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AXS contains an easy to use graphical user interface (GUI). Like any GUI, you control it by moving the mouse and clicking on items like scrollbars, buttons, LED's etc. Below is a summary of the GUI items used in AXS and how they work.

Item Name Description
LED A LED can be ON or OFF. You can toggle its value by clicking on the LED. Clicking somewhat to the right of the LED will also work. Some LEDs are indicators only; clicking on them will have no effect.
Button Press the button by clicking on it with the left mouse button (LMB). When going through large lists, ie. when selecting a preset, holding the [SHIFT] key on your keyboard will cause larger steps to be taken.
Knob To rotate a knob, click on it with LMB, hold it (do not release LMB) and move the mouse to the left or right. To stop rotating, release LMB. To quickly set a knob at its minimum/half-way/maximum position, press RMB on the left/middle/right of the button.
To make precise adjustments to a knob, press and hold the [SHIFT] key before rotating the knob.
Fader To move a fader click on it with LMB, hold LMB and move the mouse up or down. To quickly set a fader at its minimum/middle/maximum position click RMB in the lower/middle/upper part of the fader. To make precise adjustments to a fader, press and hold the [SHIFT] key before moving the fader.
Dragbar Dragbars are used for the file selector and the inline help pages. To move a dragbar, press and hold LMB on the moveable part of the dragbar. To stop dragging, release LMB. If the dragbar is complete filled up it means all data is already shown and scrolling is not possible.

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