and Azariah of Judah, and Jeroboam II of Israel=2Ki14KingsAmaziahandAzariahofJudah.andJeroboamIIofIsrael@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 2Ki 15 Kings Uzziah, Jotham of Judah, and Zechariah, Shallum, Menahem, Pekahiah of Israel=2Ki15KingsUzziah.JothamofJudah.andZechariah.Shallum.Menahem.PekahiahofIsrael@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 2Ki 16 King Pekah of Israel, and Ahaz reigns in Judah=2Ki16KingPekahofIsrael.andAhazreignsinJudah@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 2Ki 17 Hoshea reigns in Israel, and the history of Samaria=2Ki17HosheareignsinIsrael.andthehistoryofSamaria@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 2Ki 18 Hezekiah is king, and Shalmaneser of Assyria invades Judah=2Ki18Hezekiahisking.andShalmaneserofAssyriainvadesJudah@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 2Ki 19 King Hezekiah consults the prophet Isaiah=2Ki19KingHezekiahconsultstheprophetIsaiah@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 2Ki 20 Hezekiah's illness and recovery=2Ki20Hezekiah.sillnessandrecovery@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 2Ki 21 The reigns of Manasseh and Amon in Judah=2Ki21ThereignsofManassehandAmoninJudah@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 2Ki 22 King Josiah consults Huldah about the Book of the Law=2Ki22KingJosiahconsultsHuldahabouttheBookoftheLaw@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 2Ki 23 Josiah renews the Covenant, and Jehoahaz succeeds him as king=2Ki23JosiahrenewstheCovenant.andJehoahazsucceedshimasking@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 2Ki 24 The reigns of Jehoiakim, Jehoichain, and Zedekiah in Judah=2Ki24ThereignsofJehoiakim.Jehoichain.andZedekiahinJudah@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 2Ki 25 The fall of Jerusalem and defeat of Zedekiah=2Ki25ThefallofJerusalemanddefeatofZedekiah@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 2 Notes 3 Notes=Notes12@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 2 First Book of Chronicles 3 First Book of Chronicles=FirstBookofChronicles@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 1Ch 1 Descendants of Adam to Esau, and lineage of the rulers of Edom=1Ch1DescendantsofAdamtoEsau.andlineageoftherulersofEdom@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 1Ch 2 Descendants of Israel, including David's ancestry=1Ch2DescendantsofIsrael.includingDavid.sancestry@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 1Ch 3 Descendants of David including the kings of Judah=1Ch3DescendantsofDavidincludingthekingsofJudah@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 1Ch 4 Descendants of Judah and of Simeon=1Ch4DescendantsofJudahandofSimeon@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 1Ch 5 Descendants of Reuben, Gad, and half tribe of Manasseh=1Ch5DescendantsofReuben.Gad.andhalftribeofManasseh@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 1Ch 6 Lineage of Levi, the Temple musicians, and their territories=1Ch6LineageofLevi.theTemplemusicians.andtheirterritories@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 1Ch 7 Lineage of Issachar, Benjamin, Naphtali, Mannaseh, Ephraim, Asher=1Ch7LineageofIssachar.Benjamin.Naphtali.Mannaseh.Ephraim.Asher@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 1Ch 8 The line of Benjamin, including the family of Saul=1Ch8ThelineofBenjamin.includingthefamilyofSaul@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 1Ch 9 List of the residents of Jerusalem after the exile=1Ch9ListoftheresidentsofJerusalemaftertheexile@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 1Ch 10 The death of king Saul=1Ch10ThedeathofkingSaul@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 1Ch 11 David is anointed king over Israel=1Ch11DavidisanointedkingoverIsrael@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 1Ch 12 David's followers from the various tribes of Israel=1Ch12David.sfollowersfromthevarioustribesofIsrael@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 1Ch 13 The Ark of the Covenant is returned from Kiriath jearim=1Ch13TheArkoftheCovenantisreturnedfromKiriathjearim@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 1Ch 14 David at Jerusalem, and his children=1Ch14DavidatJerusalem.andhischildren@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 1Ch 15 The Ark of the Covenant is brought to Jerusalem=1Ch15TheArkoftheCovenantisbroughttoJerusalem@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 1Ch 16 David's song of praise to God=1Ch16David.ssongofpraisetoGod@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 1Ch 17 The prophecy of Nathan, David's prayer in response=1Ch17TheprophecyofNathan.David.sprayerinresponse@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 1Ch 18 David's victories over the Philistines, Moabites, Syrians=1Ch18David.svictoriesoverthePhilistines.Moabites.Syrians@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 1Ch 19 The war against the Ammonites=1Ch19ThewaragainsttheAmmonites@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 1Ch 20 The capture of Rabbah=1Ch20ThecaptureofRabbah@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 1Ch 21 David's census, and God's punishment=1Ch21David.scensus.andGod.spunishment@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 1Ch 22 Preparations for the building of the Temple=1Ch22PreparationsforthebuildingoftheTemple@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 1Ch 23 The census and organization of the Levites=1Ch23ThecensusandorganizationoftheLevites@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 1Ch 24 The divisions of the priests=1Ch24Thedivisionsofthepriests@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 1Ch 25 The Temple musicians=1Ch25TheTemplemusicians@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 1Ch 26 The divisions of the gatekeepers=1Ch26Thedivisionsofthegatekeepers@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 1Ch 27 Military and civil organization=1Ch27Militaryandcivilorganization@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 1Ch 28 David's instructions for the Temple=1Ch28David.sinstructionsfortheTemple@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 1Ch 29 Israel's offering for the Temple, and Solomon becomes king=1Ch29Israel.sofferingfortheTemple.andSolomonbecomesking@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 2 Notes 3 Notes=Notes13@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 2 Second Book of Chronicles 3 Second Book of Chronicles=SecondBookofChronicles@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 2Ch 1 God grants wisdom to Solomon=2Ch1GodgrantswisdomtoSolomon@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 2Ch 2 Preparations for building the Temple=2Ch2PreparationsforbuildingtheTemple@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 2Ch 3 The construction of the Temple=2Ch3TheconstructionoftheTemple@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 2Ch 4 The furnishings of the Temple=2Ch4ThefurnishingsoftheTemple@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 2Ch 5 The Ark of the Covenant is brought to the Temple=2Ch5TheArkoftheCovenantisbroughttotheTemple@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 2Ch 6 Solomon's address to the people and prayer to God=2Ch6Solomon.saddresstothepeopleandprayertoGod@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 2Ch 7 The dedication of the Temple=2Ch7ThededicationoftheTemple@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 2Ch 8 A list of Solomon's accomplishments=2Ch8AlistofSolomon.saccomplishments@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 2Ch 9 The visit from the Queen of Sheba=2Ch9ThevisitfromtheQueenofSheba@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 2Ch 10 Rehoboam becomes king, and the schism of Israel and Judah=2Ch10Rehoboambecomesking.andtheschismofIsraelandJudah@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 2Ch 11 The activities of Rehoboam=2Ch11TheactivitiesofRehoboam@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 2Ch 12 Rehoboam's apostasy, and Shishak of Egypt invades Judah=2Ch12Rehoboam.sapostasy.andShishakofEgyptinvadesJudah@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 2Ch 13 King Abijah of Judah wages war with Jeroboam of Israel=2Ch13KingAbijahofJudahwageswarwithJeroboamofIsrael@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 2Ch 14 Asa succeeds Abijah=2Ch14AsasucceedsAbijah@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 2Chr 15 Asa's religious reforms and fidelity to God=2Chr15Asa.sreligiousreformsandfidelitytoGod@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 2Ch 16 The later years of Asa's reign=2Ch16ThelateryearsofAsa.sreign@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 2Ch 17 Jehoshaphat becomes king of Judah=2Ch17JehoshaphatbecomeskingofJudah@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 2Ch 18 Jehoshaphat and Ahab become allies, and Micaiah prophecies against Ahab=2Ch18JehoshaphatandAhabbecomeallies.andMicaiahpropheciesagainstAhab@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 2Ch 19 Jehoshaphat appoints judges=2Ch19Jehoshaphatappointsjudges@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 2Ch 20 Jehoshaphat defeats the armies of Edom=2Ch20JehoshaphatdefeatsthearmiesofEdom@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 2Ch 21 Jehoram ascends the throne of Judah=2Ch21JehoramascendsthethroneofJudah@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 2Ch 22 Ahaziah succeeds Jehoram as king=2Ch22AhaziahsucceedsJehoramasking@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 2Ch 23 The revolt against Queen Athaliah of Judah=2Ch23TherevoltagainstQueenAthaliahofJudah@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 2Ch 24 Joash becomes king of Judah=2Ch24JoashbecomeskingofJudah@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 2Ch 25 Amaziah succeeds Joash as king=2Ch25AmaziahsucceedsJoashasking@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 2Ch 26 The reign of Uzziah in Judah=2Ch26ThereignofUzziahinJudah@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 2Ch 27 Jotham succeeds Uzziah in Judah=2Ch27JothamsucceedsUzziahinJudah@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 2Ch 28 