RealPlayer Plus™ G2
Update 2

Welcome to the RealPlayer Plus from RealNetworks.

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This document describes RealNetworks' RealPlayer Plus G2. The software and documentation are provided to you in accordance with your license agreement.

For the latest information, see the RealNetworks Home Page.


System Requirements
Known Issues
Manually Configuring Your Browser

  • Using RealPlayer through a Firewall
  • Full Screen
  • Video not displaying or displaying a distorted picture

    Reporting Feedback

    System Requirements

    • 120MHz Intel* Pentium* processor or equivalent
    • 16MB of RAM
    • 14.4Kbps modem (audio only); 28.8Kbps modem (video)
    • 16-bit sound card and speakers
    • 65,000-color (High Color/16-bit) video display card (optional; required for video)
    • Windows 95, Windows 98, or Windows NT* 4.0 with Service Pack 3
    • Internet connection and web browser
    Recommended Computer:
    • 166MHz Intel Pentium processor or better
    • 32MB or more of RAM
    • 28.8Kbps or better modem
    • 16-bit or better sound card and speakers
    • 65,000-color (High Color/16-bit) or better video display card
    • Windows 95, Windows 98, or Windows NT* 4.0 with Service Pack 3
    • Internet connection and web browser
    *All other brands and names are property of their respective owners.

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    Known Issues


    • Removable Media Installation: If you install RealPlayer to a removable media drive (e.g. Jaz, Zip, CD-R, etc.) you should remove the StartCenter icon from your Windows tooltray (on the General tab of your Preferences).
    • Plug-in Installation: RealPlayer will only install the Netscape plug-in for your default Netscape browser. If you have more than one version installed, only the default Netscape browser will have functioning plug-ins.
    • Installation causes endless reboot: If you attempt to install RealPlayer Plus G2 on a computer and the Netscape Navigator that you use resides in a read-only directory and already has RealPlayer v5 plug-ins installed, you will receive a message to reboot to continue installation. Upon subsequent reboots you will receive the same message. To correct this problem, contact your system administrator (if Navigator is on a network drive) and have them install the new Real G2 plug-ins or make the directory read/write and reinstall. System Administrators: install RealPlayer Plus G2 or replace the following two files:

      NETSCAPE\PROGRAM\Plugins\npra32.dll with nppl3260.dll
      NETSCAPE\PROGRAM\Plugins\ with

    • G2 Channels vs. 5.0 Destinations: Channels is a new feature in RealPlayer G2, offering a variety of programs that take advantage of G2 features. RealPlayer 5.0 Destinations will not carry over to RealPlayer G2 Channels. Set up your new Channels by clicking Add New Channels in your Channels line-up.


    • UDP Ports: UDP Port ranges must begin with an even number and be delineated by a '-' with the exception of the range 7070,7071.

      For example:
      7070-7071 or 7070-7072 or 7070-xxxx will work.
      7070,7071 will work, but no other range can be listed this way.

      The following ranges are incorrect:
      7071-7072 or 7071-7073 or 7071-xxxx (beginning with odd number) will not work.
      7070,7072 will not work.

    • Proxy Services on a small LAN: If you have proxy services set up for a small LAN to provide Internet access to a number of computers, (e.g., using Intel(R) InBusiness Internet Station(TM)), you should disable the autodial feature of your hardware to avoid causing your proxy to automatically connect to you ISP. RealPlayer cannot sense the difference between a persistent connection and one provided by an intermediate source and will continue to update headlines and check for upgrades on a regular basis causing your proxy box to dial-up frequently.
    • Firewalls: If you are attempting to connect from behind a firewall (most companies employ firewalls to protect their networks) you may find it takes considerably longer to obtain a connection.
    • Unable to connect: If you enter incorrect proxy information during a RealPlayer Plus session and attempt to connect, RealPlayer Plus will remember that information for the duration of the sesssion even if you delete it from the Proxy Preference tab and attempt to connect again. To clear the information, delete it from the Proxy Preference tab, click OK, close RealPlayer Plus (including the StartCenter icon in your System Tray if you have it on) and restart your Player.
    • Autoconfigure not working: If Autoconfigure does not work properly, open your Preferences and go to the Proxy tab. Select Use proxy (where 'proxy' is the appropriate proxy to use: PNM, RTSP) and attempt Autoconfigure again (from the Transport tab). If this still does not work, reinstall RealPlayer from your Start menu (select RealPlayer Plus G2 Setup in the Real directory).


