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Here is a summary of all the possibilities of 'SA' ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ * only in registered versions - In shareware + registered versions * Use in batch (Test+save+exit) with a few name options. * The program is protected against virus infections. The program notifies if a virus is trying to infect it, afterwards `SA` shall clean it. - Computer type (ID), date ,BIOS name, type, version. - Dos type + version. * Dos OEM version string. - Power management information. - Plug and Play version. * Network information. - Windows information - Files, FCBS, Buffers, Stacks, Lastdrive, Break, Verify, country code. - Environment size and what is being used. Dos in HMA/ROM/low - Code page: active, default. - System start: cold/warm-start, boot drive, menu choice. - Processor type (Intel / Cyrix / UMC / IBM / C&T / NEC /AMD (newer)) - Processor Family + model + revision (reset / interrupt / cpuid / cyrix ) - CPUID name. - Processor feature flags - Clock speed : CPU * External Clock speed (with DX2/DX4/pentium....) * Bus width, Que length. - Co-processor type. (Intel, ULSI, Cyrix, IIT, C&T, emulated, Integrated, MMX) - Co-processor bug test: FDIV and DAN-0411. - With Cache memory : internal, external size 1kB - 1MB. * Way, line. Write-through / write-back. * if write-back is ok * Without Cache memory : normal, page mode, interleaved. There are boards circulating with placebo RAM's (just an empty shell). This program shows cache's from 1 kB to 512kB, external and internal data and code cache. Is there by Write-back cache any `dirty tag ram` present ? If this is not the case than it is a worsening instead of an improvement. * Wait-states (by cache : miss + hit ). From code, dataRead and dataWrite. By cache : for cache / memory, and internal cache / external cache. * Memory burst. * Memory speed from : primary cache, secondary cache and main memory. Advertisements always talk of the speed of the video card, hard disk and the processor. One thing is always forgotten: the memory speed. This on the other hand is determined by the motherboard (chip-set) and how this is adjusted. Program`s e.g Landmark do not show this speed. The program is so small that it is situated inside the cache of the processor. All the motherboards with the same processor are nearly of the same speed. In reality Program`s are bigger, therefore there are substantial differences which are measured by this program. - CPU and FPU speed relative to the old XT (8088 4.77 MHz). - Amount of memory : Main, UMB , HMA , extended and expanded. * Information about the DIMM's used. (if a PXII4 is used) - Information on all memory management program's. * VBE/FP, VBE/CI, VBE/GC en VBE/AF installation check * VBE/DCC Monitor info. - Video power manager information * OEM/VESA information * 3D accelerator * AGP Controller information * AGP Video adapter information - Type adapter * Video : chip ( + sometimes revision number) Acer, Advance logic, Ahead, AKG, Alliance, AKR, ATI, Avance logic, Cirrus, Compaq, C&T, Genoa, IIT, Leadtek, Matrox, NCR, NEC, Number 9, Nvidia, Oak, Opti, Paradise, Realtek, S3, SIS, SGS, Trident, Tseng, Truevision, UMC, Video 7, Video logic, Weitek, Nvidia, 3DFx... * Video : Bios/card ( + sometimes date/version) * DAC width - Amount of memory * Type of memory * 2nd video adapter. Around 20 different video chip brands can be recognised. Besides type number also there revision number (if present) here among other things you can find the real amount of Megabyte from the video card. - Vesa information. - Vesa modes. - Monitor type, and the amount of screens per second. - Video speed. - Disk cache program. - Disk doubler program. - Floppy extenders (2M ...) - Floppy data. * Floppy IRQ DMA. - If 720kB, 1.44MB and 2.88MB floppies are supported. If 2.88Mb is supported than a tape streamer will work twice the speed. - Logical hard disks : size, type, bootable. - number, partition, compressed. - None Dos partitions. * Type