Ahaz becomes king of Judah after Uzziah=2Ch28AhazbecomeskingofJudahafterUzziah@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 2Ch 29 Hezekiah becomes king and purifies the Temple=2Ch29HezekiahbecomeskingandpurifiestheTemple@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 2Ch 30 Hezekiah assembles Israel for the Passover=2Ch30HezekiahassemblesIsraelforthePassover@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 2Ch 31 Hezekiah re establishes the priestly and levitical orders=2Ch31Hezekiahreestablishesthepriestlyandleviticalorders@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 2Ch 32 Sennacherib of Assyria invades Judah=2Ch32SennacheribofAssyriainvadesJudah@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 2Ch 33 Manasseh succeeds Hezekiah as king=2Ch33ManassehsucceedsHezekiahasking@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 2Ch 34 King Josiah of Judah consults Huldah the prophetess=2Ch34KingJosiahofJudahconsultsHuldahtheprophetess@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 2Ch 35 Josiah celebrates the Passover in the assembly=2Ch35JosiahcelebratesthePassoverintheassembly@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 2Ch 36 Kings Jehoahaz, Jehoiakim, Jehoiachin, Zedekiah of Judah=2Ch36KingsJehoahaz.Jehoiakim.Jehoiachin.ZedekiahofJudah@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 2 Notes 3 Notes=Notes14@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 2 Book of Ezra 3 Book of Ezra=BookofEzra@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ezr 1 Cyrus proclaims the return of the Jews to Israel=Ezr1CyrusproclaimsthereturnoftheJewstoIsrael@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ezr 2 The list of the exiles returning to Israel=Ezr2ThelistoftheexilesreturningtoIsrael@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ezr 3 Resumption of worship and rebuilding of the Temple=Ezr3ResumptionofworshipandrebuildingoftheTemple@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ezr 4 Opposition to the rebuilding of the Temple=Ezr4OppositiontotherebuildingoftheTemple@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ezr 5 Tatnai's letter to Darius about the rebuilding of the Temple=Ezr5Tatnai.slettertoDariusabouttherebuildingoftheTemple@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ezr 6 Cyrus' order is rediscovered, and the Temple is dedicated=Ezr6Cyrus.orderisrediscovered.andtheTempleisdedicated@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ezr 7 Ezra's arrival in Jerusalem and commission from Artaxerxes=Ezr7Ezra.sarrivalinJerusalemandcommissionfromArtaxerxes@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ezr 8 The journey of Ezra and Jewish clans from Babylon to Israel=Ezr8ThejourneyofEzraandJewishclansfromBabylontoIsrael@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ezr 9 Ezra's anguish over Jewish intermarriages with Gentiles=Ezr9Ezra.sanguishoverJewishintermarriageswithGentiles@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ezr 10 The plan to end the intermarriages and a list of the guilty=Ezr10Theplantoendtheintermarriagesandalistoftheguilty@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 2 Notes 3 Notes=Notes15@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 2 Book of Nehemiah 3 Book of Nehemiah=BookofNehemiah@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ne 1 Nehemiah's prophecy over Jerusalem=Ne1Nehemiah.sprophecyoverJerusalem@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ne 2 King Artaxerxes sends Nehemiah to Jerusalem=Ne2KingArtaxerxessendsNehemiahtoJerusalem@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ne 3 The walls of Jerusalem are rebuilt=Ne3ThewallsofJerusalemarerebuilt@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ne 4 Opposition to the rebuilding=Ne4Oppositiontotherebuilding@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ne 5 Nehemiah stops the oppression of the poor=Ne5Nehemiahstopstheoppressionofthepoor@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ne 6 Nehemiah's enemies plot against him=Ne6Nehemiah.senemiesplotagainsthim@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ne 7 The list of the returning exiles=Ne7Thelistofthereturningexiles@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ne 8 Ezra reads the Book of the Law to the people=Ne8EzrareadstheBookoftheLawtothepeople@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ne 9 The Israelites say a prayer of confession=Ne9TheIsraelitessayaprayerofconfession@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ne 10 The covenant to follow God is sealed by the people=Ne10ThecovenanttofollowGodissealedbythepeople@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ne 11 The list of those settling in Jerusalem=Ne11ThelistofthosesettlinginJerusalem@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ne 12 Lists of the returning priests and Levites=Ne12ListsofthereturningpriestsandLevites@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ne 13 Nehemiah's final reforms=Ne13Nehemiah.sfinalreforms@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 2 Notes 3 Notes=Notes16@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 2 Book of Esther 3 Book of Esther=BookofEsther@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Es 1 King Ahasuerus and Queen Vashti=Es1KingAhasuerusandQueenVashti@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Es 2 Esther is crowned queen in place of Vashti=Es2EstheriscrownedqueeninplaceofVashti@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Es 3 Haman's plot against the Jews=Es3Haman.splotagainsttheJews@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Es 4 Mordecai seeks Esther's assistance=Es4MordecaiseeksEsther.sassistance@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Es 5 Esther petitions King Ahasuerus=Es5EstherpetitionsKingAhasuerus@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Es 6 Mordecai is honored by the king=Es6Mordecaiishonoredbytheking@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Es 7 Haman is hanged on his own gallows=Es7Hamanishangedonhisowngallows@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Es 8 The king signs a decree on behalf of the Jews=Es8ThekingsignsadecreeonbehalfoftheJews@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Es 9 The Jews defeat their enemies, and the Day of Purim is celebrated=Es9TheJewsdefeattheirenemies.andtheDayofPurimiscelebrated@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Es 10 Mordecai's greatness is recounted=Es10Mordecai.sgreatnessisrecounted@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 2 Notes 3 Notes=Notes17@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 2 Book of Job 3 Book of Job=BookofJob@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Job 1 God and Satan dispute, and God allows Satan to test Job=Job1GodandSatandispute.andGodallowsSatantotestJob@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Job 2 Satan tests Job a second time=Job2SatantestsJobasecondtime@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Job 3 Job complains to God=Job3JobcomplainstoGod@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Job 4 Eliphaz the Temanite speaks to Job=Job4EliphaztheTemanitespeakstoJob@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Job 5 Eliphaz urges Job to appeal to God=Job5EliphazurgesJobtoappealtoGod@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Job 6 Job's reply to Eliphaz=Job6Job.sreplytoEliphaz@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Job 7 Job continues his speech=Job7Jobcontinueshisspeech@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Job 8 Bildad the Shuhite's remarks to Job=Job8BildadtheShuhite.sremarkstoJob@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Job 9 Job replies to Bildad=Job9JobrepliestoBildad@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Job 10 Job recounts his misery and claims his guiltlessness=Job10Jobrecountshismiseryandclaimshisguiltlessness@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Job 11 Zophar the Naamathite disbelieves Job's blamelessness=Job11ZophartheNaamathitedisbelievesJob.sblamelessness@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Job 12 Job's reply to Zophar=Job12Job.sreplytoZophar@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Job 13 Job denies Zophar's accusations=Job13JobdeniesZophar.saccusations@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Job 14 Job remarks on the weakness of man=Job14Jobremarksontheweaknessofman@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Job 15 Eliphaz's second speech=Job15Eliphaz.ssecondspeech@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Job 16 Job replies again to Eliphaz=Job16JobrepliesagaintoEliphaz@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Job 17 Job's despair over his life=Job17Job.sdespairoverhislife@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Job 18 Bildad's second speech=Job18Bildad.ssecondspeech@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Job 19 Job's reply to Bildad=Job19Job.sreplytoBildad@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Job 20 Zophar's second speech=Job20Zophar.ssecondspeech@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Job 21 Job's reply=Job21Job.sreply@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Job 22 Eliphaz insists that Job is guilty=Job22EliphazinsiststhatJobisguilty@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Job 23 Job yearns to find God=Job23JobyearnstofindGod@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Job 24 Job continues to defend his innocence=Job24Jobcontinuestodefendhisinnocence@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Job 25 Bildad asserts no man is righteous=Job25Bildadassertsnomanisrighteous@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Job 26 Job continues to make his case=Job26Jobcontinuestomakehiscase@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Job 27 Job refuses to give in to wickedness=Job27Jobrefusestogiveintowickedness@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Job 28 Job praises wisdom=Job28Jobpraiseswisdom@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Job 29 Job's final statement of his case=Job29Job.sfinalstatementofhiscase@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Job 