    • Netscape Navigator 2.02 and embedded clips: Netscape 2.02 does not work with G2 plug-ins. Embedded clips will crash your browser. This is not true of Netscape 3.0 or later.
    • Embedded Presentations: Problems have been reported when viewing embedded content in multiple browser windows. It is recommended that you limit your viewing of embedded content to a single browser window.
    • Embedded Presentations not Starting: Embedded presentations may not start as intended. If an embedded presentation, a RealPlayer display embedded on a web page, does not start, click the Play button if provided or right-click and select Play.
    • Buffering Time: may not be displayed correctly when in PerfectPlay mode. PerfectPlay will still function correctly.
    • Can't see whole RealPlayer: If your screen resolution is 640x480 some presentations may cause RealPlayer to be larger than your screen. In such instances RealPlayer will automatically hide your Status bar and Clip Info bar. To unhide either bar after viewing the clip, click View and reslect the bar you would like displayed. Changing your screen resolution to 800x600 (through your Windows Control Panel) should avoid this issue.
    • Double Size Mode: Some channels may not display correctly when zoomed to double size. For best results, view all channels at original size.
    • AutoUpdate from Browsers: AutoUpdate from embedded clips occasionally fails. To force an AutoUpdate, open RealPlayer, select Help/Check for Upgrade... and select the appropriate plug-in.
    • Adding Channels: For Add New Channels to work properly with Internet Explorer you must have the Authenticode 2.0 patch and the IPTDImageControl ActiveX control. Authenticode 2.0 is shipped with IE 3.02 or later. If you do not have these controls, IE will prompt you to upgrade. If you don't say 'Yes' the Channels page will not function properly.
    • Audio Analyzer: The Audio Anlyzer may be slightly out of sync with the playing audio.
    • Save Current Place... may not work as expected: Save Current Place will not work with with Vivo (.VIVO, .VIV) files nor with MPEG. SMIL (Multipart presentations containing more than one file type) and WAV files may act erratically.
    • Record Fails: Record may work inconsistently when PerfectPlay is engaged. It is more likely to fail when a clip has frequent low transmission of packets. In this case Record may not capture the entire clip.
    • Recorded file broken up: Recording of some older formats or from older servers may cause poor playback quality for Recorded files.
    • Recorded file acts erratically: If, during Record, the slider is moved to different positions within the recorded clip, the resulting file may not playback as expected.
    • Can't Import Presets: If you've been sent presets with a .PRX extension, double-clicking will not import them into your RealPlayer. You can, however, drag and drop them onto your RealPlayer or use Import from your Organize Presets dialog. The new extension for Presets is .RNX.
    • Save Current Place...: Placeholder may not work as expected with SMIL, VIVO, WAV, or MPEG files.
    • Statistics not displayed: Some statistics may not be displayed in the Statistics Panel during local playback of files.
    • AutoUpdate Fails: If AutoUpdate fails because the plug-in could not be validated as an authentic RealNetworks component, check to make sure your computers system date is correct. An incorrect date can cause the authentication to fail. Once you reset the date, retry AutoUpdate.
    • 256 Color Mode:While RealPlayer supports 256 colors you will acheive better quality and reliability using 16-bit (thousands) or 24-bit (millions) color. Change modes using your the Display applet in your Windows Control Panel.
    • Full Screen Mode: Full Screen may fail if DirectX changes your refresh rate to a speed not supported by your monitor. If this happens, your monitor will show static, and may send you a message telling you that the sample rate is not supported. Updating your video drivers may help. However, you may lose functionality of your old drivers. Installing a monitor with a higher refresh rate than your current monitor will also help.
    • Windows NT garbled video If you are running Windows NT v4.0 with SP3 and are utilizing the S3 video drivers included in that service pack you may see garbled video at times. To correct the display of a clip you may need to close and restart your Player (including the StartCenter icon in System Tray if you have that running). To prevent this problem, upgrade to the latest S3 drivers for your card.
    • Title/Author/Copyright (TAC): TAC may not always display when connected to an older .RA (pre v5.0) file.



