WINDOW 3,"instructions",,16 SAVE "intro",b WINDOW 2,"text",(150,0)-(500,185),16 PAINT(1,1),1 MENU 1,0,1,"instructions " MENU 1,1,1,"background" MENU 1,2,1,"instructions" MENU 1,3,1,"scoring" MENU 2,0,1,"hints " MENU 2,1,1,"general" MENU 2,2,1,"checkmate" MENU 2,3,1,"unstop" MENU 2,4,1,"winmaterial" MENU 2,5,1,"queening" MENU 2,6,1,"draw" MENU 2,7,1,"4mover" MENU 3,0,1,"about " MENU 3,1,1,"about" MENU 4,0,1,"other " MENU 4,1,1,"chess rules MENU 4,2,1,"time limits MENU 4,3,1,"notation" MENU 5,0,1,"chesstutor " MENU 5,1,1,"tutor" ON MENU GOSUB menus MENU ON ON BREAK GOSUB break2 start: PAINT(1,1),1 COLOR 2,1 LOCATE 10,2 PRINT " For information select an item from PRINT " the pull-down menu PRINT " To start the program select 'tutor' PRINT PRINT " To exit the program, select 'tutor' first wait1: GOTO wait1 menus: m=MENU(0):m1=MENU(1) IF m=1 THEN m1 IF m=2 THEN m2 IF m=3 THEN m3 IF m=4 THEN m4 IF m=5 THEN m5 RETURN m1: IF m1=1 THEN background IF m1=2 THEN rules IF m1=3 THEN scoring m2: IF m1=1 THEN hints IF m1=2 THEN checkmate IF m1=3 THEN unstop IF m1=4 THEN winmaterial IF m1=5 THEN queening IF m1=6 THEN draw IF m1=7 THEN 4mover m3: IF m1=1 THEN about m4: IF m1=1 THEN chessrules IF m1=2 THEN chessclocks IF m1=3 THEN notation m5: IF m1=1 THEN tutor background: CLS PALETTE 0, 0,0.3 ,0 PAINT(1,1),0 COLOR 1,0 PRINT " BACKGROUND PRINT PRINT " Chess tutor is a program designed to PRINT " introduce the novice chess player PRINT " to some of the basics of the game. PRINT PRINT " It is not a program you play against, PRINT " like many of the microship chess PRINT " computors now available. PRINT " Rather,the program presents you with PRINT " a sequence of chess positions,in which PRINT " you are challenged to find the best PRINT " move,as in a game. PRINT PRINT " You will need to know the rules of chess PRINT " in order to be able to use chess tutor. PRINT " A brief outline of the rules appear PRINT " in an appendix. PRINT " You do not have to know chess notation PRINT " to use the chesstutor. PRINT INPUT" HIT RETURN KEY TO CONTINUE";a CLS PRINT PRINT " A sequence of chess positions appear PRINT " on the screen,in the form of chess PRINT " diagrams. These are similar to those PRINT " found in chess books,magazines and PRINT " chess sections of newspapers. PRINT PRINT " There are approximately 1000 chess PRINT " positions in all. These positions are PRINT " composed, but unlike usual composed PRINT " positions which appear to be random PRINT " more than anything else,the positions PRINT " show situations which are likely to PRINT " happen in an actual game. Therefore, PRINT " solving these positions will help you PRINT " cope with many real game situations. PRINT INPUT" HIT RETURN KEY TO CONTINUE";a CLS PRINT PRINT " In chess there are 6 different kinds of PRINT " pieces. There can interact in many PRINT " different ways. PRINT " Different ways in which the pieces PRINT " can interact is represented by PRINT " patterns on the chessboard. It has been PRINT " shown that many of these patterns PRINT " occur again and again. PRINT " Experienced chessplayers are very PRINT " familiar with these themes and this PRINT " can give them an edge over less PRINT " experienced rivals. Many of these PRINT " patterns occur in the positions in PRINT " chess tutor. PRINT COLOR 0,1 PRINT " Select another menu item. PRINT " To start, select tutor. RETURN rules: CLS PALETTE 0, 0, 0.3, 0 PAINT(1,1),0 COLOR 1,0 PRINT " INSTRUCTIONS PRINT PRINT " Chesstutor is run almost entirely by PRINT " the mouse. When the program starts, a PRINT " message appears asking for a selection PRINT " of one of the pull-down menus. PRINT " The program will not continue until PRINT " one of them has been selected! PRINT PRINT " Questions are arranged by type and PRINT " difficulty. PRINT PRINT " Checkmate-The player to move can checkmate PRINT " in the given number of moves. PRINT " Every move must be a check. PRINT PRINT " Unstop-The player to