30 Job recapitulates his present misery=Job30Jobrecapitulateshispresentmisery@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Job 31 Job vows righteousness=Job31Jobvowsrighteousness@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Job 32 Elihu speaks to Job=Job32ElihuspeakstoJob@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Job 33 Elihu claims Job is wrong=Job33ElihuclaimsJobiswrong@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Job 34 Elihu excoriates Job's three companions=Job34ElihuexcoriatesJob.sthreecompanions@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Job 35 Elihu denies God listens to empty pleas=Job35ElihudeniesGodlistenstoemptypleas@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Job 36 Elihu warns against turning to evil=Job36Elihuwarnsagainstturningtoevil@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Job 37 God's wisdom and omnipotence=Job37God.swisdomandomnipotence@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Job 38 God's answer to Job=Job38God.sanswertoJob@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Job 39 God proclaims his majesty=Job39Godproclaimshismajesty@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Job 40 God chastises Job's words=Job40GodchastisesJob.swords@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Job 41 God proclaims his power=Job41Godproclaimshispower@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Job 42 Job replies to God, and is restored to prosperity=Job42JobrepliestoGod.andisrestoredtoprosperity@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 2 Notes 3 Notes=Notes18@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 2 Psalms 3 Psalms=Psalms@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 1 Blessed is the righteous man=Ps1Blessedistherighteousman@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 2 God's chosen son=Ps2God.schosenson@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 3 Morning prayer of David when he fled from Absalom=Ps3MorningprayerofDavidwhenhefledfromAbsalom@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 4 Evening prayer for God's help=Ps4EveningprayerforGod.shelp@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 5 Morning prayer for protection=Ps5Morningprayerforprotection@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 6 Prayer for rescue=Ps6Prayerforrescue@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 7 David's song to God about Cush the Benjamite=Ps7David.ssongtoGodaboutCushtheBenjamite@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 8 The majesty of God=Ps8ThemajestyofGod@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 9 Hymn of thanksgiving to God=Ps9HymnofthanksgivingtoGod@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 10 Prayer for punishment of the wicked=Ps10Prayerforpunishmentofthewicked@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 11 Prayer of confidence in God=Ps11PrayerofconfidenceinGod@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 12 Prayer for salvation from the deceitful=Ps12Prayerforsalvationfromthedeceitful@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 13 Prayer of trust in God's unfailing love=Ps13PrayeroftrustinGod.sunfailinglove@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 14 The words of a fool=Ps14Thewordsofafool@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 15 God's requirements for man=Ps15God.srequirementsforman@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 16 God is a refuge=Ps16Godisarefuge@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 17 The plea of a blameless man=Ps17Thepleaofablamelessman@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 18 David's song when God delivered him from Saul=Ps18David.ssongwhenGoddeliveredhimfromSaul@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 19 Creation declares God's glory in song=Ps19CreationdeclaresGod.sgloryinsong@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 20 Prayer for victory=Ps20Prayerforvictory@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 21 The king rejoices in God=Ps21ThekingrejoicesinGod@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 22 Prayer of anguish and hope=Ps22Prayerofanguishandhope@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 23 The Lord is my shepherd=Ps23TheLordismyshepherd@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 24 The earth is God's=Ps24TheearthisGod.s@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 25 Prayer in danger=Ps25Prayerindanger@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 26 Prayer of the blameless=Ps26Prayeroftheblameless@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 27 The Lord is light and salvation=Ps27TheLordislightandsalvation@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 28 Prayer of petition=Ps28Prayerofpetition@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 29 A tribute to God's glory=Ps29AtributetoGod.sglory@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 30 Song for the dedication of the Temple=Ps30SongforthededicationoftheTemple@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 31 Prayer of trust in God=Ps31PrayeroftrustinGod@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 32 A prayer of confession of sin=Ps32Aprayerofconfessionofsin@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 33 A hymn of joy and praise to God=Ps33AhymnofjoyandpraisetoGod@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 34 David's prayer when Abimelech drove him away=Ps34David.sprayerwhenAbimelechdrovehimaway@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 35 Prayer to God for intervention=Ps35PrayertoGodforintervention@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 36 The wickedness of man and the goodness of God=Ps36ThewickednessofmanandthegoodnessofGod@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 37 The fates of the wicked and the virtuous=Ps37Thefatesofthewickedandthevirtuous@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 38 Prayer of the suffering=Ps38Prayerofthesuffering@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 39 Confession of the suffering=Ps39Confessionofthesuffering@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 40 Hymn of praise for God's deliverance=Ps40HymnofpraiseforGod.sdeliverance@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 41 Prayer of the sick and weak=Ps41Prayerofthesickandweak@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 42 The prayer of the oppressed=Ps42Theprayeroftheoppressed@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 43 The lament of an exiled man=Ps43Thelamentofanexiledman@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 44 Prayer of a nation disgraced=Ps44Prayerofanationdisgraced@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 45 A royal wedding song=Ps45Aroyalweddingsong@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 46 God is shelter and strength for the people=Ps46Godisshelterandstrengthforthepeople@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 47 God the great king=Ps47Godthegreatking@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 48 Mount of Zion, city of God=Ps48MountofZion.cityofGod@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 49 Riches are fleeting=Ps49Richesarefleeting@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 50 True worship of God=Ps50TrueworshipofGod@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 51 David's prayer when Nathan chastised him over Bathsheba=Ps51David.sprayerwhenNathanchastisedhimoverBathsheba@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 52 David's lament when the Edomite betrayed him to Saul=Ps52David.slamentwhentheEdomitebetrayedhimtoSaul@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 53 The foolishness of the atheist=Ps53Thefoolishnessoftheatheist@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 54 David's prayer when the Ziphites betrayed him to Saul=Ps54David.sprayerwhentheZiphitesbetrayedhimtoSaul@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 55 Prayer of a man whose friend has betrayed him=Ps55Prayerofamanwhosefriendhasbetrayedhim@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 56 David's prayer after being captured at Gath=Ps56David.sprayerafterbeingcapturedatGath@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 57 David's prayer when he fled from Saul into the cave=Ps57David.sprayerwhenhefledfromSaulintothecave@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 58 A plea for God to punish the wicked=Ps58ApleaforGodtopunishthewicked@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 59 David's prayer when Saul sent men to his house to kill him=Ps59David.sprayerwhenSaulsentmentohishousetokillhim@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 60 David's prayer when he warred with Aram Naharaim and Aram Zobah=Ps60David.sprayerwhenhewarredwithAramNaharaimandAramZobah@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 61 Prayer for help=Ps61Prayerforhelp@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 62 In God alone is rest=Ps62InGodaloneisrest@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 63 Song of desire for God=Ps63SongofdesireforGod@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 64 Prayer for protection from slanderers=Ps64Prayerforprotectionfromslanderers@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 65 Hymn of praise to God=Ps65HymnofpraisetoGod@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 66 A congregational hymn of acclaim=Ps66Acongregationalhymnofacclaim@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 67 A congregational hymn requesting God's blessing=Ps67AcongregationalhymnrequestingGod.sblessing@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 68 A national hymn of triumph=Ps68Anationalhymnoftriumph@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 69 A lament and a plea for help=Ps69Alamentandapleaforhelp@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 70 A cry of distress=Ps70Acryofdistress@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 71 Prayer for the aged=Ps71Prayerfortheaged@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 72 Prayer for the king=Ps72Prayerfortheking@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 