═══ 1. Information about installed Adapter ═══ This page shows information about your installed graphics adapter. In the first group the exact name and model of your installed board are listed. The group "Technical Information" shows some hardware details of your installed board: Chipset Video Memory RAM-DAC Bus Under "Driver Version" the revision level of the currently installed driver is given. This value is only of interest if you already have an ELSA Driver installed and want to upgrade to a newer version. ═══ 2. Installpath and Packages ═══ On this page you can select the path to install to and the packages you want to install. If you want detailed information about what is copied and how, select one of the following items: Packages WPS-Object Drives Folders Installpath Installation Progress ═══ 2.1. Packages ═══ If you don't want to copy all the files to your harddisk, or if there is insufficient space for copying the files to the disk, you can choose the packages you want to install. These are the packages you might install: Monitor Database: The setup program needs the specs of your monitor. The monitor database contains specs of more than 350 monitor types, so that you usually will be able to supply the necessary information from there. Packed Drivers: The packed drivers consist of drivers for OS/2 as well as WinOS/2 in packed form. Copying them to your hard disk will speed up the installation process considerably. ReadMe File: This file contains last minute information about the driver, like known bugs, limitations, etc. This file is also displayed on the startup page of the setup utility. Resolution Manager: The resolution manager can be used to change the resolution once the installation process has been completed. It consists of the pages "Adapter Info" and "Resolution" of the installation utility. TestScreen: This utility allows you to test the selected resolution before accepting it. Showing the test screen is compulsory before a new resolution can be activated. WinMan (Windows): If you select this item the utilities to change the FullScreen WinOS/2 resolution will be copied into your WinOS/2 directory. Please refer to the Windows driver documentation for a detailed description of the program. ═══ 2.2. WPS-Object ═══ If this box is checked, the utility will create a WPS-Object of the resolution manager on your desktop. This is only done if the item "Resolution Manager" in the listbox "Packages" is selected as well. ═══ 2.3. Drives ═══ Here you can select the drive you want to copy the selected packages to. ═══ 2.4. Folders ═══ Here you can select the folder you want to copy the selected packages to. Double-clicking on a folder will display its sub-folders. ═══ 2.5. Installpath ═══ Here you can enter your installation path manually if you don't want to use the "Drives" and "Folders" menus for specifying it. If you enter a non-existent path, it will be created. ═══ 2.6. Installationprogress ═══ This gives you the percentage of installation already completed. ═══ 3. Resolution and Monitor ═══ The page "Resolution" allows you to choose the resolution and to specify your monitor. Specification of the resolution consist of color depth, X/Y size and vertical frame rate. Correct specification of your monitor is necessary to ensure it is not used outside its specs. After you have selected your resolution and monitor you can test this resolution by pressing the "TEST" button. Warning: Before displaying the test screen, the utility checks if your monitor can support this mode. If you have specified a monitor type with a higher horizontal scan frequency (kHz) than that of your own monitor, your monitor can be DESTROYED. Please check before testing that the specification of the monitor is correct, with particular attention on the horizontal scan frequency. We are not responsible for any damages caused by incorrect use of this utility. If the standard resolutions are not sufficient for your purposes or if your monitor is not contained in the monitor database, press the "CUSTOM..." button. You will then be able to define custom resolutions and monitors. ═══ 4. Custom Settings ═══ Use this dialog for specifying custom resolutions and monitors. After pressing the "OK" button the program checks if the resolution you have entered is valid. If not, it changes the values to valid ones and lets you decide whether you want to use the changed resolution. Warning: Make sure you have entered a horizontal scan frequency not exceeding the maximum horizontal frequency of your monitor, or your monitor can suffer severe damage. Refer to your monitor's manual for the maximum horizontal scan rate allowed. ═══ 5. Information about settings ═══ Before starting the installation, you can check this summary of settings. If the displayed values are correct, press the "INSTALL" button to start the installation. ═══ 5.1. Chipset ═══ The chipset is an essential part of your graphics board mainly determining the manner in which a graphics driver can access the functionality of your graphics board. The driver must be suitable for the chipset of your board. Even if driver versions for earlier chipsets might work for successor models, it might well be that they do not make use of improved facilities of your chipset. For this reason, be sure to always use the current drivers for your board model. ═══ 5.2. Video Memory ═══ Video Memory contains a complete dotwise equivalent of the displayed screen content and is periodically read out by the chipset to the screen. The maximum resolution and color depth depends on the amount of installed Video Memory. See the list below for some examples. 1 MB Video Memory: 640 x 400 in truecolor mode 2 MB Video Memory: 800 x 600 in truecolor mode 4 MB Video Memory: 1152 x 864 in truecolor mode 8 MB Video Memory: 1600 x 1200 in truecolor mode Graphics boards of the Winner 1000 series are equipped with D-RAM, those of the Winner 2000 series with V-RAM. The markedly higher speed of V-RAM boards is due to the fact that with V-RAM the transfer of the video memory contents to the screen can be accomplished in parallel with other video memory accesses. ═══ 5.3. RAMDAC ═══ The RAMDAC converts the image information read out from the video memory by the chipset into analog values for the monitor. The maximum pixel frequency of the RAMDAC directly influences the maximum possible screen resolutions and scan rates. ═══ 5.4. Bus ═══ Your graphics board is connected to your computer via the bus. The capabilities of your bus system directly influence the speed with which display data is transferred to your graphics board.