DSP Solutions DOS Developer's Kit v1.20 Notes not in the manual 8-13-93 1) This development kit is for DOS programs, NOT Windows programs. Use Microsoft's MCI interface or equivalent low-level routines to talk to the DSP Solutions' Windows Drivers. 2) The development kit requires the following directory structure on your hard disk (you are using a hard disk, aren't you?): DEVKIT----+--LIB | +--SOURCE To install the development kit disk, use xcopy with the /S switch: MD DEVKIT XCOPY a:\*.* DEVKIT /S If you do not have XCOPY, you will have to make the sub-directories yourself and copy the appropriate sub-directories from the SDK disk. 3) The included documentation on the music synthesis is incomplete. We will supply updated information when it is available. 4) We have not finished defining support for MIDI .MID files. The current routines support Creative Lab's .CMF file format. 5) The following sound files are included in the root directory of the SDK disk: P1.PCM DEMO.OKI DIGI.CV5 The .CV5 file ia a CVSD file that currently only the DS201/A supports. Future versions of the PORT-ABLE Sound will also play .CV5 and .CVS files. And Lastly.... Please... If you have a questions, give us a call at (415) 494-8086 Ask for Lee Our bulletin board number is (415) 494-1621 2400,N,8,1