CONTENTS of this DISK This disk contains the V22-3D release of AnalytiCalc, which is arguably the most powerful spreadsheet available for Amiga, with many features not available on any commercial spreadsheets at any price in addition to very complete normal functions. Its user interface is somewhat PC flavored, and it requires some care to set up and use, but is a powerful and useful tool when set up correctly. Fit in 512K is questionable, and interlace screen is required, as is AmigaDos 1.2 or later. Due to the large volume of material, most material here is archived so the distribution can be made on one disk. README.1ST Information on set-up SETUP.DOC How to build a working AnalytiCalc disk from this distribution AnalyUtilSrc.Arc Sources to AnalytiCalc utilities for doing character graphics, conversion to and from DIF format. AnalyUtilExe.Arc Executables of the "auxiliary utilities" for the AnalytiCalc spreadsheet. These are the character graphic routine and the DIF format to/from AnalytiCalc save format conversion program. [Ed note: This file was included from a disk supplied seperately by the author. -Fred] DocAddendum.Txt Late features and functions not described in the manual in AnalyDocuments.Arc ReadMe.Now More information on setup. Please read prior to use. AnalyReleaseNote.Arc Release notes and instructions for AnalytiCalc spreadsheet version V22-3D AnalyDocuments.Arc Documents describing how to use AnalytiCalc, plus a "cheat sheet" giving function syntax and commands list in brief form. AnalyKeypad.Arc Files needed to use function keys for commands, plus the help file needed. These should be in the same area with AnalytiCalc or in an area assigned to DK: in order to be used. AnalytiCalc Directory containing AnalytiCalc executable plus templates for a project planner system done in AnalytiCalc. [Ed note: I have archived the contents of this directory into AnalytiCalc.Arc, which is available instead. See the note in README.fnf. Sorry for any inconvenience. -Fred] AnalySources.Arc All source code needed to create AnalytiCalc, plus command files showing the compiler switches used. Arc Archive / Dearchive utility, needed to extract files from the many .ARC files here. Type ARC ? for help on usage. [Ed note: I have removed this for the reasons outlined in README.fnf. -Fred] Abstract.Txt Abstract of AnalytiCalc spreadsheet. This material is my work and may be freely distributed by Fred Fish and others, as described by license.txt in some of the archives. This distribution violates NO licensing restrictions whatever and may be done ad nauseam anywhere at all. Derivative works are permitted also, provided they are likewise freely available. Glenn C. Everhart