73 Ode to the triumph of God's justice=Ps73OdetothetriumphofGod.sjustice@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 74 Lament for the Temple now destroyed=Ps74LamentfortheTemplenowdestroyed@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 75 A hymn to God the divine judge=Ps75AhymntoGodthedivinejudge@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 76 A song of God's renown in Judah and Israel=Ps76AsongofGod.srenowninJudahandIsrael@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 77 An ode to God's past achievements for Israel=Ps77AnodetoGod.spastachievementsforIsrael@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 78 A psalm about the lessons of Israel's past=Ps78ApsalmaboutthelessonsofIsrael.spast@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 79 Prayer for national deliverance=Ps79Prayerfornationaldeliverance@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 80 Prayer for Israel's restoration=Ps80PrayerforIsrael.srestoration@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 81 A festal hymn for the feast of Tabernacles=Ps81AfestalhymnforthefeastofTabernacles@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 82 God condemns the corruption of justice=Ps82Godcondemnsthecorruptionofjustice@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 83 Plea for God to destroy the enemies of Israel=Ps83PleaforGodtodestroytheenemiesofIsrael@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 84 A prayer of yearning for God's house=Ps84AprayerofyearningforGod.shouse@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 85 Prayer for peace=Ps85Prayerforpeace@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 86 Prayer in time of trouble=Ps86Prayerintimeoftrouble@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 87 Zion, mother to all the nations=Ps87Zion.mothertoallthenations@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 88 Plea of desperation=Ps88Pleaofdesperation@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 89 A hymn of praise to God's faithfulness=Ps89AhymnofpraisetoGod.sfaithfulness@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 90 God is everlasting=Ps90Godiseverlasting@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 91 The shelter of the Most High=Ps91TheshelteroftheMostHigh@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 92 In praise of the Most High=Ps92InpraiseoftheMostHigh@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 93 God is King=Ps93GodisKing@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 94 God, judge of the world=Ps94God.judgeoftheworld@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 95 A psalm to the Rock of Salvation=Ps95ApsalmtotheRockofSalvation@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 96 A new song to God=Ps96AnewsongtoGod@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 97 Let the earth rejoice that God is King=Ps97LettheearthrejoicethatGodisKing@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 98 Sing a new song to God's marvelous deeds=Ps98SinganewsongtoGod.smarvelousdeeds@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 99 Holy is God and mighty=Ps99HolyisGodandmighty@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 100 Come into God's presence with songs of joy=Ps100ComeintoGod.spresencewithsongsofjoy@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 101 A psalm of God's goodness and justice=Ps101ApsalmofGod.sgoodnessandjustice@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 102 Prayer of the downtrodden=Ps102Prayerofthedowntrodden@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 103 Bless the Lord, O my soul=Ps103BlesstheLord.Omysoul@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 104 God is clothed in majesty and glory=Ps104Godisclothedinmajestyandglory@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 105 God's workings in Israel's history=Ps105God.sworkingsinIsrael.shistory@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 106 A psalm of thanks to the Lord for his everlasting love=Ps106ApsalmofthankstotheLordforhiseverlastinglove@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 107 The redeemed of God sing His praise=Ps107TheredeemedofGodsingHispraise@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 108 Morning psalm and prayer for rescue=Ps108Morningpsalmandprayerforrescue@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 109 Prayer for vengeance on false accusers=Ps109Prayerforvengeanceonfalseaccusers@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 110 God's chosen king and priest=Ps110God.schosenkingandpriest@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 111 Praise to God in the Tabernacle=Ps111PraisetoGodintheTabernacle@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 112 Blessed are the virtuous=Ps112Blessedarethevirtuous@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 113 Praise be the name of the Lord=Ps113PraisebethenameoftheLord@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 114 Psalm for the Passover=Ps114PsalmforthePassover@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 115 The One True God=Ps115TheOneTrueGod@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 116 A man saved from death gives thanks to God=Ps116AmansavedfromdeathgivesthankstoGod@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 117 A call to praise=Ps117Acalltopraise@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 118 Processional hymn for the feast of Tabernacles=Ps118ProcessionalhymnforthefeastofTabernacles@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 119 A psalm to the Law of God=Ps119ApsalmtotheLawofGod@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 120 A song about the enemies of peace=Ps120Asongabouttheenemiesofpeace@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 121 A song about the guardian of Israel=Ps121AsongabouttheguardianofIsrael@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 122 Prayer for the peace of Jerusalem=Ps122PrayerforthepeaceofJerusalem@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 123 Plea for pity from God=Ps123PleaforpityfromGod@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 124 A hymn to God, Israel's savior=Ps124AhymntoGod.Israel.ssavior@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 125 God protects His faithful=Ps125GodprotectsHisfaithful@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 126 Psalm of the returning exiles=Ps126Psalmofthereturningexiles@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 127 The necessity of God's presence=Ps127ThenecessityofGod.spresence@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 128 A psalm about the blessings of the righteous=Ps128Apsalmabouttheblessingsoftherighteous@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 129 Prayer against the enemies of Zion=Ps129PrayeragainsttheenemiesofZion@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 130 A prayer from the depths=Ps130Aprayerfromthedepths@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 131 Prayer of the humble and childlike=Ps131Prayerofthehumbleandchildlike@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 132 A song for the anniversary of the ark in Zion=Ps132AsongfortheanniversaryofthearkinZion@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 133 A song in praise of brotherly love=Ps133Asonginpraiseofbrotherlylove@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 134 Evening hymn=Ps134Eveninghymn@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 135 An exhortation to praise God=Ps135AnexhortationtopraiseGod@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 136 Litany to God's everlasting love=Ps136LitanytoGod.severlastinglove@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 137 Lament of the exiles for Zion=Ps137LamentoftheexilesforZion@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 138 Song before the gates of the Temple=Ps138SongbeforethegatesoftheTemple@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 139 Psalm to the omniscience of God=Ps139PsalmtotheomniscienceofGod@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 140 Prayer for rescue from evil men=Ps140Prayerforrescuefromevilmen@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 141 A prayer for protection from temptation=Ps141Aprayerforprotectionfromtemptation@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 142 Prayer of David when he hid in a cave=Ps142PrayerofDavidwhenhehidinacave@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 143 Prayer for rescue and guidance=Ps143Prayerforrescueandguidance@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 144 War hymn=Ps144Warhymn@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 145 A psalm to bless the name of the Lord forever=Ps145ApsalmtoblessthenameoftheLordforever@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 146 Prayer of trust in God=Ps146PrayeroftrustinGod@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 147 Song of praise to the Almighty=Ps147SongofpraisetotheAlmighty@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 148 A call to the universe to praise God=Ps148AcalltotheuniversetopraiseGod@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 149 Israel rejoices in the Maker=Ps149IsraelrejoicesintheMaker@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ps 150 Praise God in His Temple=Ps150PraiseGodinHisTemple@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 2 Notes 3 Notes=Notes19@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 2 Proverbs 3 Proverbs=Proverbs@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Pr 1 Purpose and theme of the Proverbs=Pr1PurposeandthemeoftheProverbs@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Pr 2 Wisdom as a safeguard against sin=Pr2Wisdomasasafeguardagainstsin@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Pr 3 Trust in the Lord with all your heart=Pr3TrustintheLordwithallyourheart@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Pr 4 The wisdom of listening to one's parents=Pr4Thewisdomoflisteningtoone.sparents@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Pr 5 Warning against adultery=Pr5Warningagainstadultery@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Pr 6 Warnings