*************************************************************** WizUtilities Pak version 2.5 *************************************************************** WizUtilities Pak is an outstanding set of powerful tools for Windows. WizUtilities Pak (WizViewer, WizZipper, WizFinder, WizDuplicates, WizSynch and WizLock) lets you quickly view the contents of files without the need of the application which created them, compress and extract ZIP files with ease, retrieve files even if you remember as little as one word in the document or an approximate creation date, find all the duplicate files on your drives and recover precious disk space, compare and synchronize two directories or figure out the differences between them, safely lock Windows and your system while you are gone, and much more. WizUtilities Pak is all your file utilities in one powerful set of tools. Enjoy! *************************************************************** HOW TO INSTALL WizUtilities Pak? *************************************************************** Installing WizUtilities Pak is very easy using the installation program provided (INSTALL.EXE). If INSTALL.EXE is not present in your set of WizUtilities Pak files, then you received an incomplete set of WizUtilities Pak files and WizUtilities Pak cannot be installed properly. Contact your disk vendor, BBS sysop or Mijenix Corporation (Mijenix Corporation address can be found in this file under Technical Support). To install WizUtilities Pak, follow these steps: From your Windows Program Manager, choose "File" in the menu bar and then choose "Run" from the displayed pull down menu. In the dialog box type the full path to WizUtilities Pak's files, and the program name INSTALL.EXE. For example, if you were installing from drive A:, you would enter "A:\INSTALL.EXE". If you were installing from the "WIZ" directory of drive C:, you would enter "C:\WIZ\INSTALL.EXE". After the installation program is started, follow the instructions displayed in each dialog. Once WizUtilities Pak is successfully installed, you'll have a new group called "WizUtilities Pak" in Program Manager from which you'll be able to start the WizUtilities Pak applications. *************************************************************** IMPORTANT INFORMATION *************************************************************** For Site License Agreement see the SITE_LIC.WRI file. To Un-install WizUtilities Pak see the UNINSTAL.TXT file. To order our products, read the ORDER.TXT file or the information provided in the Help file. *************************************************************** ORDER WizUtilities Pak? (REGISTRATION) *************************************************************** You can order our products either by sending a check or money order, or by placing a credit card order (see ORDER.TXT file). An order form can be found in the file ORDER.TXT or displayed and printed from the WizUtilities Pak programs (select the "About" menu item from the "Help" menu and click on the "How to Order" button in the displayed dialog). * Please send your completed order form to: (Checks, money order and Visa, MasterCard and Amex credit cards accepted) Mijenix Corporation 6666 Odana Road, Suite 326 Madison, WI 53719, USA Tel: 1-800-MIJENIX (Orders Only) (608) 277-1981 Fax: (608) 277-1971 CompuServe: 75430,1545 America Online: mijenix Internet: 74774.564@compuserve.com * You can also order our products through PsL: Public Software Library (PsL) Sales: 1-800-242-4775 or (713) 524-6394 *** WARNING *** The PsL numbers above are exclusively for placing orders with credit cards, Mijenix Corp. CANNOT be reached at those numbers. If you have questions about the status of your order, volume discounts, WizUtilities Pak, etc, please contact Mijenix Corp. through the channels listed above under Technical Support. *************************************************************** TECHNICAL SUPPORT *************************************************************** If you encounter any difficulties with WizUtilities Pak, during or after its installation, please contact Mijenix through one of the following channels: Mijenix Corporation 6666 Odana Rd, Ste 326 Madison, WI 53719 Tel : (608) 277-1981 Fax : (608) 277-1971 Mijenix BBS : (608) 277-0025 CompuServe Forum : GO MIJENIX CompuServe : 74774,564 America Online : Mijenix Internet : 74774.564@compuserve.com _______ ____|__ | (R) --| | |------------------- | ____|__ | Association of | | |_| Shareware |__| o | Professionals -----| | |--------------------- |___|___| MEMBER Mijenix Corp. is a member of the Association of Shareware Professionals (ASP). ASP wants to make sure that the shareware principle works for you. If you are unable to resolve a shareware-related problem with an ASP member by contacting the member directly, ASP may be able to help. The ASP Ombudsman can help you resolve a dispute or problem with an ASP member, but does not provide technical support for members' products. Please write to the ASP Ombudsman at 545 Grover Road, Muskegon, MI 49442 or send a CompuServe message via CompuServe Mail to ASP Ombudsman 70007,3536. *************************************************************** LIST OF FILES *************************************************************** The files provided with WizUtilities Pak version 2.5 are: Disk 1: INSTALL.EXE (Installation program) INSTALL.BIN (Installation file) INSTALL.INF (Installation file) INSTALL.BMP (Installation file) INSTLIB.DLL (Installation file) THRDUTLS.DLL (WizUtilities Pak threads) MZIP.DLL (WizUtilities Pak ZIP library) MUNZIP.DLL (WizUtilities Pak UnZIP library) BIVBX11.DLL (WizUtilities Pak viewer support library) MHVIEW.VBX (WizUtilities Pak viewer support library) MH*.DLL (WizUtilities Pak viewer libraries) CTL3DV2.DLL (3D library) README.TXT (Information file) README2.TXT (Installation information file) ORDER.TXT (Purchasing WizUtilities Pak Information) SITE_LIC.WRI (Site license information and pricing) FILE_ID.DIZ (Program description for online services) EDI3D.BIN (Installation file) UNINSTAL.TXT (Information to un-install WizUtilities Pak) UNINSTAL.EXE (Un-Installation program) UNINSTAL.BIN (Un-Installation file) UNINSTAL.INF (Un-Installation file) UNINSTAL.BMP (Un-Installation file) Disk 2: WIZVIEW.EXE (WizUtilities Pak WizViewer Program) WIZZIPR.EXE (WizUtilities Pak WizZipper program) WIZFIND.EXE (WizUtilities Pak WizFinder Program) WIZDUPL.EXE (WizUtilities Pak WizDuplicates Program) WIZSYNCH.EXE (WizUtilities Pak WizSynch Program) WIZLOCK.EXE (WizUtilities Pak WizLock Program) WIZSRCH.DLL (WizUtilities Pak search engine) WIZUTILS.HLP (WizUtilities Pak Help file)