move can force PRINT " checkmate in the given number of moves PRINT " but not every move is check. PRINT INPUT" HIT RETURN KEY TO CONTINUE";a CLS PRINT PRINT " Winmaterial-the player to move can win PRINT " material in the given number of moves. PRINT PRINT " Queening-either a pawn can reach the PRINT " 8th rank and can be promoted OR the PRINT " the threat of promoting a pawn can be PRINT " used to win material. PRINT PRINT " Draw-there is a drawing combination. PRINT PRINT " 4mover-there is a combination in 4 moves PRINT PRINT " 1mover-there is a combination in 1 move PRINT " This section is suggested for starting PRINT " chessplayers. PRINT INPUT" HIT RETURN KEY TO CONTINUE";a CLS PRINT PRINT " You will then be asked what time limit PRINT " you wish to select. The options are PRINT " (1) 5 minutes PRINT " (2) 15 minutes PRINT " (3) 30 minutes PRINT " (4) 90 minutes PRINT " (5) 5 hours PRINT PRINT " After you have selected one, the above PRINT " 3 windows will appear on the screen. PRINT " A chessboard will appear,black squares PRINT " will appear as green, white squares will PRINT " appear as orange. PRINT PRINT " The first position will appear on the PRINT " screen, with different symbols PRINT " representing different chess pieces. PRINT " The text window will show whether it is PRINT " white to move or black to move. PRINT INPUT" HIT RETURN KEY TO CONTINUE";a CLS PRINT PRINT " To make your move, move the mouse arrow PRINT " over the piece you want to move and PRINT " click the left button once. PRINT " The co-ordinates of the square you have PRINT " clicked on will be displayed in the text PRINT " window. Then click the left mouse button PRINT " on the square you move the piece to. PRINT " Again, the co-ordinates will be displayed PRINT " in the text window. For more on the PRINT " co-ordinates, read chess notation. PRINT PRINT " If your answer was correct,the word PRINT " correct will appear in the text window PRINT " and the next position will appear on PRINT " the screen and one will be added to your PRINT " score. Your current score and the number PRINT " of questions you have attempted will be PRINT " displayed in the score window. PRINT INPUT" HIT RETURN KEY TO CONTINUE";a CLS PRINT PRINT " If your answer was incorrect,the word PRINT " incorrect will appear in the text window. PRINT " You will not advance to the next position PRINT " until you have the correct answer! PRINT PRINT " If you then find the correct answer PRINT " you will progress to the next question, PRINT " but you will only score for that question PRINT " if your first attempt was correct. PRINT PRINT " You have the option to pass by double PRINT " clicking on the a1 square. For those PRINT " unfamiliar with algebraic notation PRINT " this is the bottom left hand square. PRINT " This will introduce the next position PRINT " ,but of course you will not score. PRINT INPUT" HIT RETURN KEY TO CONTINUE";a CLS PRINT PRINT " When your time has run out, or when PRINT " you have done all the positions a message PRINT " will be displayed asking whether you want PRINT " to enter your result in the Hall of Fame. PRINT " If not, you will return to the start of PRINT " the program. PRINT " If yes, you enter your name, then the PRINT " score and the question type will be PRINT " answered. PRINT " The hall of fame will then be displayed PRINT " then you will be returned to the start PRINT " of the program. PRINT PRINT "To leave the program select quit. COLOR 0,1 PRINT " Select another menu item. PRINT " To start, select tutor. RETURN scoring: CLS PALETTE 0, 0, 0.3, 0 PAINT(1,1),0 COLOR 1,0 PRINT PRINT " While you are solving a section of PRINT " questions you current score will be PRINT " displayed in the score window. The PRINT " number of questions you have got correct PRINT " on your first attempt and the total PRINT " number of questions will be shown. PRINT " When you have finished, a modified total PRINT " total score