against being deceived by evil men=Pr6Warningsagainstbeingdeceivedbyevilmen@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Pr 7 Warnings against the adulteress=Pr7Warningsagainsttheadulteress@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Pr 8 Wisdom proclaims her own worth=Pr8Wisdomproclaimsherownworth@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Pr 9 The difference between Wisdom and Folly=Pr9ThedifferencebetweenWisdomandFolly@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Pr 10 The proverbs of Solomon=Pr10TheproverbsofSolomon@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Pr 11 The righteous and the wicked=Pr11Therighteousandthewicked@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Pr 12 The lover of discipline is a lover of knowledge=Pr12Theloverofdisciplineisaloverofknowledge@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Pr 13 A wise man guards his tongue=Pr13Awisemanguardshistongue@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Pr 14 The wise and the foolish woman=Pr14Thewiseandthefoolishwoman@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Pr 15 A gentle answer turns away wrath=Pr15Agentleanswerturnsawaywrath@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Pr 16 God weighs man's motives=Pr16Godweighsman.smotives@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Pr 17 The advantages of a peaceful household=Pr17Theadvantagesofapeacefulhousehold@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Pr 18 A fool cares not for wisdom=Pr18Afoolcaresnotforwisdom@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Pr 19 Better a poor and honest man than a lying fool=Pr19Betterapoorandhonestmanthanalyingfool@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Pr 20 Do not provoke a king to wrath=Pr20Donotprovokeakingtowrath@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Pr 21 God weighs the heart of man=Pr21Godweighstheheartofman@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Pr 22 Respect is more desirable than any wealth=Pr22Respectismoredesirablethananywealth@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Pr 23 Beware of covetousness and listen to wisdom=Pr23Bewareofcovetousnessandlistentowisdom@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Pr 24 Do not envy wicked men=Pr24Donotenvywickedmen@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Pr 25 More proverbs of Solomon as recorded by Hezekiah=Pr25MoreproverbsofSolomonasrecordedbyHezekiah@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Pr 26 Honor does not befit a fool=Pr26Honordoesnotbefitafool@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Pr 27 Love and friendship comfort the soul=Pr27Loveandfriendshipcomfortthesoul@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Pr 28 The cowardly wicked and the brave righteous=Pr28Thecowardlywickedandthebraverighteous@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Pr 29 The fate of the stubborn man=Pr29Thefateofthestubbornman@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Pr 30 Oracle of Agur, son of Jakeh of Massa=Pr30OracleofAgur.sonofJakehofMassa@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Pr 31 In praise of the perfect wife=Pr31Inpraiseoftheperfectwife@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 2 Notes 3 Notes=Notes20@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 2 Ecclesiastes 3 Ecclesiastes=Ecclesiastes@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ec 1 Vanity, all is vanity=Ec1Vanity.allisvanity@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ec 2 Pleasure is vanity=Ec2Pleasureisvanity@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ec 3 To everything there is a season=Ec3Toeverythingthereisaseason@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ec 4 Empty achievement is vanity=Ec4Emptyachievementisvanity@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ec 5 Empty speech is vanity, and be thoughtful in God's presence=Ec5Emptyspeechisvanity.andbethoughtfulinGod.spresence@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ec 6 Wealth without happiness is vanity=Ec6Wealthwithouthappinessisvanity@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ec 7 Some wise proverbs=Ec7Somewiseproverbs@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ec 8 Obey the king for God's sake=Ec8ObeythekingforGod.ssake@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ec 9 A common fate for all=Ec9Acommonfateforall@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ec 10 The dangers of folly=Ec10Thedangersoffolly@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ec 11 Cast your bread upon the waters=Ec11Castyourbreaduponthewaters@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ec 12 Advice to the young and summation=Ec12Advicetotheyoungandsummation@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 2 Notes 3 Notes=Notes21@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 2 Song of Solomon 3 Song of Solomon=SongofSolomon@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 So 1 The song begins=So1Thesongbegins@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 So 2 The rose of Sharon=So2TheroseofSharon@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 So 3 The beloved seeks her lover=So3Thebelovedseeksherlover@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 So 4 The lover extols the beauty of his beloved=So4Theloverextolsthebeautyofhisbeloved@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 So 5 Drunk with love=So5Drunkwithlove@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 So 6 The lover goes into his garden=So6Thelovergoesintohisgarden@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 So 7 The maid of Shulam=So7ThemaidofShulam@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 So 8 The finale=So8Thefinale@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 2 Notes 3 Notes=Notes22@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 2 Book of Isaiah 3 Book of Isaiah=BookofIsaiah@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Is 1 God warns Israel about its sin=Is1GodwarnsIsraelaboutitssin@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Is 2 A vision of everlasting peace=Is2Avisionofeverlastingpeace@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Is 3 Judgment on Judah and Jerusalem=Is3JudgmentonJudahandJerusalem@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Is 4 The restoration of Zion=Is4TherestorationofZion@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Is 5 Song of the vineyard=Is5Songofthevineyard@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Is 6 God calls Isaiah as a prophet=Is6GodcallsIsaiahasaprophet@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Is 7 The sign of Immanuel=Is7ThesignofImmanuel@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Is 8 The birth of Isaiah's son a sign of coming destruction=Is8ThebirthofIsaiah.ssonasignofcomingdestruction@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Is 9 Wonderful counselor, Prince of Peace=Is9Wonderfulcounselor.PrinceofPeace@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Is 10 Oracle of destruction against the nations=Is10Oracleofdestructionagainstthenations@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Is 11 The lion and the lamb lie down together=Is11Thelionandthelambliedowntogether@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Is 12 Hymn of thanksgiving and praise=Is12Hymnofthanksgivingandpraise@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Is 13 Prophecy against Babylon=Is13ProphecyagainstBabylon@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Is 14 Israel's return from exile=Is14Israel.sreturnfromexile@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Is 15 Lament for Moab=Is15LamentforMoab@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Is 16 Refuge for the Moabites=Is16RefugefortheMoabites@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Is 17 Prophecy against Damascus=Is17ProphecyagainstDamascus@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Is 18 Prophecy against Cush=Is18ProphecyagainstCush@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Is 19 An oracle warning Egypt of civil war=Is19AnoraclewarningEgyptofcivilwar@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Is 20 Prophecy about invasion of Egypt by the king of Assyria=Is20ProphecyaboutinvasionofEgyptbythekingofAssyria@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Is 21 The fall of Babylon=Is21ThefallofBabylon@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Is 22 Warning against boastful rejoicing in Jerusalem=Is22WarningagainstboastfulrejoicinginJerusalem@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Is 23 Oracle against Tyre and Sidon=Is23OracleagainstTyreandSidon@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Is 24 Apocalyptic destruction of all the earth=Is24Apocalypticdestructionofalltheearth@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Is 25 Hymn of praise=Is25Hymnofpraise@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Is 26 Song of victory=Is26Songofvictory@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Is 27 Atonement and restoration for Israel=Is27AtonementandrestorationforIsrael@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Is 28 Woe to Samaria and evil counselors=Is28WoetoSamariaandevilcounselors@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Is 29 The fate of Ariel, the city of David=Is29ThefateofAriel.thecityofDavid@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Is 30 Oracle against the treaty with Egypt=Is30OracleagainstthetreatywithEgypt@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Is 31 God wages war against Assyria=Is31GodwageswaragainstAssyria@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Is 32 A king reigns by integrity=Is32Akingreignsbyintegrity@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Is 33 A plea for God's pity=Is33ApleaforGod.spity@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Is 34 God's anger against the nations=Is34God.sangeragainstthenations@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Is 35 The joy of God's ransomed people=Is35ThejoyofGod.sransomedpeople@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Is 36 Sennacherib of