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Minimum requirements
  • Operating System: Windows 95, Windows 98 or Windows NT 4.0

  • TCP/IP stack: 32-bit MS Winsock 1.1 or 2.X

  • A connection to the Internet.

Recommended environment

Some advanced Net Vampire functions work only with certain types of browsers.
  • Browser click monitoring requires Internet Explorer 4.01 or higher or any version of Netscape Navigator.

  • Multiple link drag and drop works with Internet Explorer 4.01 or higher.

  • Dial-Up automation works with the standard Windows Dialup Networking subsystem.

3-rd party add-ons

A number of add-ons for Net Vampire, such as HTML Importer, UrlPro and FTPDrop, are available on the Internet. Written by 3-rd party developers, these utilities extend functionality of the base program.

Please note that these programs are not parts of Net Vampire. Use them at your own risk.

For your convenience, a list of known add-ons is available at the Net Vampire web site.

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