will be shown. The faster PRINT " the time limit and the more moves deep PRINT " the questions are, the more the weighting PRINT " Weightings are as follows; PRINT " time-score*15/number of minutes chosen PRINT " 1 move deep -score*1 PRINT " 2 moves deep-score*1.5 PRINT " 3 moves deep-score*2 PRINT " 4 moves deep-score*2.5 PRINT " Theoretically, the highest score could PRINT " be gained with a 4mover with a 5 PRINT " minute time limit. You will tend to score PRINT " higher with the faster time-limits. PRINT INPUT" HIT RETURN KEY TO CONTINUE";a CLS PRINT PRINT " After finishing a section of questions PRINT " you will be asked if you wish to enter PRINT " the score in the hall of fame. PRINT " The score will only be entered if it PRINT " is higher than the existing high score PRINT " for that section. Only the top score PRINT " for each section of questions will be PRINT " displayed. In some sections it will be PRINT " easier to achieve a high score. PRINT " You can use these scores as an incentive PRINT " to improve upon your own scores. PRINT PRINT " You may wish to reset all the high PRINT " scores to zero, for example, if you PRINT " copy the disk. PRINT PRINT " Wish to reset high scores? PRINT " Answer y and press return key to reset PRINT " or press return key to continue. INPUT " Answer ";a$ IF a$="y" THEN OPEN "hall" FOR OUTPUT AS 1 FOR x=1 TO 20 PRINT #1,0 PRINT #1,"" NEXT CLOSE PRINT " High scores have been reset. END IF COLOR 0,1 PRINT " Select another menu item. PRINT " To start, select tutor. RETURN hints: CLS PALETTE 0, 0, 0.7, 0 PAINT(1,1),0 COLOR 2,0 PRINT " HINTS PRINT PRINT " The range and type of question varies PRINT " considerably. If you are racing against PRINT " time it may pay to pass on some questions. PRINT " For all categories of questions it will PRINT " pay to examine all forcing moves, PRINT " especially checks and captures. PRINT " Some positions will be able to be PRINT " solved by trial and error. PRINT " In a few positions there will be PRINT " more than one correct answer. PRINT " In these cases only one correct move will PRINT " be the right answer! PRINT " Questions will get much easier with PRINT " practice, which is the idea of chesstutor. PRINT " In sections involving answers of more PRINT " than 1 move deep, often there are PRINT " the position is continued, following PRINT " a plausible reply by the opponent. PRINT COLOR 0,1 PRINT " Select another menu item. PRINT " To start, select tutor. RETURN checkmate: CLS PALETTE 0, 0,0.7, 0 PAINT(1,1),0 COLOR 2,0 PRINT PRINT " In the checkmate questions it is essential PRINT " to examine all checks. It is important PRINT " to find the best defence by the defender. PRINT " Sometimes sacrifice of a piece will lead PRINT " to mate. PRINT COLOR 0,1 PRINT " Select another menu item. PRINT " To start, select tutor. RETURN unstop: CLS PALETTE 0, 0, 0.7, 0 PAINT(1,1),0 COLOR 2,0 PRINT PRINT " In the unstoppable mate questions PRINT " you are aiming to threaten a mate that PRINT " cannot be stopped. One or more, but not PRINT " all your moves can be checks. Be careful PRINT " that the opponent cannot escape the PRINT " mate with a check. PRINT COLOR 0,1 PRINT " Select another menu item. PRINT " To start, select tutor. RETURN winmaterial: CLS PALETTE 0, 0, 0.7, 0 PAINT(1,1),0 COLOR 2,0 PRINT PRINT " In the winning material questions you PRINT " may win a piece or a pawn for nothing, PRINT " or you may make a favourale exchange. PRINT " To help to know whether a favourable PRINT " exchange has been made or not the PRINT " following scale of values may be useful. PRINT " These are based roughly on the average PRINT " mobility of each type of piece. PRINT " pawn -1 PRINT " knight -3 PRINT " bishop -3 PRINT " rook -5 PRINT " queen -9 PRINT " king -1000 PRINT " The value of the king can be as high as PRINT " you like, its just that I do not have an PRINT " infinity key on my keyboard. PRINT " For example if you lost a