Assyria invades Judah=Is36SennacheribofAssyriainvadesJudah@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Is 37 King Hezekiah consults the prophet Isaiah=Is37KingHezekiahconsultstheprophetIsaiah@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Is 38 Illness, cure, and song of King Hezekiah=Is38Illness.cure.andsongofKingHezekiah@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Is 39 Babylon sends emissaries to King Hezekiah=Is39BabylonsendsemissariestoKingHezekiah@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Is 40 Comfort and hope for Zion=Is40ComfortandhopeforZion@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Is 41 God assures Israel of his love and forbearance=Is41GodassuresIsraelofhisloveandforbearance@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Is 42 Servant of the Lord=Is42ServantoftheLord@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Is 43 God promises to be with Israel=Is43GodpromisestobewithIsrael@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Is 44 Israel, God's chosen=Is44Israel.God.schosen@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Is 45 Cyrus, the Lord's anointed=Is45Cyrus.theLord.sanointed@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Is 46 The fall of Babylon's gods=Is46ThefallofBabylon.sgods@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Is 47 The fall of Babylon=Is47ThefallofBabylon@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Is 48 The stubbornness of Israel=Is48ThestubbornnessofIsrael@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Is 49 Israel a light unto the nations=Is49Israelalightuntothenations@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Is 50 God still promises to save his people=Is50Godstillpromisestosavehispeople@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Is 51 Salvation for Zion=Is51SalvationforZion@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Is 52 Awake, awake, oh Zion!=Is52Awake.awake.ohZion.@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Is 53 The arm of the Lord is revealed=Is53ThearmoftheLordisrevealed@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Is 54 Jerusalem's descendants will increase=Is54Jerusalem.sdescendantswillincrease@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Is 55 God's everlasting covenant=Is55God.severlastingcovenant@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Is 56 God's invitation to all people=Is56God.sinvitationtoallpeople@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Is 57 God's condemnation of Israel's idolatry=Is57God.scondemnationofIsrael.sidolatry@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Is 58 True fasting=Is58Truefasting@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Is 59 The depth of the people's sins=Is59Thedepthofthepeople.ssins@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Is 60 The glory of the Lord is upon the people=Is60ThegloryoftheLordisuponthepeople@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Is 61 The mission of the prophet=Is61Themissionoftheprophet@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Is 62 The savior of the Daughter of Zion=Is62ThesavioroftheDaughterofZion@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Is 63 God's day of vengeance and redemption=Is63God.sdayofvengeanceandredemption@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Is 64 Prayer for God's help=Is64PrayerforGod.shelp@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Is 65 A new heaven and a new earth=Is65Anewheavenandanewearth@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Is 66 Rejoice for Jerusalem=Is66RejoiceforJerusalem@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 2 Notes 3 Notes=Notes23@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 2 Book of Jeremiah 3 Book of Jeremiah=BookofJeremiah@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Jer 1 God calls Jeremiah as a prophet=Jer1GodcallsJeremiahasaprophet@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Jer 2 Israel forsakes God=Jer2IsraelforsakesGod@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Jer 3 Israel's unfaithfulness=Jer3Israel.sunfaithfulness@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Jer 4 Rules for Israel's return to God=Jer4RulesforIsrael.sreturntoGod@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Jer 5 The search for a righteous man=Jer5Thesearchforarighteousman@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Jer 6 The siege of Jerusalem=Jer6ThesiegeofJerusalem@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Jer 7 True worship of God=Jer7TrueworshipofGod@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Jer 8 Jerusalem's continuing rebellion against God=Jer8Jerusalem.scontinuingrebellionagainstGod@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Jer 9 Jeremiah's lament for Jerusalem and Judah=Jer9Jeremiah.slamentforJerusalemandJudah@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Jer 10 Idolatry and the true God=Jer10IdolatryandthetrueGod@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Jer 11 Jeremiah and the Covenant=Jer11JeremiahandtheCovenant@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Jer 12 Jeremiah questions God's justice=Jer12JeremiahquestionsGod.sjustice@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Jer 13 The symbolic linen loincloth=Jer13Thesymboliclinenloincloth@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Jer 14 The drought in Judah=Jer14ThedroughtinJudah@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Jer 15 God vows to send destruction upon Judah=Jer15GodvowstosenddestructionuponJudah@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Jer 16 God warns Jeremiah and his family=Jer16GodwarnsJeremiahandhisfamily@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Jer 17 Judah's sin engraved in the people's hearts=Jer17Judah.ssinengravedinthepeople.shearts@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Jer 18 God's message comes to Jeremiah through a potter's wheel=Jer18God.smessagecomestoJeremiahthroughapotter.swheel@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Jer 19 The symbol of the broken jug=Jer19Thesymbolofthebrokenjug@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Jer 20 The priest Pashhur beats and imprisons Jeremiah=Jer20ThepriestPashhurbeatsandimprisonsJeremiah@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Jer 21 Jeremiah's reply to King Zedekiah=Jer21Jeremiah.sreplytoKingZedekiah@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Jer 22 Jeremiah's prophecy to the royal house of Judah=Jer22Jeremiah.sprophecytotheroyalhouseofJudah@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Jer 23 Prophecy of doom to the leaders of Israel=Jer23ProphecyofdoomtotheleadersofIsrael@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Jer 24 The two basket of figs=Jer24Thetwobasketoffigs@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Jer 25 Vision of the cup of God's wrath=Jer25VisionofthecupofGod.swrath@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Jer 26 Jeremiah's prophecy against the Temple=Jer26Jeremiah.sprophecyagainsttheTemple@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Jer 27 The symbol of the ox yoke=Jer27Thesymboloftheoxyoke@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Jer 28 The false prophet Hananiah=Jer28ThefalseprophetHananiah@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Jer 29 Letter to the exiles in Babylon=Jer29LettertotheexilesinBabylon@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Jer 30 Restoration of Israel=Jer30RestorationofIsrael@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Jer 31 Israel's return to Zion from exile=Jer31Israel.sreturntoZionfromexile@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Jer 32 Jeremiah buys a field=Jer32Jeremiahbuysafield@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Jer 33 God declares he will restore the fortunes of Israel=Jer33GoddeclareshewillrestorethefortunesofIsrael@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Jer 34 God's warning to King Zedekiah=Jer34God.swarningtoKingZedekiah@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Jer 35 Jeremiah and the Rechabites=Jer35JeremiahandtheRechabites@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Jer 36 Jeremiah's scroll of prophecy=Jer36Jeremiah.sscrollofprophecy@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Jer 37 Zedekiah asks Jeremiah to pray on behalf of the nation=Jer37ZedekiahasksJeremiahtoprayonbehalfofthenation@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Jer 38 Jeremiah is thrown into a well=Jer38Jeremiahisthrownintoawell@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Jer 39 The fall of Jerusalem=Jer39ThefallofJerusalem@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Jer 40 Jeremiah is set free=Jer40Jeremiahissetfree@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Jer 41 The assassination of Governor Gedaliah=Jer41TheassassinationofGovernorGedaliah@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Jer 42 The people request Jeremiah intercede with God for them=Jer42ThepeoplerequestJeremiahintercedewithGodforthem@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Jer 43 Jeremiah is taken to Egypt=Jer43JeremiahistakentoEgypt@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Jer 44 Jeremiah warns the people about their idolatry=Jer44Jeremiahwarnsthepeopleabouttheiridolatry@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Jer 45 God's message to Baruch=Jer45God.smessagetoBaruch@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Jer 46 Oracle about Egypt's defeat at Carchemish=Jer46OracleaboutEgypt.sdefeatatCarchemish@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Jer 47 Oracle against the Philistines=Jer47OracleagainstthePhilistines@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Jer 48 Oracle on the destruction of Moab=Jer48OracleonthedestructionofMoab@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Jer 49 The oracle of judgment on Ammon=Jer49TheoracleofjudgmentonAmmon@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Jer 50 Babylon's fall and Israel's return from exile=Jer50Babylon.sfallandIsrael.sreturnfromexile@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Jer 51 God's warning to Babylon