Open Letter

If you have attempted to send Above the Timber an email at any time since September 1998 and received no response . . . sorry!!!  Above the Timber has been offline for the last thirteen months.  An attempt was made to retrieve the messages, but the host server crashed losing most messages then for a separate reason subsequent messages were either refused or not stored.

Why, you ask?  Above the Timber is located off the grid: no power lines, no phone lines.   While it was anticipated to be offline for a month following the move from Fort Collins, the onset of winter, problems with: solar panels, the backup generator, cellular phone, etc. caused the months to add up.  From Above the Timber's point of view, everything to do with the World Wide Web is an experiment, and has very little to do with success or failure.  Little of Above the Timber's revenue comes from the web, so resolving the technical issues, that prevented internet access and hence email, were a low priority.

A related question might be, would Above the Timber move from 21st century Fort Collins to "one horse" Buena Vista, if the choice could be made with "20-20 hindsight"?  The simple answer is "in a heartbeat"!

Obviously, now that you can read this letter and see the recent updates to Above the Timber's website, the offline phase is history.  It is now time to chip away at the promises for website improvement.

Please send your emails with suggestions.  Your Fourteener Photos for would be most welcome.

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Copyright � 2000 Above the Timber • Last modified: March 30, 2000