Section: User Commands (1)
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SonixPeek - lists instruments in Aegis Sonix scores  


SonixPeek {-h} {-i} {-n} {-ofile} {-xdirectory} file ...  


SonixPeek is a utility designed to make it easier to move score files from the Aegis Sonix music package from one disk to another. The problem arises because a single Sonix score can use many different instruments, and all of these instruments must be moved along with the score file to the new disk.

The filename you give SonixPeek should be the name of a Sonix score file. If you don't specify any additional options, it just scans that file building a list of all the instruments found, and then outputs this list to the screen.

If you specify a directory instead of a file, then SonixPeek scans all the score files in that directory, building a list of instruments in each file. When it's finished, it outputs this list, minus duplicates. This lets you see the minimum set of instruments you need to have available to play all of those scores.

You can include more than one file and/or directory on the command line. In this case, all the files and directories included are scanned.

SonixPeek has a number of options which can be used to alter its behaviour. These are as follows:

-h@ @ Normally, SonixPeek outputs a header at the start of the list of instruments, showing which files the instruments come from. This option stops the header from being printed.

-i@ @ This option makes SonixPeek prompt you for confirmation for each score file it finds, before including its instruments in the instrument list. This is useful if you have a directory containing a large number of score files, and you want to find out the instruments in about half of them, since it saves you having to type each name out seperately.

-n@ @ SonixPeek normally prints out a list of files scanned and instruments found as it is building the main instrument list (unless only a single file was specified on the command line). This option suppresses the list.

-oF@ This option makes SonixPeek output the final list of instruments to the file F, rather than standard output. This provides an alternative to redirecting standard output with >F. There is a small difference between the two however - the list of files mentioned in the discussion of -n is always sent to standard output, so using -o has no effect on it.

-xD@ This option can be used to help simplify moving the instruments for a set of scores to another disk. When specified, SonixPeek outputs a script file suitable for use with AmigaDOS's EXECUTE command. This script file copies all the instruments for the files scanned to directory D. Before executing the script file, you should change your current directory to the directory where all the instrument files are stored.

You can get a brief summary of the options available by invoking SonixPeek with no parameters. CTRL-C can be used to abort SonixPeek at any time.  


There is one small problem with the automatic script file facility. Aegis Sonix supports two kinds of instruments, synthesised and sampled. Both types are stored in a .instr file, but sampled instruments also have an associated .ss file. Since SonixPeek has no way of knowing whether a given instrument is sampled or synthesised, it doesn't know whether there is a .ss file that needs to be copied.

The solution is less than elegant but it works; SonixPeek assumes that ALL instruments have a .ss file, and sets the failat level for the script file such that any copy commands which fail don't make the script file abort. The only alternative to this would be to allow an instrument directory to be specified as an option, and it would then be possible to determine what type each instrument was. This seems too much like hard work :-)  


Eddy Carroll
The Old Rectory,
Delgany, Co. Wicklow,





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