of coming destruction=Jer51God.swarningtoBabylonofcomingdestruction@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Jer 52 The fall of Jerusalem and the destruction of the Temple=Jer52ThefallofJerusalemandthedestructionoftheTemple@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 2 Notes 3 Notes=Notes24@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 2 Lamentations 3 Lamentations=Lamentations@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 La 1 The distress of the City=La1ThedistressoftheCity@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 La 2 God's righteous punishment of Jerusalem=La2God.srighteouspunishmentofJerusalem@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 La 3 Suffering leads to repentance and hope=La3Sufferingleadstorepentanceandhope@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 La 4 The destruction of Jerusalem=La4ThedestructionofJerusalem@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 La 5 A prayer for mercy=La5Aprayerformercy@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 2 Notes 3 Notes=Notes25@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 2 Book of Ezekiel 3 Book of Ezekiel=BookofEzekiel@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Eze 1 Ezekiel's vision of God among the living creatures=Eze1Ezekiel.svisionofGodamongthelivingcreatures@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Eze 2 The vision of the scroll=Eze2Thevisionofthescroll@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Eze 3 Ezekiel's call as a prophet=Eze3Ezekiel.scallasaprophet@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Eze 4 The siege of Jerusalem foretold=Eze4ThesiegeofJerusalemforetold@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Eze 5 God commands Ezekiel to shave his head=Eze5GodcommandsEzekieltoshavehishead@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Eze 6 God vows to destroy idolatry in the mountains of Israel=Eze6GodvowstodestroyidolatryinthemountainsofIsrael@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Eze 7 The end is near for Israel=Eze7TheendisnearforIsrael@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Eze 8 The vision of idolatry in the Temple=Eze8ThevisionofidolatryintheTemple@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Eze 9 The punishment of Jerusalem=Eze9ThepunishmentofJerusalem@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Eze 10 The Glory of God leaves the Temple=Eze10TheGloryofGodleavestheTemple@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Eze 11 The sins of the House of Israel=Eze11ThesinsoftheHouseofIsrael@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Eze 12 Ezekiel acts the role of the exile=Eze12Ezekielactstheroleoftheexile@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Eze 13 Prophecy against the false prophets=Eze13Prophecyagainstthefalseprophets@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Eze 14 Oracle against idolatry=Eze14Oracleagainstidolatry@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Eze 15 Parable of the vine=Eze15Parableofthevine@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Eze 16 An allegorical history of unfaithful Israel=Eze16AnallegoricalhistoryofunfaithfulIsrael@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Eze 17 Allegory of the eagles and the vine=Eze17Allegoryoftheeaglesandthevine@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Eze 18 The sinner shall die, but no one will suffer for another's sin=Eze18Thesinnershalldie.butnoonewillsufferforanother.ssin@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Eze 19 A lament for the princes of Israel=Eze19AlamentfortheprincesofIsrael@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Eze 20 Ezekiel confronts the elders of Israel with their sin=Eze20EzekielconfrontstheeldersofIsraelwiththeirsin@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Eze 21 Oracle about the sword of the Lord=Eze21OracleabouttheswordoftheLord@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Eze 22 The sins of Jerusalem=Eze22ThesinsofJerusalem@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Eze 23 The allegorical tale of two adulterous sisters=Eze23Theallegoricaltaleoftwoadulteroussisters@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Eze 24 The parable of the cooking pot=Eze24Theparableofthecookingpot@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Eze 25 Prophecy against Ammon, Moab, Edom and the Philistines=Eze25ProphecyagainstAmmon.Moab.EdomandthePhilistines@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Eze 26 Prophecy against Tyrus=Eze26ProphecyagainstTyrus@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Eze 27 Song of lament for Tyrus=Eze27SongoflamentforTyrus@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Eze 28 Prophecy against the king of Tyrus=Eze28ProphecyagainstthekingofTyrus@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Eze 29 Prophecy against Egypt=Eze29ProphecyagainstEgypt@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Eze 30 The Day of the Lord is coming=Eze30TheDayoftheLordiscoming@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Eze 31 Allegory of Egypt as a cedar of Lebanon=Eze31AllegoryofEgyptasacedarofLebanon@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Eze 32 The king of Egypt as a crocodile=Eze32ThekingofEgyptasacrocodile@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Eze 33 Ezekiel chosen as sentry for the house of Israel=Eze33EzekielchosenassentryforthehouseofIsrael@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Eze 34 Warning to the shepherds of Israel=Eze34WarningtotheshepherdsofIsrael@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Eze 35 Prophecy against Edom=Eze35ProphecyagainstEdom@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Eze 36 Prophecy to the Mountains of Israel=Eze36ProphecytotheMountainsofIsrael@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Eze 37 The vision in the valley of dry bones=Eze37Thevisioninthevalleyofdrybones@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Eze 38 Prophecy against Gog and the country Magog=Eze38ProphecyagainstGogandthecountryMagog@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Eze 39 Defeat of Gog and destruction of Magog=Eze39DefeatofGoganddestructionofMagog@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Eze 40 Vision of the new Jerusalem=Eze40VisionofthenewJerusalem@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Eze 41 Vision of the future Temple=Eze41VisionofthefutureTemple@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Eze 42 Buildings for the priests=Eze42Buildingsforthepriests@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Eze 43 The glory of God returns to the Temple=Eze43ThegloryofGodreturnstotheTemple@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Eze 44 New rules for the Temple, and the Levites and priests=Eze44NewrulesfortheTemple.andtheLevitesandpriests@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Eze 45 Division of the land, and the portion allotted to God=Eze45Divisionoftheland.andtheportionallottedtoGod@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Eze 46 Rules for the Sabbath and the Day of the New Moon=Eze46RulesfortheSabbathandtheDayoftheNewMoon@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Eze 47 Vision of the stream flowing from the Temple=Eze47VisionofthestreamflowingfromtheTemple@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Eze 48 The tribes are allotted their lands=Eze48Thetribesareallottedtheirlands@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 2 Notes 3 Notes=Notes26@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 2 Book of Daniel 3 Book of Daniel=BookofDaniel@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Da 1 Daniel and his companions at the court of Nebuchadnezzar=Da1DanielandhiscompanionsatthecourtofNebuchadnezzar@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Da 2 Daniel explains Nebuchadnezzar's dream=Da2DanielexplainsNebuchadnezzar.sdream@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Da 3 Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in the furnace=Da3Shadrach.Meshach.andAbednegointhefurnace@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Da 4 Nebuchadnezzar's second dream of warning=Da4Nebuchadnezzar.sseconddreamofwarning@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Da 5 The hand writing on the wall=Da5Thehandwritingonthewall@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Da 6 Daniel in the lion's den=Da6Danielinthelion.sden@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Da 7 Daniel's vision of the four beasts=Da7Daniel.svisionofthefourbeasts@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Da 8 Daniel's second vision=Da8Daniel.ssecondvision@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Da 9 Daniel's prayer and third vision=Da9Daniel.sprayerandthirdvision@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Da 10 Daniel's vision of the men in linen=Da10Daniel.svisionofthemeninlinen@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Da 11 The prophecy about the battles of great kings=Da11Theprophecyaboutthebattlesofgreatkings@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Da 12 Prophecy about the end times=Da12Prophecyabouttheendtimes@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 2 Notes 3 Notes=Notes27@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 2 Book of Hosea 3 Book of Hosea=BookofHosea@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ho 1 The Lord describes Hosea's faithless family=Ho1TheLorddescribesHosea.sfaithlessfamily@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ho 2 Israel is like a faithless wife=Ho2Israelislikeafaithlesswife@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ho 3 The Lord commands a husband to love a faithless wife=Ho3TheLordcommandsahusbandtoloveafaithlesswife@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ho 4 Priests and prophets have rejected the Lord=Ho4PriestsandprophetshaverejectedtheLord@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ho 5 The Lord condemns Israel's faithlessness=Ho5TheLordcondemnsIsrael.sfaithlessness@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ho 6 The Lord condemns Israel's hypocrisy and