bishop, but won PRINT " a rook, you have made a gain of 2 points. PRINT " (+5-3=2) INPUT" HIT RETURN KEY TO CONTINUE";a CLS PRINT PRINT " Material is often won(and lost) by one PRINT " of the following tactical devices. PRINT PRINT " Fork -2 pieces are attacked simultaneously PRINT " If one moves away you capture the other. PRINT PRINT " Pin -a piece cannot move without leaving PRINT " the king in check or a powerful piece PRINT " like the queen exposed. A pinned piece PRINT " is vulnerable to attack as it cannot PRINT " escape. PRINT PRINT " Skewer -2 pieces on the same line are PRINT " attacked. The front one moves away leaving PRINT " the rear one exposed. PRINT PRINT " Net- A piece has no safe squares to move PRINT " to, so is vulnerable to attack. Checkmate PRINT " is a kind of net. PRINT INPUT" HIT RETURN KEY TO CONTINUE";a CLS PRINT PRINT " Discovery -One piece moves, opening up PRINT " an attack by a second piece. The second PRINT " piece must be a piece which moves along PRINT " a line i.e.a queen, rook or bishop. PRINT PRINT " Tie -A piece has the task of defending PRINT " something, so if it moves something PRINT " has to give, hence it is vulnerable PRINT " to attack. PRINT PRINT " There are other kinds of combinations. PRINT " For more about combinations, it is PRINT " suggested to read a good chess book. PRINT COLOR 0,1 PRINT " Select another menu item. PRINT " To start, select tutor. RETURN queening: PALETTE 0, 0, 0.7, 0 PAINT(1,1),0 COLOR 2,0 CLS PRINT PRINT " In the queening questions, either the pawn PRINT " will be promoted outright or the threat PRINT " of queening will win material. PRINT " Sometimes a defender will be needed to PRINT " be driven away or decoyed. PRINT COLOR 0,1 PRINT " Select another menu item. PRINT " To start, select tutor. RETURN draw: CLS PALETTE 0, 0, 0.7, 0 PAINT(1,1),0 COLOR 2,0 PRINT PRINT " In the draw questions you will attempt PRINT " to find a draw by perpetual check or PRINT " to create stalemate. There will be a PRINT " number of questions involving perpetual PRINT " check followed by a number involving PRINT " stalemate. PRINT PRINT " Of course, normally you would not create PRINT " stalemate when material ahead, but PRINT " here the answer is not the best move. PRINT " It is simply a way of learning PRINT " stalemate positions. PRINT COLOR 0,1 PRINT " Select another menu item. PRINT " To start, select tutor. RETURN 4 mover: CLS PALETTE 0, 0, 0.7, 0 PAINT(1,1),0 COLOR 2,0 PRINT PRINT " In the 4mover you will attempt to mate PRINT " in 4 moves. In some of the final PRINT " questions you will win material in PRINT " 4 moves. PRINT COLOR 0,1 PRINT " Select another menu item. PRINT " To start, select tutor. RETURN about: CLS PAINT(1,1),1 COLOR 2,1 PRINT PRINT " Copyright 1989 W.Jordan PRINT " Chess tutor was written by PRINT " William Jordan PRINT " Australian national chess master PRINT PRINT " If you enjoyed this program PRINT " then send $20(suggested amount) to PRINT " P.O.Box 136, Fitzroy, 3065 PRINT " I will be happy to answer any questions PRINT " or suggestions. PRINT PRINT " Other programs under construction are PRINT " a chess database(store many games!) PRINT " annotated master games PRINT " and many more positions. PRINT COLOR 0,1 PRINT " Select another menu item. PRINT " To start, select tutor. " RETURN chessrules: CLS PALETTE 0, 0, 0, 0.7 PAINT(1,1),0 COLOR 1,0 PRINT PRINT " There are many excellent begginners PRINT " books on chess, so only a brief PRINT " summary will be given here. PRINT " They will act as a revision, rather PRINT " than being completely comphrehensive. PRINT PRINT " There are 6 types of pieces, each with PRINT " their own unique moves. PRINT PRINT " Rooks move horizontally or vertically PRINT " any number of squares. PRINT PRINT " Bishops move diagonally PRINT " any number of squares. PRINT PRINT " Queens combine the moves of rooks PRINT " and bishops. PRINT PRINT " A king moves 1 square in any PRINT " direction. PRINT INPUT" HIT RETURN KEY TO CONTINUE";a CLS PRINT PRINT " A pawn moves 1 square forward. PRINT " A pawn has the option to move 2 PRINT " squares on its first move. PRINT PRINT " A knight moves in an L-shape. PRINT PRINT " All pieces except the pawn can move PRINT " backwards or sideways. PRINT PRINT " The knight is the only piece that can jump. PRINT PRINT " When the king is under attack it is said PRINT " to be in check. PRINT " The king must escape check immediately by: PRINT " (1) Capturing the checking piece PRINT " (2) Moving to a safe square PRINT " (3) Blocking the check PRINT " The latter can only be done if the PRINT " checking piece is a queen, rook or bishop. PRINT INPUT" HIT RETURN KEY TO CONTINUE";a CLS PRINT PRINT " If the king cannot ecape check, then PRINT " it is checkmate and the game is over. PRINT PRINT " When a pawn reaches the end of the PRINT " board, it may promote to any piece PRINT " except a king. PRINT PRINT " Additional rules include castling, PRINT " pawn en passant captures and ways PRINT " to draw a game. PRINT COLOR 0,1 PRINT " Select another menu item. PRINT " To start, select tutor. RETURN chessclocks: CLS PALETTE 0, 0, 0, 0.7 PAINT(1,1),0 COLOR 1,0 PRINT PRINT " In competition chess chess clocks PRINT " are generally used to set time limits PRINT " for each players. Before these were PRINT " introduced into world championship play PRINT " last century, games became a matter of PRINT " who could sit there the longest. Even PRINT " in friendly games, chess clocks can be PRINT " an asset. PRINT PRINT " At the start of each section of questions PRINT " you have the choice of which time limit PRINT " to use. The correspondence option PRINT " (which is an arbitrary 5 hours) is PRINT " is an option with no time limit, if PRINT " if you would like to attempt the questions PRINT " without the pressure of time. PRINT INPUT" HIT RETURN KEY TO CONTINUE";a CLS PRINT PRINT " 40 moves in 90 minutes is one of the PRINT " standard time limits for competition PRINT " chess so 90 minutes is one option. PRINT PRINT " 30 minutes for each player is the time PRINT " limit of an allegro game. 15 minutes is PRINT " the time limit for a skittles game. PRINT " 5 minutes is the time limit for a PRINT " lightning game. If you wish to try for PRINT " a high score, use a faster time limit. PRINT " Use a slow time limit if want to get PRINT " through all the questions in a section. PRINT " There are approximately 30-80 questions PRINT " in a section. PRINT COLOR 0,1 PRINT " Select another menu item. PRINT " To start, select tutor. RETURN notation: CLS PALETTE 0, 0, 0, 0.7 PAINT(1,1),0 COLOR 1,0 PRINT PRINT " Chess notation is the method in which PRINT " chess moves are recorded in writing. PRINT " There are different kinds of chess PRINT " notation. The most common type, which is PRINT " also used internationally is algebraic PRINT " notation. When you choose a move in the PRINT " program, the algebraic notation for the PRINT " starting and destination squares of the PRINT " piece you have chosen to move is shown PRINT " in the question window. PRINT PRINT " The chessboard can be divided into 8 PRINT " files(columns) and 8 ranks(rows). In PRINT " algebraic notation the files are each PRINT " given a letter. From the left, they are PRINT " a-h. Ranks are given a number, from the PRINT " bottom 1-8. Every square of the PRINT " chessboard has a unique name formed of PRINT " 2 characters, a letter(a-h) followed PRINT " by a number(1-8). The first shows PRINT " the file and the second the rank. INPUT" HIT RETURN KEY TO CONTINUE";a CLS PRINT PRINT " There are several different ways in PRINT " which this can be used to show moves, PRINT " but in this program moves are shown by PRINT " showing the starting and destination PRINT " squares of a piece. PRINT COLOR 0,1 PRINT " Select another menu item. PRINT " To start, select tutor. RETURN tutor: RUN "chesstutor" RETURN break2: RETURN