The Extents of the fractal are the range of the complex plane over which the fractal will be calculated. The "X Range" values are the left and right (lower and upper) decimal numbers that define the rectangle's range in the X, or real, or left-to-right range of the complex plane. The "Y Range" values are the top and bottom (upper and lower) decimal numbers that define the rectangle's range in the Y, or imaginary, or top-to-bottom range of the complex plane. The numbers that can be entered are limited, and will be automatically adjusted if entered out of limits. This can be because of restrictions in the fractal calculation algorithms, or just because looking at a wider range lacks detail and is therefore uninteresting. If you are interested in zeroing in at a particular complex number, that value can be entered as the "Center" X and Y values. The Left, Right, Top, and Bottom values will then be automatically adjusted to make that value the center but stay in acceptable limits. When entry is complete, select OK, or press Enter. To exit with no changes, select Cancel, or press Escape. To see the default (built-in) values, press Default. To proceed with the default values, press Default, then OK. Exiting with OK will cause the fractal to be recalculated over the new extents.