idolatry=Ho6TheLordcondemnsIsrael.shypocrisyandidolatry@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ho 7 The Lord condemns Israel's deceit and insincerity=Ho7TheLordcondemnsIsrael.sdeceitandinsincerity@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ho 8 The Lord condemns Israel's adoption of foreign customs=Ho8TheLordcondemnsIsrael.sadoptionofforeigncustoms@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ho 9 The Lord shall punish Israel's sins=Ho9TheLordshallpunishIsrael.ssins@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ho 10 Idolatrous shrines shall be destroyed=Ho10Idolatrousshrinesshallbedestroyed@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ho 11 The Lord shall care for faithless Israel=Ho11TheLordshallcareforfaithlessIsrael@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ho 12 The descendants of Jacob must return to the Lord=Ho12ThedescendantsofJacobmustreturntotheLord@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ho 13 Israel's sins shall be punished=Ho13Israel.ssinsshallbepunished@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Ho 14 Return to the Lord and your prayers shall be answered=Ho14ReturntotheLordandyourprayersshallbeanswered@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 2 Notes 3 Notes=Notes28@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 2 Book of Joel 3 Book of Joel=BookofJoel@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Joe 1 The priests and the people lament the destruction of the land=Joe1Thepriestsandthepeoplelamentthedestructionoftheland@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Joe 2 God calls the Jewish people to repentance=Joe2GodcallstheJewishpeopletorepentance@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Joe 3 God judges the nations and blesses His people=Joe3GodjudgesthenationsandblessesHispeople@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 2 Notes 3 Notes=Notes29@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 2 Book of Amos 3 Book of Amos=BookofAmos@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Am 1 God's judgment of Israel's neighbors=Am1God.sjudgmentofIsrael.sneighbors@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Am 2 God's judgment of Israel=Am2God.sjudgmentofIsrael@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Am 3 Warning of the coming punishment of Israel=Am3WarningofthecomingpunishmentofIsrael@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Am 4 Israel's failure to return to God=Am4Israel.sfailuretoreturntoGod@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Am 5 A call to repentance=Am5Acalltorepentance@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Am 6 A lament for Israel=Am6AlamentforIsrael@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Am 7 Visions of destruction=Am7Visionsofdestruction@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Am 8 God vows not to spare Israel=Am8GodvowsnottospareIsrael@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Am 9 The final destruction and restoration of Israel=Am9ThefinaldestructionandrestorationofIsrael@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 2 Notes 3 Notes=Notes30@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 2 Book of Obadiah 3 Book of Obadiah=BookofObadiah@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 2 Notes 3 Notes=Notes31@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 2 Book of Jonah 3 Book of Jonah=BookofJonah@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Jon 1 Jonah disobeys God and is swallowed by a fish=Jon1JonahdisobeysGodandisswallowedbyafish@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Jon 2 Jonah prays to God, and the fish spits him up on the shore=Jon2JonahpraystoGod.andthefishspitshimupontheshore@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Jon 3 Jonah preaches in Nineveh, and the people repent=Jon3JonahpreachesinNineveh.andthepeoplerepent@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Jon 4 Jonah is angry because God will not destroy the city=Jon4JonahisangrybecauseGodwillnotdestroythecity@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 2 Notes 3 Notes=Notes32@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 2 Book of Micah 3 Book of Micah=BookofMicah@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Mic 1 Judgment of Samaria and Jerusalem=Mic1JudgmentofSamariaandJerusalem@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Mic 2 God will rescue his people from their oppressors=Mic2Godwillrescuehispeoplefromtheiroppressors@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Mic 3 God rebukes the leaders and the prophets of Israel=Mic3GodrebukestheleadersandtheprophetsofIsrael@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Mic 4 God's future reign of peace in Zion=Mic4God.sfuturereignofpeaceinZion@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Mic 5 God promises a ruler from Bethlehem and Israel's deliverance=Mic5GodpromisesarulerfromBethlehemandIsrael.sdeliverance@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Mic 6 God's complaint against Israel=Mic6God.scomplaintagainstIsrael@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Mic 7 Israel's misery and God's mercy=Mic7Israel.smiseryandGod.smercy@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 2 Notes 3 Notes=Notes33@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 2 Book of Nahum 3 Book of Nahum=BookofNahum@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Na 1 God's wrath against Nineveh=Na1God.swrathagainstNineveh@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Na 2 Nineveh will fall=Na2Ninevehwillfall@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Na 3 God warns of doom to Nineveh=Na3GodwarnsofdoomtoNineveh@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 2 Notes 3 Notes=Notes34@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 2 Book of Habbakuk 3 Book of Habbakuk=BookofHabbakuk@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Hab 1 Habakkuk's complaint to God about injustice=Hab1Habakkuk.scomplainttoGodaboutinjustice@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Hab 2 God's reply to Habakkuk=Hab2God.sreplytoHabakkuk@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Hab 3 Habakkuk's prayer for deliverance=Hab3Habakkuk.sprayerfordeliverance@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 2 Notes 3 Notes=Notes35@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 2 Book of Zephaniah 3 Book of Zephaniah=BookofZephaniah@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Zep 1 God's warning of destruction=Zep1God.swarningofdestruction@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Zep 2 A call to repentance=Zep2Acalltorepentance@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Zep 3 The sin, redemption, and future of Jerusalem=Zep3Thesin.redemption.andfutureofJerusalem@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 2 Notes 3 Notes=Notes36@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 2 Book of Haggai 3 Book of Haggai=BookofHaggai@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Hag 1 God commands the Temple to be rebuilt=Hag1GodcommandstheTempletoberebuilt@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Hag 2 The future glory of the new Temple=Hag2ThefuturegloryofthenewTemple@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 2 Notes 3 Notes=Notes37@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 2 Book of Zechariah 3 Book of Zechariah=BookofZechariah@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Zec 1 Visions of horses and horns, and return to the Lord=Zec1Visionsofhorsesandhorns.andreturntotheLord@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Zec 2 Measuring Jerusalem, and exiles shall return=Zec2MeasuringJerusalem.andexilesshallreturn@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Zec 3 The high priest Joshua, and obedience shall take away sin=Zec3ThehighpriestJoshua.andobedienceshalltakeawaysin@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Zec 4 The golden lamp stand, and rebuilding the Temple=Zec4Thegoldenlampstand.andrebuildingtheTemple@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Zec 5 The flying scroll, and lies and wickedness are removed=Zec5Theflyingscroll.andliesandwickednessareremoved@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Zec 6 Vision of four chariots, and Joshua is crowned=Zec6Visionoffourchariots.andJoshuaiscrowned@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Zec 7 God condemns insincerity and disobedience=Zec7Godcondemnsinsincerityanddisobedience@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Zec 8 The Lord blesses Jerusalem=Zec8TheLordblessesJerusalem@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Zec 9 The Lord condemns the Philistines, and hymn for the return of exiles=Zec9TheLordcondemnsthePhilistines.andhymnforthereturnofexiles@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Zec 10 Hymn for victorious return to Israel=Zec10HymnforvictoriousreturntoIsrael@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Zec 11 Favor and Unity, and the two shepherds=Zec11FavorandUnity.andthetwoshepherds@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Zec 12 Enemies of Jerusalem shall be struck down=Zec12EnemiesofJerusalemshallbestruckdown@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Zec 13 God condemns the prophets=Zec13Godcondemnstheprophets@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Zec 14 Judgment Day in Jerusalem=Zec14JudgmentDayinJerusalem@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 2 Notes 3 Notes=Notes38@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 2 Book of Malachai 3 Book of Malachai=BookofMalachai@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Mal 1 God proclaims His love for Israel=Mal1GodproclaimsHisloveforIsrael@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Mal 2 God reprimands the priests and unfaithfulness of the people=Mal2Godreprimandsthepriestsandunfaithfulnessofthepeople@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Mal 3 The Day of Judgment=Mal3TheDayofJudgment@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 3 Mal 4 The Day of the Lord is coming=Mal4TheDayoftheLordiscoming@Darby_OT.hlp>Main 2 Notes 3 Notes=Notes39@Darby_OT.hlp>Main