    • System Resources: Starting or quitting large applications while playing clips can cause some brief disruption of the playback.
    • Slow Program Response: The user interface during playback of some high bitrate content on slower systems may have slow response time. Performance of other applications may suffer during playback.
    • Controls Frozen During Playback: High bitrate clips (greater than 56K) may cause RealPlayer's controls to freeze on lower-end machines.

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    Manually Configuring Your Browser

    After you upgrade your browser, you may lose the configuration information for the RealPlayer Plus program. The easiest way to reconfigure your browser is to reinstall RealPlayer Plus. Alternatively, you can manually configure your browser:

    (or the directory you selected during installation)
    Mime Type:audio
    Mime Subtype:x-pn-realaudio
    File Extensions: .rm, .ra, .ram
    File Type:PNM, RTSP
    Homepage URL:

    More specific information about various browsers and services (such as AOL) are available in our FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions section of Tech Support.

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    If you experience problems with RealPlayer, please look at the additional documentation available on our Technical Support web page.

    Using RealPlayer Plus through a Firewall

    RealPlayer Plus uses port 7070 for TCP and ports 6970 through 7170 inclusive for UDP transmission. If you are accessing the Internet through a firewall, your firewall administrator will need to authorize these ports. Firewall information is available on our Firewall web page.

    Full Screen

    If you are having problems with Full Screen, make sure that you have the following installed:

    Video not displaying or displaying a distorted picture

    To deliver the best video in the fastest possible way, RealPlayer uses the latest optimized video protocols. Not all video cards or their drivers will function properly with this optimized approach. If a video card or its drivers are incompatible you may see unexpected results (see The Symptoms below). Many problems can be solved by ensuring that you have have installed the most recent DirectX Certified display drivers for their video cards.

    The following cards are known to have problems with certain versions of their drivers in relation to RealPlayer:

    • ATI Rage II+ PCI (ati_m64)
    • Cirrus Logic 7548 PCI
    • Diamond Viper V330
    • Diamond Stealth II G460 (Windows NT)
    • Diamond SpeedStar A50 for Windows 98
    • Matrox Millennium II PowerDesk
    • Matrox Millennium G200 AGP (Windows NT)
    • NeoMagic MagicGraph 128XD
    • STB Lightspeed 128
    • Intel i740
    • SiS 530

    The Symptoms:

    Incompatability with optimized video usually displays itself in one of the following four ways:

    1. You do not see any video in your RealPlayer Display panel. All you see is an empty magenta square.
    2. You do not see any video in your RealPlayer only a snowy, staticy picture that moves.
    3. You see video in your RealPlayer but it has a green tint to it and may be distorted so that you only see stripes of the video or only part of an enlarged picture as if you were looking through a hole at a larger screen.
    4. You see video in your RealPlayer but it is stretched vertically or horizontally in only one direction distorting the picture into a long, flat picture or a tall, thin one.

    If you are experiencing one, or more, of these symptoms, read and perform the Acid Test below to be sure that the problem is the use of optimized video and not some other conflict.

    The Acid Test:

    If you are seeing any or all of the above symptoms, do the following to make sure it is an optimized video issue:

    1. Connect to a video clip or click play to start playing a loaded video clip.
    2. Wait until the video is exhibiting one of the above symptoms.
    3. Click and hold on the menu bar of your RealPlayer
    4. Drag your RealPlayer to a new location on your desktop.

    IF you saw the video playing properly while you were dragging your RealPlayer but the problems reappeared when you stopped dragging your RealPlayer (or shortly after you stopped dragging it):

    1. Select Help/Check for Upgrade from your menus.
    2. Choose Video Drivers Update if it is available (if it is not available you have the latest update and should proceed to the section below.
    3. Click OK.
    4. AutoUpdate will download a small (about 5K) file and automatically install it.
    5. Attempt to play the video that was giving you trouble again. If it still does not display correctly, please proceed to the the instructions below.

    If AutoUpdate does not solve your problem:

    1. Select Options/Preferences from your menus.
    2. Go to the Performance tab.
    3. Deselect (uncheck) Use optimized video display.
    4. Click OK.

    If you update or change your video driver or video card, you should reselect Use optimized video display to see if it works properly. If it does not, follow the procedures above again to solve the conflict.

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    For Technical Assistance:

    If you have questions or problems, please use the Technical Support contact page at:

    Addtional non-tech support feedback and requests can be sent to RealNetworks via the PlusZone.

    Copyright 1996, 1998 RealNetworks, Inc.