HTMASC Version 1.0 Copyright (c)1995-1996 Walter Novacek All Rights Reserved *********************************************************** Contact: Compuserve: Walter Novacek[100341,240] Internet: Fido: Walter Novacek@2:310/39.15 -------------------------------------------- What is HTMASC? -------------------------------------------- I'm not big on documentation, so don't expect to find a whole lot here. HTMASC is designed to perform a relatively straightforward task: HTMASC converts *.htm files to *.txt. This means that all of the HTML tags (e.g., <HEADER> ...) are removed and entities (" © ....) are converted. After loading a file the original text can be viewed in the upper window. That's only for reference, no editing, copying, searching etc. is possible. Now you can either select <Convert> from the File Menu or press the <!> button on the toolbar. The file will be converted (hopefully <g>) and should show up in the bottom window. The converted file is automatically saved to disk in the directory specified under OPTIONS/MORE/OUTPUT DIRECTORY. If there already exists a file with the same name you will be warned by the program. The converted text can be fully edited using the mouse or standard CUA keystrokes. You can search for text, cut, copy, paste, undo, redo ... Clicking the right mouse button in the bottom window opens a Popup Menu for quick access to most edit commands. ------------------------------------------------- Comments ------------------------------------------------- Todo list for the next version: * Better preservation of the original format * ??? (It's up to you!) Future plans: * Editing of the *.htm file and simultaneous view of the resulting webpage