harddisk : IDE, E-IDE (CHS/XCHS/LBA),SCSI ,ESDI... - Allocation of hard disk according to (Cylinder/Head/Sector) according to: Cmos type number / formatting / IDE data. Difference between Cylinder/Head/Sector from : the Bios type, the formatting and the IDE data, are easy to verify. - Disk seek time (track-track, average, full, overhead). - Disk speed (max, 64kB, 4kB, 512B blocks). * IDE port address, IRQ, DMA - The rotation speed of the hard disk (rpm). Average seek time is the mean time to get from one sector to another. What's not in this time is reaching the wanted sector of this track. In average this takes half a revolution. At 3600 rpm half the revolution time is 8.3 ms. If the average seek time is 10 ms, for example, then the total time is 18.3ms. The real mean time to reach a sector, is about doubled, so revolution speed is an important factor. * IDE (ESDI) data. * > 516.092kB : BIOS / SWBIOS / INT 13 extension * Searching for harddisks which are not mounted by dos. The installation of a new hard disk goes as follows: Choose for the new hard disk type 0 in the bios. It does not participate now. 'SA' will find it here, put in the IDE data, and how it is formatted. - CD-ROM player + driver. - MSCDEX / NWCDEX / CORALCDX - CD-ROM driver name and program name. - Type: SCSI / IDE (ATAPI) * CD-Recordable / CD-ReWritable / DVD-ROM / DVD-Recordable / DVD-RAM - Status data from CD-ROM. * Capabilities. * Supported speed, Selected speed. * Inner/outer speed + access speed * IDE port address, IRQ, DMA * Searching for CD-ROM's which are not mounted by dos. (port 1F0 and 170) - Lpt ports : I/O address, type (bi-directional, EPP, ECP (fifo)) * IRQ, DMA - Com ports : I/O address, type, parameters. * IRQ - Also the Com-port's which has not been found by the BIOS. As well as the Com-port number, as the Com-port sequence are shown. There are programs, which expect that e.g. Com3 be also situated in position 3. - Mouse : type, amount of buttons, com port ,version. * IRQ - name of driver and mouse. * PnP information + mouse name. - Type of keyboard and bios support. - Copyright string of keyboard controller * IEEE 1284 compatible device info. - Modem port + class info * Modem I/O address + IRQ. * Model info / fax info. * PnP info * Fax drivers. * ISDN - Sound card : Adlib, SoundBlaster, * Sound card : Galaxy, MWSS, Gravis, VESA, MIDI. I/O address, IRQ, DMA (8+16 bit), DSP-version. Mixer type, SoundBlaster type. EMU8000 + memory. * Sound environment strings. (Blaster/Galaxy/ Midi) * SCSI card (sometimes: I/O address / irq / dma / id / version). - drivers + device data (ASPI or CAM). * ASPI: CD-ROM: type, buffer size IF there is a driver (ASPI or CAM) installed, than the data of the devices shall be shown. - ISA, Micro Channel and EISA bus. - PCI bus - Real time clock and/or CMOS memory. - Memory map : Type (main RAM, Video RAM, EMS RAM, UMB RAM, RAM, ROM, extension ROM + copyright string). Bus width, wait-states, and if it is double. A complete memory map. If ROM is shadowed and/or cached or if the memory is double etc, is also shown here. */- 7 Separate Screens : --------------------- - PCI version + busses * PCI devices : brand + name + revision + class + IRQ. The data from the installed PCI cards are shown. * PCMCIA (PC-card) driver. Socket information. - Plug and Play (PnP) information - Bios, CM - PnP cards with an extensive info. IRQ, DMA, port, memory. - PnP BiosROM info. * The nodes/devices with an extensive info. IRQ, DMA, port, memory. - APM information * ESCD information - DMI information * Extensive : IRQ + DMA screen Software irq number, memory address, hardware irq number, program name, if it is enabled, device, PnP code. Also the IRQ and/or the DMA from the CD-ROM, sound card adapter, pci, Network etc. are shown here - Extensive : CMOS screen. information on name and number. - Memory Control Block screen. MCB chain(s), Device chain(s), UMB control Chain. - Device driver screen. - Environment screen. */- 3 Help screen ------------- * and lots more.