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Known word processor problem: Undo should be used with care. Undo will only undo typed characters, no other changes are yet undone. Undoing beyond a deleted text cell may crash the session. Undoing to the first character of a text cell will garble the text of the cell. Deleting of empty cells may cause the program to terminate. If this situation occurs and you can re-create it repeatedly, please document the steps leading to the failure. 2. Clearlook Word Processor - Licensing Description Starting with Clearlook version 1.07, the program will prompt for a License Number and Access Code when started, until the valid Access Code is entered. Once the proper code is entered, Clearlook will indicate so with a brief display at startup and all functions will continue as normal. Without a proper code, anyone can still use Clearlook and ALL features WILL function. However, all printed pages will display the Clearlook telephone number. This feature enables anyone to download the Clearlook beta and take the product for a "test ride". If anyone wants to eliminate the printed telephone number by licensing the product, a telephone call to 1-800-818-LOOK (or in the local 703 area: 425-1163) with a VISA or MasterCard can obtain a unique License Number and valid Access Code for $19. These numbers are ONLY necessary once after each install and the same numbers may be used for each incremental version(1.08, 1.09, 1.0A, etc.). Beta Testers of this 1.08 version already have your License Number and Access Code. Look at the invoice, your license number is your INVOICE NO. and your access code is your ITEM#. An Example of numbers: License Number: 10-000-123 (unique to each user for each major version) ("10" is for Version 1.0, "000-123" is a sequential number assigned to a user) Access Code : 12345 (a 4, 5 or 6 digit number) Thank you for beta testing Clearlook, the cellular word processor!, READ